A Truly Wonderful Canadian 1937 Matte Specimen Set

I own this Canadian 1937 matte specimen set and the coins are wonderful, in my opinion. The silver pieces match and I believe this was an original set that was sent to PCGS together as they reside in sequential OGHs. The matte sets are much more plentiful than the mirror sets, but does anyone have a mirror set that they might share?

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'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
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I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Yours aren't too bad either, bidask.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Do you have the original box the set came in?
And so is the mirrored set- great images of both sets
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I have owned this set for about 5 years. Clearly it is superior.
I have never participated in the set registry for any of my coins.
I suspect that there are other collectors who own great coins but also do not participate in the set registry.
Just goes to show that what you see on the PCGS set registry may not be the best coins.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I'd bet on that one.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Ya think?
I'd bet on that one.
What is it you want to bet on ? ??
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I suspect 7Jaguars agrees with you-
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
So, I agree, not too touchy there BA?
BTW, I do sometimes laugh at the Registry sets when it comes to British late milled as there are so many superior coins not entered, might even know of a few of those....
Well, just Love coins, period.
My point is that when it comes to "Darkside", there are many coins not slabbed or on Registry sets.
So, I agree, not too touchy there BA?
Yes perhaps! ??
BTW, I do sometimes laugh at the Registry sets when it comes to British late milled as there are so many superior coins not entered, might even know of a few of those....
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Nice sets guys
First time I have ever seen the brightly struck set
I looked at the PCGS set registry for the 1937 Canada mirror set. The number one set has been number one for several years.
I have owned this set for about 5 years. Clearly it is superior.
I have never participated in the set registry for any of my coins.
I suspect that there are other collectors who own great coins but also do not participate in the set registry.
Just goes to show that what you see on the PCGS set registry may not be the best coins.
And yet, you'd be surprised of the effect they have on collectors.
(Full disclosure: I too have never participated in any registry set, nor do I intend to, even in the ones created for fun by NGC)
I had recently listed a 1901 Straights Settlements 5 cents, PCGS MS65. I had bought the coin raw, and gave it a 66 in my mind, but I hadn't used a loupe,a mistake with a 15-16 mm diameter coin, and yet I'd still buy it at my buyprice, even if I had seen these tiny defects.
The coin graded MS65 and was the second finest with only one at 66 and no other at 65.The image below does not show the amazing underlying luster on the coin.
Coin was listed with a BIN and best offer option.
First day, I receive a question, that said among others
.....do you also own the MS66? I'd be willing to pay $$$ for it.....
It took me a few minutes to realize what the guy was asking. So I've replied to him to make sure I got it right:
Are you making me an offer on a coin that's NOT listed, and that I do not happen to own, an offer completely sight unseen since you haven't even seen a picture of it, you only know of its existence from the pop reports, and that you do not even know if it will ever go for sale, let alone if it will be of your liking?
Yes, that was indeed his question..
In which, he had put the amount that he'd be willing to pay for the 66, as well as the price for my coin (well thought, because he would have been declined automatically if he had tried the best offer), and his X offer for mine was becoming X+50% for the sight unseen ,sound unheard 66..... Where do you begin with such a guy?
Anyway, after a few exchanges and some serious bargaining, he ended up buying my coin, only because his final offer was equal to another guy's offer, but without the ebay fees and I was in a kind of a hurry to sell it.
When he received it, he was very pleased, he sent me a thank you email along with links to his collection, registered in both NGC and PCGS sets, clearly with a low rate of completion in both, but with the highest grade average on the coins that he had. As it turns out, he also collected banknotes from all these regions that now belong to Malaysia,( Straights Settlements, British North Borneo, Sarawak, etc) it too an extremely quality oriented collection, and in a region where nothing is cheap in these two hobbies.
I was impressed ,no doubt about it and I've let him know about it. But after seeing bidask's post, I couldn't resist posting my initial reaction, to the mere realization that such collectors exist and are truly paying or are willing to pay extreme amounts for everything with "top pop" stuck to it....
Beautiful sets. The Canadian reverses are so iconic.
I'm not much into Canadian, but damn, both are fabulous sets! Iconic indeed.
Really awesome!!!!
Great coins all.
@TomB Looks like all your images disappeared. Based on the comments, I'd love it if you would at some point in time repost the coins. I'd really like to see them! Thanks!
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Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.