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WTB Raw U.S. Notes, Large and Small up to the 1960's

mainejoemainejoe Posts: 313 ✭✭✭
edited October 24, 2016 10:53AM in Buy, Sell & Trade - Currency
I am looking for raw low(er) end notes (up to VF) from the 1800's to the 1960's. Currently looking for low(er) end small notes from 1928 to 1963, red seal (USN), blue seal (S/C), $1 funny backs, $2 and $5 reds, $5 and $10 silver certificates, 1928 series FRN. I will consider most anything you may have for offer. I am not in need of 1935 series $1 silver certificates or rags (ripped, corners missing, etc.. Large size notes are always a consideration. Look through what you may have and shoot me a PM, include some pictures if possible, or a general description. Thank you in advance.


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