Few finds from the past week

Got out for a few minutes here and there over the past week. Nothing great, but a few neat things.
Probable Tombac button
musket ball (not sure of age. Was found in a field with a bunch of newer objects, so may not be old)
part of a catholic charm
pewter spoon fragment - probable 1700s
1918 wheat cent
1902 IHC that was shot!
HH all!

Probable Tombac button
musket ball (not sure of age. Was found in a field with a bunch of newer objects, so may not be old)
part of a catholic charm
pewter spoon fragment - probable 1700s
1918 wheat cent
1902 IHC that was shot!
HH all!

but perhaps what is was shot with and the range could explain the effect. Interesting.....
Cheers, RickO
If found nearby maybe the musket ball was used to shoot the IHC!