Was the underbidder (lost) on this 1869 Seated Dollar in recent Heritage sale, bough it yesterday at

My thesis is proving itself right over and over again (search the Forums if you missed my POV on buying at big auctions). This coin hammered for $940 recently on Heritage, I bought it yesterday for $875.
Heritage link: 1869 Seated Dollar OGH AU50
Heritage link: 1869 Seated Dollar OGH AU50

Great coin and congratulations.
Potentially good grist for the Forum Mill on limited sample size, coin grade, holder, hot and cool parts of the market, bifurcation, and more ad infinitum, but I do think this is a representative example and argument that I am seeing as well at shows and B&M shops.
My passion is not dimming, but the reality of the hobby is not escaping me either. I just do not see the same collecting vitality I saw when I started filling Danscos 20 years ago. I will remain an optimist, but I also see the point of this thread, and it brings up a very accurate picture of at least SOME of today's market.
I look forward to more discussion on this . .
Under-bidders get caught up in bidding too. They often realize they got carried away at the sale and then don't bother showing up when the same or similar coins show up. No one likes to leave the auction a "loser." Yet quite often, those who don't end up winning lots (or don't even show up), end up the real "winners." I can list a number of big raw coin auctions that I attended where I wish I never even showed up.
Resurrecting an old thread. IMO saving $65 less shipping is nothing to write home about. It is blast white and probably overgrazed/entombed so the purchase may not be entirely well founded. Just my opinion maybe others will comment.
I see this a very old thread, but it proves I theory I have.
Some people can't read images for s***, think the OGH is a golden ticket, and don't get original surfaces (much less the negative eye appeal sometimes associated with large field divots). Therefore, this was a "bargain".
Honestly, I wouldn't give you $875. for that today.
my 2c ... YMMV
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Yup, that’s me.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
Wife was in the same room this time telling him Don't you dare get another one.
The EIGHT you have cost her shoes
With current bid at $1100, I'd take a shot at $950, sight unseen.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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