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Hobo Nickel Style Hand Carved 25-Piece Puzzle Coin made from 5 oz. Silver ATB Quarter - AMAZING!!!

illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
This coin is just too cool not to share here on the forum. Check this out and the story behind the creation of this masterpiece is a great one:





I also shot an HD Video of this coin and posted it on YouTube at the following link:

YouTube HD Video Link - be sure to change the settings to 1080p

This amazing piece of numismatic art was the idea of a fellow coin club member and friend of mine, Don Berry. First, Don had a 2011 Gettysburg America the Beautiful 5 oz. Silver Bullion Quarter hand cut into a 25-piece puzzle by another friend of mine who cuts coins into puzzles. You may have seen some of his work in my "Virtual Bourse" posts over on the BST after the Long Beach shows.

Don then sent the individual puzzle pieces to fellow artists and carvers of hobo nickels. The artists who participated in this project were located all over the World and most carved their pieces of the puzzle without knowing what the other pieces would ultimately look like. Of course, as you can see in the finished project, some of the artists who obtained adjoining pieces obviously collaborated in their designs.

Over the period of several months, the individual pieces of this puzzle coin were carved by the following artists: Pedro Villarrubia, Blanca De La Hoz, Joe Paonessa, James Boudreau, Sean Bennington, John Schipp, Mike Lyness, Ben Proctor, Will Clark, Matthew Hagermann, Simone Cervellati, Jay DeBoer, Robbie Morris, Shane Hunter, Barb Hunter, Adam Leech, Lou Acker, Don Berry, David Raymond, Paolo Curcio, Jared Eason, Chris DeFlorentis, Harry Caldwell IV.

The artists were united in their efforts on this project with the goal of supporting their friend and fellow artist, Andy Gonzales. Andy has Lyme disease and the medical expenses associated with that have been substantial. Don came up with the idea of bringing together his fellow coin carvers on this project to help raise some money for Andy and his family. All proceeds of the auction of this amazing puzzle coin will go to the Gonzales Family to help them with medical expenses.

To be clear, I will be auctioning this piece, but 100% of the proceeds are going to the Gonzales family to help them with their medical expenses so I felt it would be acceptable to post this amazing piece of art here on the regular forum instead of the BST. Mostly, I just wanted to be able to share this awesome coin with you all and knew many of you would miss it if I didn't post it here.

Larger photos of this puzzle coin and close-up photos of the individual pieces are on my website for those of you interested in a closer look. I'll also have this in my case at the upcoming show in Buena Park on March 12-13 for those of you in Southern California who wish to see this thing in hand!



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