With 10 seconds left Im still the high bidder at $120...

My heart is racing! Very very exciting! I'm going to join the LOW# club and of course BOOOM I get BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER!! ($670) I was hoping this would slip through the cracks. It has it all for me. A perfect 10. Serial number 10. On a $10. 10th district. Binary not only with a big J, but John too!! Great condition. Older note. Man I still like this sexy note!

Dad 1916-2014
my want list: www.CoolSerialNumbers.com/wanted.aspx
my notes for sale: www.CoolSerialNumbers.com/forsale.aspx
5$ bills are WOW with the numbers - wanted:
Wanted - Flipper notes with the numbers 6-9 or 0-6-9 ON 1$ 2$ 5$ 10$ 20$
Wanted - 10$ Sereis 2013 - fancy Serial Numbers
what a pair that would be!