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Wiffle Ball discs

(updated Aug 17th now that I can type normally again with corrections).

NEW INFO for wiffle ball card collectors out there ?

After direct communication with Wiffle Corp. I can now say that the inserted discs are 1978 issue and the cards printed on the packages are from 1979.

According to the Std catalog the cards were 80 different players in the "1977 set" (which we now know is 1978) . They were die punched and inserted into wiffle ball boxes in 1978. The backs of the cards say "WIFFLE Sports spectactuar collectors series limited edition MSA" I agree with this listing and I have all 80 of these discs.

The 77 cards are easily identified since they have no border around the circumference of the card. The backgrounds come in 6 different colors (pale yellow, yellow, pale orange, orange, pale purple and purple) Each player comes in only one of the colors, i.e Schmidt is pale purple, Ryan is purple, Rice is pale yellow and Brett is yellow.

The std catalog is incorrect on their listing for the "1978" cards. We now know these were from 1979. They list 88 cards because that's what is says on the display box packaging, but in fact there are only 60 printed on the boxes with backside printing. There are other players printed on the display boxes and on what they call "sleeves that held one ball and one bat, but these are blank backed and do not have anything written on the backs. In addition they are easily recognized on the front because they have a thick black border around the circumference. I do not think they should be part of the set.

The 1979 card were printed on the boxes two facing in and 3 facing out. There are 12 known boxes so that comes to 60 cards. The same pics are used as in the 77 series. 52 of the players are repeated and 8 players are new ( Candelaria, Cardenal, Joshua, North, Rodriguez, Spencer, Wynegar Stennett) . The 52 repeat players are in a different color than the 78 discs and they are easily recognized by the thick black dotted line around the circumference of the discs. The backs are also different from the 77 discs.

There are also 28 players printed on sleeves or what Wiffle calls "headers" that were used to hold one ball and 1 bat together in store displays. I consider these separate sets since the backs are blank on he sleeve discs.

I have had the 1978 discs come back from PSA labeled both "1976 Wiffle discs" and "1977 wiffle discs" and "1978 wiffle discs" . Only the 1978 description is correct. PSA has been informed of this new information. Composites for registry player sets will all have to be changed to reflect these new facts. i.e the Schmidt, Brett, Rose, Ryan etc. Master sets should have NO entries for 1976 Wiffle Ball but should have entries for 1978 and 1978 Wiffle ball discs.

They had a listing in the pop report called "wiffle box - side discs - hand cut " but it says "no longer graded" I think this referred to the square cut box panel. I have submitted other 1979s for grading. We will see what happens.


There is no 1976 or 1977 set

the 1978 set is composed of 80 players and are borderless. The listing in Std Catalog called the 1977 set is correct for 1978 and has 80 players.

the 1979 set is 60 players and has a thick black dotted line around the circumference. A separate grouping of 28 appeared on bat/ball combo packaging and were blank backed (and always folded through the discs due to the packaging format).

Each player in the 1978 set was only printed in 1 color, each player in the 1979 set of 60 was only printed in 1 color and are all different from the 1978 colors.

14 of the 28 "sleeve discs" were printed in 1 color and the remaining 14 were printed in 2 colors .

Many of the Wiffle ball discs graded by PSA appear to be incorrectly labeled as 1976 and 1977.



  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Three things...

    (1) It would help the reader (us), that as you vent, you hit the return key once in a while to form paragraphs...your rant is hard to absorb.

    (2) Nobody reading this has the authority to correct whatever you're writing about. Cosetta Robbins at PSA is the lady you need to contact if you feel your crusade so worthy. She is the Registry Manager and a very nice lady to work with.

    (3) Take a deep, deep breath, this ain't life or death stuff, merely pics on cardboard, no more, no less.

  • bobsbbcardsbobsbbcards Posts: 3,254 ✭✭✭
    I appreciate you sharing this. I've been confused by the Wiffle "sets" for years, and this helps greatly. I agree with the previous poster about the return key, but not on the other points. Many of us are drawn to message boards to learn stuff, and you've provided some much needed information. Thanks!!!

    ("rant" with carriage returns")

    Any wiffle ball card collectors out there? I have been studying these for several years now and have concluded that PSA has made a mess in cataloging these cards. Normally PSA goes by the Standard Catalog of Baseball cards (Edited by Bob Lemke) when they define the sets for the registry. In this case, for reasons unknown, they are not doing this and have in turn labeled hundreds of cards incorrectly.

    According to the Standard Catalog for the 1977 set:

    1) There were 80 different players.

    2) They were punched out as discs and inserted into wiffle ball boxes.

    3) The backs of the cards say "WIFFLE Sports spectacular collectors series limited edition MSA" (I agree with this listing and I have all 80 of these discs)

    4) The cards are easily identified since they have no border around the circumference of the card.

    5) The backgrounds come in 6 different colors (pale yellow, yellow, pale orange, orange, pale purple and purple).

    6) Each player comes in only one of the colors (i.e Schmidt is pale purple, Ryan is purple, Rice is pale yellow, Brett is yellow, etc.).

    I have had these discs come back from PSA labeled both "1976 Wiffle Discs" and "1978 Wiffle Discs", neither of which is correct.

    Information related to the 1978 set:

    1) The 78 card were printed on the boxes--two facing in and 3 facing out.

    2) There are 12 known boxes, so that comes to 60 cards.

    3) The same pics are used as in the 77 series--52 of the players are repeats and 8 players are new (Candelaria, Cardenal, Joshua, North, Rodriguez, Spencer, Wynegar, and Stennett).

    4) The 52 repeat players are in a different color than the 77 discs, and they are easily recognized by the thick black dotted line around the circumference of the discs.

    5) The backs are also different from the 77 discs.

    The Standard Catalog is incorrect on their listing for the 78 cards. They list 88 cards, since that's what is says on the display box packaging, but in fact there are only 60 printed on the boxes with backside printing. There are other players printed on the display boxes and on what they call "sleeves" that held one ball and one bat, but these are blank backed. In addition they are easily recognized on the front, because they have a thick black border around the circumference. I do not think they should be part of the set.

    Looking at the Wiffle PSA population report, zero are listed for 1976, 38 are listed for 1977, 458 are listed for 78, and 78 also has a listing for "wiffle box - side discs - hand cut (no longer grade)" for which one Pete Rose is graded. But looking at the Wiffle registry set, there is nothing listed for either 1977 or 1978, and the set listed for 1976 lists 88 players.


    1) There is no 76 set.

    2) The 77 set is composed of 80 players which are borderless

    3) The 78 set is composed of 60 players which have a thick black dotted line around the circumference.

    4) Each player in the 77 set has only one color back.

    5) Each player in the 78 set has only one color back which is different from the 77 color.

    6) ALL wiffle ball discs graded by PSA appear to be incorrectly labeled.

    What a mess!! I am having trouble upoloading pics--can someone point me to upload instructions? I can show examples of all of these and send a complete list of players and colors to anyone who is interested.
  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    This is de ja vu all over for me. When I first "met" Bob" it was by an email I sent that looks just like the OP's here. After some lessons I learned formatting. It has not stopped Bob from correcting me about other stuff on an ongoing basis, but life is about progress.

    I found the OP's post interesting and informative, even before reading Bob's translation, but I had previous personal experience in communicating without paragraphs. Thanks to the OP for his informative post, breathless or not. And by the way, although not a frequent poster, he is an experienced collector and we can never have enough of those here.

    Darn, I should have formatted this better.
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    For up loading pics from photobucket I left click on the image, then click the copy image location icon, then click on the picture frame above the reply box, then left click on the resulting insert box, then right click to insert it.
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    MCMLV - this is not the way I wrote or loaded the info. I am having trouble uploading recently . I did not have 1 large paragraph ???

    I will try loading pics later today.

    I am in the process of corresponding with the son of the man who invented the wiffle ball in Conn. Dave Mullaney. He actually remembers punching out the first set of cards from th poster sized printed sheets for insertion into the boxes.

    We will have all this straightened out soon.

    I am loading this info here now since those with an interest in wiffle ball cards should have an input on changing / fixing the set and be able to challenge my conclusions.

    I know Cosetta well and love working with her and she knows me well from our work on the Armour coin sets.

    I will be working with her to fix this once I absorb the info coming in from Mullaney.

    This was written in 7 paragraphs. Lets see how it shows up !

    5 min later - OK it is again showing up as one paragraph can someone tell me what I am doing wrong
  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭
    I had the same problem in my first post above. Really. Bob obviously did not, so it must just be us
    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
    Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
    Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I only have one wiffle disc, so I have no dog in the fight.

    It is obvious you are an expert in the wiffle disc arena, however, it was also obvious to me as a reader that you were doing a burn over the apparent incompetence of how PSA has handled wiffle discs...thus my comment about nobody on this side of your post could assist or correct your observations of PSA's shortcomings.

    Your post belongs in Cosetta's inbox, she has the power to fix things...but, you already knew that. Send your post to her, or give her a call...you also already know she's great to work with. She even had 3 cards removed from one of my collections as I made my point with her that they did not belong in the Composition.

    Your post came over as an exasperated collector who saw glaring errors among the wiffle disc arena, thus my comment about taking a deep breath.

    As for the paragraphing...I kept clicking the "reply" link on the right, NOT at the bottom of the posts on the left till the pop-up box came up which allows for the "preview" link to come up...you'll know when you have the right response area...it allows you to bold, italicize, underline text in the upper bar above your text. I have no clue why sometimes only the "reply" link comes up on the left side. As you know, it used to include the preview box, but somehow it got changed.

    Good luck solving this obvious discrepancy in wiffle discs.

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Being told by collectors Universe that we now have to use html instructions till the "new software" is "fixed".

    this is from the stone age

    Not older than I am, but certainly not any way to run a chat page

    Again any wiffle collector looking for updated info on players and colors let me know. I'm certainly not going to load it into this archaic system. Will be contacting PSA soon.
  • Phil,

    I think PSA should look into utilizing expert collectors for information pertaining to sets on a more frequent basis.

    I have hated this new chat format, especially when I want to include a listing of cards. The only way I have found to actually create a list (and not a long strand of listings) is to include HTML break commands at the end of each card listing. However, you must do this each time you wish to edit the posting or it simply reverts back to the long strand.

    Good luck with the quest of having this set corrected,


    P.S. I have had to edit this posting with the HTML break commands just to get it into paragraphs to make it easier to read. What an awesome "upgrade" for the chat area!
    I only need 18 cards to complete the Don Mattingly Master collection. Help would be great!
  • firedawg45firedawg45 Posts: 1,251 ✭✭✭
    Psa operations Scott single is probably the one to contact. Cossetta won't be able to fix this. This is a operations issue not set registry
    # 2 Pete Rose Master Set , also
    collecting 1977 topps baseball in psa 9 and psa 10
  • I am actually talking to Wiffle about this now and will begin communications with PSA shortly. Thanks to several of you (not all of you) for your help...
  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,008 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Originally posted by: ArmourPhil
    I am actually talking to Wiffle about this now and will begin communications with PSA shortly. Thanks to several of you (not all of you) for your help...

    I wish you luck!

    I have tried to get PSA, including Mr. Single to "fix" a couple of problems with no success. Cosetta is a wonderful person to work with!

    1967 Punchouts; I actually got a hold of SCD and Tom Bartsch agreed that there were three variations after PSA had told me they would not allow the three cards unless it was confirmed.




    After numerous emails with PSA and then getting Tom Bartsch of SCD to confirm, the three variations were allowed. Subsequently PSA changed their minds and now allow only one of the three in the Killebrew Master set.

    Needless to say, I don't agree with the decision, but have decided to give up trying to "fix" this.

    Good luck with your attempt to get things "fixed" but don't get you hopes up. PM me if you want to hear more details.


    PS sorry, I can't seem to get this to come out in paragraph form.
    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭
    I too am totally confused on this subject ! So the 1978 set has dotted black lines around the circle ..........which makes me think these have to be hand -cut from the box .......or are they just punched out of the box ????

    Regarding my set ' The Lou Brock Master Set " ...........a revision was made months ago .........the 1976 Wiffle Discs slot was removed .........and 1977 Wiffle Discs was added ! The 1978 Wiffle Discs slot remained unchanged !

    Okay ........ so Psa move's my labeled 1976 Wiffle Discs Lou Brock to the 1978 slot .......so now I need the 1977 Wiffle Discs ( which I think is my mislabeled 1976 Discs that was moved to the 1978 slot ) ! Are you confused yet ???? But wait ........I try to do the right thing and I send in two mislabeled 1976 Wiffle Discs Lou Brock ( have a Psa 9 and a Psa 10 ) under Mechanical Error submission and mark them on the submission sheet to be changed to 1978 .......as that is where Psa moved it to ....................so I get my two Wiffle Discs back from Psa with the new Psa halograms .........and .........drum roll .........................they come back Labeled 1976 Wiffle Discs ..........total waste of my time and effort !

    I'm glad this subject was brought up , because as others have said .......the pops and labels are really messed up !

    Have not written in the new format ........so don't yell at me if it comes out messed up image
    Dave ' Robbie ' Robinson

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Hello...just updating on the wiffle ball issue.

    I have contacted SCD and sent Bartsch my evidence which I got direct from Wiffle Ball company. He agrees and will publish my article in SCD and include the revised data in the next Std Catalog.

    For anyone who wants a copy of this info send me your email and I'll forward it. My email is philgarrou@att.net

    I also sent the info to Cosetta and Priscilla. They said they will get to it after the National. The 1976 registry set is already been switched to 1978 (the real year the inserted discs came out).

    The discs that were printed on the boxes were from 1979. 12 different boxes with 5 players on each for a 60 disc total. The other 28 discs were on what Wiffle calls headers or sleeves that held one ball to one bat. (easier to describe in pics so send me your emails if interested)

    Bottom line, there were NO 1976 discs or 1977 discs. The die cut discs that most people have were inserted into boxes in 1978 and there were 80 of them. The discs printed on the boxes are from 1979 and there are 60 of them on 12 diff boxes. There were also 28 discs printed on their "header sleeves" which are blank backed. The box side discs and the header sleeve discs have thick black dotted lines around them for cutting them out.
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭
    Phil ..........Glad to hear you getting this nightmare of Wiffle Discs corrected ! We have been in contact
    by e-mail about this problem , and you were really helpful about info on the Lou Brock Wiffle Discs ! When will
    the next Std Catalog come out ???? Hopefully they get it corrected before then ! I have a question to ask you
    which I will send by e-mail ! Thanks again for your dedicated diligence in bringing this to Psa attention !
    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Great job on getting this issue sorted out. imageimage

    Here are the 1979 Wiffle "headers" or "sleeves" that Phil is talking about. One photo shows them around the wiffle bat and ball and the others are flat and unused.



    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
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    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    I do no know when the next Std catalog is coming out. They just said "it will be corrected in the next issue"
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Divecchia - yes those are the ones.

    Wiffle sent me a zerox copy of the full print sheet. The 28 players are paired up on 14 "panels" like you have shown. 7 of the panels come in one color and 7 come in two colors. I would load it here if I knew how.

  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Courtesy of Phil.

    Here is a photo of a full uncut sheet of wiffle sleeves as they appeared before being die cut and assembled into wiffle ball/bat sleeves.


    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
    Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set

    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    Lawyer please clarify what exactly is the mess. I finally feel like we have figured this out.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭


    First, I appreciate your tenacity on trying to straighten out this can of worms over Wiffle Discs!!

    I got a little lost in reading all the previous posts and would appreciate a bit of clarification...
    My understanding is that there were NO 1976 or 1977 Wiffle Discs. Good so far...

    Now the mess...I have, in a PSA holder, a 1976 (yes, I know, no 1976s) Wiffle Discs, Luis Tiant, PSA 9. Cert # 20345559, spec # 6334760830. I own the Tiant Master Set, so I'd like to get this figured out. The Tiant Master Composition still shows this card as a 1976 and no other Wiffle Discs shown in the Composition. The POP report shows only a 1979 Tiant Wiffle (I assume from your interface with Cosetta).

    My "1976" card is clean on the borders, so, is my card really a 1978 or 1979? I'm thinking it's a 1978 and the 1979 version has the black dotted lines. Correct?? Can you tell me if Tiant was in more than one version of Wiffle Discs?

    Even a bit more craziness...my POP report printout from February 16, 2016, for Tiant, indicates a 1978 Wiffle Ball Box Side, and just a month earlier, it showed as a 1976 Wiffle Discs. As mentioned above, it now just says 1979 Tiant Wiffle.

    Do you have any idea if Cosetta, or PSA intends to fix, or offer to reholder those cards incorrectly labeled as mine is? Or, do you think this is a separate issue for me to pursue with her?

    Several questions here, but I appreciate your time to get me straight on this topic. Again, congrats on the effort to put some light on this topic!

    WHAT A MESS !!!

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭


    You have it correct, but bear with me for some more details.

    Correct - there are no 1976 or 1977 wiffle discs. All of the BB card books had it wrong and thus PSA (no fault of their own) also had it wrong.

    SCD has now seen the evidence, agreed with me, and has published my article in their last issue.

    PSA has seen the evidence but has not gotten things corrected yet. At first they changed all the 1976's to 1978's which was the correct thing to do, but then when they finally understood that there were 1979's with dotted lines, they changesd all the 1978s to 1979s. If you look at the pop report now there are no 76s or 77s and there are (77) 78s and (467) 79s. (Obviously wrong, Im sure there are fewer than 50 79s ever graded. When I look up the cert numbers on my 1978s (some of which are still labeled 1976) they say 1979. Cosetta has assigned Gail Keane t eventually fix all this. Unfortunately the pop report can never be correct since they are now all mixed up.

    So what you saying about your Tiant is exactly the same as what I am saying.

    I discussed this with PSA and they asked for the exact compositions of the 1978 and 1979 sets which I gave them. They claim they will fix this after they fix "all the problems that have come up due to the new software startup".

    My assumption is that by "fix" they mean they will list both the 1978 and 1979 sets with proper set comps and if anyone sends in their 1976 or 1977s and ask for a " mechanical" i.e fix this error, they will give it to them.

    I asked about the player set compositions and again I think what I heard was "as people ask for changes we will implement" So in any given set if no one asks for the changes they will not be creating more work for themselves.

    Now back to Tiant. Your disc without dotted lines in pale orange (all the 678 and 79 discs only come in 1 color and the 78 and 79 colors are different. There is a 79 disc of Tiant. It is on a box facing out with Cedeno and Koosman and is red not orange.

    I have attached a pic for you

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Excellent response. thank you.

    I will also ask for the Composition to be adjusted for the Tiant Master Set. I have an upcoming submission, I will request a mechanical for my 1976 Tiant to a 1978 Tiant. Odd, how the card actually has 1976 printed on it!

    Now the big question...any known sources to get a 1979 Tiant?

    Thanks again!

  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭

    Okay ...................thanks to Phil's persistence in getting this Wiffle Disc nightmare corrected , I just picked up my new relabeled Lou Brock Wiffle Disc from the Post Office which arrived yesterday !
    So I can attest to the fact that PSA is listening to us and getting this fixed ! I sent scans of a full 1979 Wiffle box pictured next to my two mislabeled 1976 Lou Brock's ! I'm adding scans of that and also my new Labeled 1978 Brock's !
    As someone mentioned , many Player sets still list the 1976 slot ............which will probably remain that way until someone requests a 1978 or 1979 disc to their respective sets !
    Now I have to figure out how I'm going to hand cut my circular Disc :) ...............Robbie

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    Outstanding...glad to see this is helping others !

  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭

    Got the picture to come up correctly this time .........sorry about the double post !

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭

    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • @JoeBanzai said:
    Originally posted by: ArmourPhil
    I am actually talking to Wiffle about this now and will begin communications with PSA shortly. Thanks to several of you (not all of you) for your help...

    I wish you luck!

    I have tried to get PSA, including Mr. Single to "fix" a couple of problems with no success. Cosetta is a wonderful person to work with!

    1967 Punchouts; I actually got a hold of SCD and Tom Bartsch agreed that there were three variations after PSA had told me they would not allow the three cards unless it was confirmed.

    After numerous emails with PSA and then getting Tom Bartsch of SCD to confirm, the three variations were allowed. Subsequently PSA changed their minds and now allow only one of the three in the Killebrew Master set.

    Needless to say, I don't agree with the decision, but have decided to give up trying to "fix" this.

    Good luck with your attempt to get things "fixed" but don't get you hopes up. PM me if you want to hear more details.


    PS sorry, I can't seem to get this to come out in paragraph form.

    I think this would have ended differently if there was another picture of Barber or the other player etc. etc.
    But who knows why they changed it

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Thinking I had just gotten the last few cards for my Luis Tiant Master Set and finally reaching 100%, I've been caught by the Wiffle fiasco.

    I just sent in a 15 card submission under a new Premium membership, which would have completed my set... and, the submission included my "1976" Tiant Wiffle disc. I am 99% certain they will return it as a 1978. The composition of this set however has been changed from a 1976 Tiant Wiffle to a 1979 Tiant Wiffle...and NO 1978 Tiant Wiffle disc in the composition. Crazy stuff! Now, instead of having reached my goal of completion, I will be compelled to find a 1979 Tiant Wiffle...I suspect, no easy task, as this is the one with the dashed edges, making it a hand cut.

    If you have a source for this disc, or have one for sale, I'd like to have a contact name (there are 3, 1979s in the POP), or purchase a disc from you.

    Any and all assistance greatly appreciated.

    Al - mcmlvtopps

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    Your not going to like this answer, but here it is.

    When I finally proved to PSA that SCD was on board with my info from wiffle they immediately said that they had removed all 1976 and 1977 wiffle references linked them to 1978s. That was the correct thing to do, and meant that anyone looking up their cert number would now see 1978, but to get it on their slab they would have to send it in for a mechanical.

    Then we waited 4 or 5 months longer and Gail Keane said "OK I got it 60 cards in the 1979 set with dotted lines around the outside" We will set up that set in the registry as soon as we can. (and I certainly understand that they have their hands full with the new software change). SO they have both checklists now and they are grading them correctly.

    But.... when I then looked at the population data (set registry folks and pop report forks are evidently not the same people) all of the discs that had been labeled 1976/1977 and changed to 1978 last summer were now listed as 1979. This means the pop report will forever be WRONG because we now do not know which are which. The last batch I sent in were graded correctly, but going forward they have to fix the set registry for 1978 and 1979. They will never be able to fix the pop report.

    1979s are the rare ones and for years to come it will look like the 79s are plentiful.

    In terms of the set comps, Cosetta said they will change them as collectors ask for the cards to be added to the player sets

    So my guess is that the one you have is the 1978 (no dotted lines) which is listed as a 1979. You need a mechanical to fix that. The set comp probably only shows a 1979 so it looks like you have that card. When you get a real 79 you need to ask to have both the 78 and 79 in the set comp.

    I just looked them up and the 1978 wiffle pop report says zero Tiants (and we know that's wrong) The 1979 wiffle pop report shows, as you said, (3) an 8,9 and a 10. The PSA 10 is actually up for sale on EBay right now and is labeled 1976. NO DOTTED lines and color make it a 1978 so my point is made ! SO, actually there are NO 1979s graded. I am sending in another batch to grade in the next few weeks and it included a 1979 Tiant. That will be the first 1979 graded but it will show up as the 4th one on he pop report ! At this point I do not have an extra available.

    I just looked at the Tiant set comp and sure enough only the 1979 is listed . SO...... have your relabeled a 78 and ask for the 78 to be added to the set comp. Then acquire a real 1979 and you will be in business...

    Whoever changed the 1978s to 1979s in the pop report really screwed things up and there is now not much we can do about it. If every cert had a picture then you could actually go back and fix this issue, but there is still no way they would spend the time to do this...

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Agree with everything you wrote, what an incredible FIASCO!!! Yes, they show my original 1976 (which is really a 1978), as a 1979...crazy. I did send in my 1976 for a mechanical change to the correct 1978. There is no 1978 shown in the composition, and I'll request to have that corrected.

    I will now (after almost 6 years) still be 1 card short of completing the set...I'd be most grateful if you'd consider selling your 1979 Tiant to me, no matter the grade, when you get it back. You can find me under this thread, the Red Sox 2017 thread, or at ajrs44@yahoo.com


  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would call customer service at 800-325-1121. Hopefully you'll get Chris, who is sharp as a tack. Just tell him you need to submit a slab for a mechanical fix...he'll take it from there. Of course you'd mention it's about a Wiffle disc correction...he'll know. Not sure of the turnaround time. Not sure if you'll get hammered for shipping...I think not.

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    Good news for those who are interested...no seriously......after along period of time and **thanks to Cosetta and Gail **working with me to understand the complications of this severely miss labeled set, the 1978 and 1979 wiffle set are finally fixed on PSA !!!
    When you send them in for grading the regular discs will be labeled 1978 and the discs with the thick dotted lines around them will be labeled 1979. If you look at the set registry there are now listings for both the 1978 (it says 81 cards, there should be 80 but at this point I'm not complaining) and the 79 set has 60 Cards ( the cards printed on the 12 different boxes) . Anything previously labeled was most certainly labeled incorrectly. They are fixing those as mechanicals, which really is all they can do. They are changing the composition of the player composite sets as they are requested to do so.

  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I believe the Pop Report is still incorrect on these wiffle discs. Here is what I saw when I looked at it.
    Click on the links below next to each year to see the players listed.

    Please correct me if I am reading the info on the discs incorrectly.


    1978 - psacard.com/pop/baseball-cards/1978/wiffle-insert-discs/120287
    They only have 30 players listed where there should be 80 players listed.

    1979 - psacard.com/pop/baseball-cards/1979/wiffle-ball-discs/116926
    They have 80 players listed where there should only be 60 players listed.

    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
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    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    You are correct. The set compositions are correct on the set registry, but the pop report is still incorrect. This is because , as I have explained above the much more common insert discs (initially called 1976 discs) were , for reasons unknown, reassigned to 1979 not 1978 as they should have been. SO these ~500 discs are labeled as 1976 and the cert numbers are linked to 1979 not 1978. Since they have now been grading them correctly for 3-4 months true 1979s (with the dotted lines) are mixed up with the old 1978s (no dotted lines; labeled 1976).

    As I said above, PSA said they will fix these as folks ask them to. I have already sent a batch in for this relabeling.

    At this point there is nothing else they can do about this since they really don't know which ones are which unless you send them a photo. The reality is that the pop reports for these sets will simply be wrong for a long time .....

  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭


    For some reason I misread what you wrote the first time. They are grading them correctly now, but the Pop Report will never be correct because the 1976's are linked to the 1979's in the Pop Report.


    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
    Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set

    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    for those that are interested, I have found a way to display my 1979 wiffle collection. Took me > 5 years to find and acquire the 12 boxes that form the 60 disc set. SInce the boxes held baseball and softball sized wiffle balls, the boxes fit into typical acrylic ball displays

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    One more photo for those interested in the so called triple ring boxes. (because of the 3 rings around the player pic on the box) These are all black, all mini sized and were issued from 1955 through ?? Thereare (12) I know of , the ones shown plus Ted WIlliams , Tim McCarver and Jerry Koosman. If anyone knows where I can acquire the latter 3 please let me know. If anyone knows of additional player boxes please let us know and show us a pic.......

  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 21, 2017 2:21PM


    Great stuff!!! :+1::+1:

    That looks like a neat way to display the Wiffle boxes.


    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
    Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set

    Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
  • @divecchia said:

    For some reason I misread what you wrote the first time. They are grading them correctly now, but the Pop Report will never be correct because the 1976's are linked to the 1979's in the Pop Report.


    i sent an email to the carew set and it was updated in the set

  • @ArmourPhil said:
    Your not going to like this answer, but here it is.

    When I finally proved to PSA that SCD was on board with my info from wiffle they immediately said that they had removed all 1976 and 1977 wiffle references linked them to 1978s. That was the correct thing to do, and meant that anyone looking up their cert number would now see 1978, but to get it on their slab they would have to send it in for a mechanical.

    Then we waited 4 or 5 months longer and Gail Keane said "OK I got it 60 cards in the 1979 set with dotted lines around the outside" We will set up that set in the registry as soon as we can. (and I certainly understand that they have their hands full with the new software change). SO they have both checklists now and they are grading them correctly.

    But.... when I then looked at the population data (set registry folks and pop report forks are evidently not the same people) all of the discs that had been labeled 1976/1977 and changed to 1978 last summer were now listed as 1979. This means the pop report will forever be WRONG because we now do not know which are which. The last batch I sent in were graded correctly, but going forward they have to fix the set registry for 1978 and 1979. They will never be able to fix the pop report.

    1979s are the rare ones and for years to come it will look like the 79s are plentiful.

    In terms of the set comps, Cosetta said they will change them as collectors ask for the cards to be added to the player sets

    So my guess is that the one you have is the 1978 (no dotted lines) which is listed as a 1979. You need a mechanical to fix that. The set comp probably only shows a 1979 so it looks like you have that card. When you get a real 79 you need to ask to have both the 78 and 79 in the set comp.

    I just looked them up and the 1978 wiffle pop report says zero Tiants (and we know that's wrong) The 1979 wiffle pop report shows, as you said, (3) an 8,9 and a 10. The PSA 10 is actually up for sale on EBay right now and is labeled 1976. NO DOTTED lines and color make it a 1978 so my point is made ! SO, actually there are NO 1979s graded. I am sending in another batch to grade in the next few weeks and it included a 1979 Tiant. That will be the first 1979 graded but it will show up as the 4th one on he pop report ! At this point I do not have an extra available.

    I just looked at the Tiant set comp and sure enough only the 1979 is listed . SO...... have your relabeled a 78 and ask for the 78 to be added to the set comp. Then acquire a real 1979 and you will be in business...

    Whoever changed the 1978s to 1979s in the pop report really screwed things up and there is now not much we can do about it. If every cert had a picture then you could actually go back and fix this issue, but there is still no way they would spend the time to do this...

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    correct that is a 1978 disc that was inserted into the boxes.

  • wow that means that there 1978's registered as 1979's mislabeled as a 1977's !!!!
    The one in the picture is registered correctly as a 1978 but mislabeled as a 1977

  • ArmourPhilArmourPhil Posts: 97 ✭✭✭

    hundreds (literally) of the 1978s (inserted discs) were labeled 1976 originally and never corrected. You see them on EBAY all the time. Very few of the 1979s (dotted lines around them) were ever graded, since they have to be cut out around the dotted lines. These are the rare ones. But, sadly, we will never know what the true populations are.

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