<< <i>China and India might be buying more gold. China is the biggest ponzi scheme in the history of the world and India might as well be the planet Mars .
I have a friend who is assistant manager at a hotel that is part of a chain run by Indians. The stories they tell him about their homeland are crazy.
Go look on the internet to see what life is like in India . You will find images of dogs gnawing on human heads by the banks of the Ganges all over the place .
They buy gold in India before they buy toilet paper , they have things exactly backwards. They are the ultimate contrarians , watch what they do then do the opposite. >>
You may have heard the same about China 40 years ago.
<< <i>China and India might be buying more gold. China is the biggest ponzi scheme in the history of the world and India might as well be the planet Mars .
I have a friend who is assistant manager at a hotel that is part of a chain run by Indians. The stories they tell him about their homeland are crazy.
Go look on the internet to see what life is like in India . You will find images of dogs gnawing on human heads by the banks of the Ganges all over the place .
They buy gold in India before they buy toilet paper , they have things exactly backwards. They are the ultimate contrarians , watch what they do then do the opposite. >>
You may have heard the same about China 40 years ago. >>
And you may hear the same about parts of Africa 40 years from now
<< <i>While gold does not have concerns such as payrolls, bonuses and dividends, it also does not develop cures for disease, increase productivity or foster innovation.
If all the companies cease operations and go to zero, do you think gold will retain it's value. The stock market has never gone to zero either. >>
....in short....Yes.
Actually gold does foster innovation. The techniques miners currently employ to mine 2-3 miles deep or 2-3 miles high, has required increased technology and invention. Gold and silver do have uses for fighting disease. There is considerable research being done in gold's role in the human genome. If the S+P 500 disappears, or if all the gold mining companies on earth disappeared, gold would still retains it value as a monetary alternative....as it always has. It will become more important than ever as the paper currency and bond markets probably take a tumble due to failing corporations. Before the S+P 500 existed, gold played a major world role in commerce and finance. Why would that change if the world reverted back to that stage? Yes, gold would retain it's value as alternative and sound money. The fact that you could no longer easily get it out of the ground would only increase its desirability.
Ironically, many of these diseases we are trying to "cure" have spiraled to near-epidemic levels are due to the very growth of these corporations (chemicals, processed foods, etc.). Corporations have contributed to the disease, and then benefit again when they help "cure" them. Of course, the side effects of these new "cures" will produce additional rounds of diseases....which they will offer to cure as well.
Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
Your stretching to say gold is innovative and we saw what happened to gold when it was feared the stock market was going to zero. I guess I would agree with you that if gold dropped 90% thst it still retained value.
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer. >>
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects.
It was noted 2 weeks ago that GS and HSBC took 7 tonnes of physical gold off the NY exchanges. This past week they added another 2 tonnes. They're now half way to the total that is owned by the UTexas investment fund.
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer. >>
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
This is good information. To say that processed foods are not directly linked to increase in disease is beyond dishonest. Like you said, they are finding diseases in children that are not supposed to be there until later in life. It all stems back to the diet.
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer. >>
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
This is good information. To say that processed foods are not directly linked to increase in disease is beyond dishonest. Like you said, they are finding diseases in children that are not supposed to be there until later in life. It all stems back to the diet. >>
jenny mac says it stems from the vaccines, so there you have it..
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer. >>
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
I'm going to assume your info is right. Have you ever considered that kids might have high cholesterol because they are too damn ed fat? Its not from the food, but on behavior. Stop feeding your kids so much. Jimmy is looking for fixes, well, there you go. That's pretty easy.
Processed food does not make you fat. Eating too much does.
This is the same argument as gun control.
Personal responsibility and self control. Thsee cannot be taken away by string pullers or corrupt politicians. Only we ourselves can take away our self control.
It was noted 2 weeks ago that GS and HSBC took 7 tonnes of physical gold off the NY exchanges. This past week they added another 2 tonnes. They're now half way to the total that is owned by the UTexas investment fund.
Yup. Bottoms are usually made via record demand. Lol. I'm glad you have previously stated you don't know economics so I won't fault you for posting jibberish.
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer. >>
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
I'm going to assume your info is right. Have you ever considered that kids might have high cholesterol because they are too damn ed fat? Its not from the food, but on behavior. Stop feeding your kids so much. Jimmy is looking for fixes, well, there you go. That's pretty easy.
Processed food does not make you fat. Eating too much does.
This is the same argument as gun control.
Personal responsibility and self control. Thsee cannot be taken away by string pullers or corrupt politicians. Only we ourselves can take away our self control. >>
A while ago you said his information was wrong. Now you concede and say you assume it's right? Why don't you just tell us the truth that you are full of it and don't really have any idea?
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING .... !!!!
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING .... !!!! >>
ban trolls.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I just assume that all the markets are rigged by the PTB..
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>Yup. Bottoms are usually made via record demand. Lol. I'm glad you have previously stated you don't know economics so I won't fault you for posting jibberish. >>
Speaking of gibberish. What does record high demand in the East have to do with record low demand in the West? And we're also mixing up paper and actual metal demand here. But some self-professed economists seem to think you can mix the two and come up with a correct answer. For those that have read my posts before, I have stated that there is no such thing as a science of "economics"....and certainly not one with the bunk posted by government agencies as "truth" or "analysis." It's a junk science and I stand by that. Study psychology and sociology for better clues to Cohodk's "market dynamics"...or another way to put it...."jibberish."
If I "don't know" economics it's because there is no such thing. But I'm glad that you're glad. So I won't fault you for misreading my posts....for the umpteenth time. I'm just glad that you've finally been proven right about gold retesting $1200 (your prediction back in 2009).....even if it only took a 2 year raging bull market blow off top....followed by a 2 year correction to finally get there....lol. But, I guess "being" 4 years wrong/4 years late allows you to be the judge/jury in today's markets. Analyst Larry Edelson also predicted a $1200 gold crash....back in early 2011. He was proven "right" too....only 2 years later. Da Bearz.
Derryb, we can't ban the trolls. There wouldn't be any gold bears/fiat boogers left to debate around here.
I do get a kick out of some of the most ardent of gold bulls from 2001-2011 now have become the proverbial anti-bulls. I guess their make up only allows for full bore mania in either direction...nothing in between.
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
Who suggested that? Let them eat what they want. But, let's also adjust their health insurance premiums for their lousy habits. It works that way for good/bad drivers. Raise the premiums on those that are killing themselves early and lower premiums on those that are reducing their risks. Considering that genes and hereditary DO play a major role in health, I don't think those people should be hammered for having been born one way or another. But, if they aren't adopting a lifestyle to compensate for those bad genes (through diet, exercise, smoking, etc.) then by all means, hammer them too. Why should someone at 6' tall weighing 325 lbs. and eating fast food every day pay the same premiums as MJ who no doubt has one of the strictest and healthiest diets around? We have no problem taxing different levels of wealth....but won't dare do anything about "taxing" different levels of health brought on by ridiculous lifestyle choices. And Jared eating at Subway before or after his gig....is still a terrible choice imo.
Maybe an ounce of education could be worth a pound of cure. I'd suggest that 95% of the obese people out their are 95% uninformed about how their bodies actually work. You'd be surprised at the better choices you might make if this stuff was taught at any point in grades 1-12, or even grades 13-16. If you don't know...you can't even make a proper choice. It took me to age 55 to figure it all out....go figure. I wish I had known this stuff 30 years earlier. I'd have made different choices once I knew the science behind it (not the economics....lol). It isn't all common sense either. You probably have to spend a thousand hours of research and learning to get a handle on it.
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING.
If that's the extent of your diet and lifestyle, you should be paying 5X the health insurance premium as everyone else. I had a young guy working for me in his late 20's to early 30's. He was a Wendy's Big Gulper 32 oz a couple times a day. He loved the sugar and fast food. No other vices. He died of Leukemia at age 33 leaving 2 kids. I had to figure his diet played an important factor in his disease. I don't have a problem with the bad water and bad air...sometimes you have no choice. A proper diet can offset those environmental risks. Sugar-soda-processed foods are about the worst things you could do to yourself. And lookie here...the govt is "forcing" companies to start cutting down on trans fats and other crap in their fast foods. Where's my liberty to kill myself? The same stuff that was in yoga mats used to be in Subway bread....not any more.
In 20-30 years I'd bet this crap is much more tightly regulated and the education of consumers will be 10X improved over what it is today. If you knew what sugar actually did to your blood vessels and tissues (the actual chemical and biological processes) you'd be a lot less likely to consume it in mass quantities. Look what we did to education on tobacco products over the past 40 years. If you know the facts and the science, you can make a truly informed decision as to your overall risks.
Speaking of gibberish. What does record high demand in the East have to do with record low demand in the West? And we're also mixing up paper and actual metal demand here
And you say I speak jbberish? I anoint you master of excuses.
All I know is that a few folk on this board mentioned gold/silver not being the promised land and have watched those that thought it was wallow in conspiracy/manipulation, denial, projectionism.
Roadrunner, you already admitted to a lack of understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. And you've demonstrated that quite well over the years.
<< <i>Speaking of gibberish. What does record high demand in the East have to do with record low demand in the West? And we're also mixing up paper and actual metal demand here
And you say I speak jbberish? I anoint you master of excuses.
All I know is that a few folk on this board mentioned gold/silver not being the promised land and have watched those that thought it was wallow in conspiracy/manipulation, denial, projectionism.
Roadrunner, you already admitted to a lack of understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. And you've demonstrated that quite well over the years.
You can spout all the sour grapes you like Cohodk. But, at least I've never been 4 years off in my gold market predictions. My wine still tastes ok. And isn't this a PMs forum?
You criticize everyone and anyone....you call people trolls who certainly aren't....yet you aren't accountable for some of the most horrible PM calls of anyone around here.
.... understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. ......just jabberwocky, jibberish, and jive to confuse old Joe (J6P). Blame it on whatever you like, you're PM's predictions have been off base more often than not. Don't try to deflect getting the 12 year bull pretty much all wrong by pounding your chest during this so far 2 year gold bear. If your claim to fame is suggesting markets become overbought at some point....well I guess that makes you 100% right ....all the time.....even if it takes 4 years to finally get there. More than a few of us here understand that shtick. We were warned......
Youre right Roadrunner. You only predicted a dollar index under 60 and 2500 gold.
Im am a bit flattered at the attention you afford me.
My PM prediction was that they aint the salvation you were expecting. And with silver at the same price as 10 years ago and gold just a whisper above its trades in 2008 pretty much proves that. If your financial advisor bought you stocks that are the same price as 10 years ago I bet you'd be pretty upset, saying hes an idiot, fiat bug that doesnt know what hes talking about. Right? So how should we view a gold bug who has similar performance?
<< <i>China and India might be buying more gold. China is the biggest ponzi scheme in the history of the world and India might as well be the planet Mars .
I have a friend who is assistant manager at a hotel that is part of a chain run by Indians. The stories they tell him about their homeland are crazy.
Go look on the internet to see what life is like in India .
They buy gold in India before they buy toilet paper , they have things exactly backwards. They are the ultimate contrarians , watch what they do then do the opposite. >>
You may have heard the same about China 40 years ago.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>China and India might be buying more gold. China is the biggest ponzi scheme in the history of the world and India might as well be the planet Mars .
I have a friend who is assistant manager at a hotel that is part of a chain run by Indians. The stories they tell him about their homeland are crazy.
Go look on the internet to see what life is like in India .
They buy gold in India before they buy toilet paper , they have things exactly backwards. They are the ultimate contrarians , watch what they do then do the opposite. >>
You may have heard the same about China 40 years ago. >>
And you may hear the same about parts of Africa 40 years from now
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>While gold does not have concerns such as payrolls, bonuses and dividends, it also does not develop cures for disease, increase productivity or foster innovation.
If all the companies cease operations and go to zero, do you think gold will retain it's value. The stock market has never gone to zero either. >>
....in short....Yes.
Actually gold does foster innovation. The techniques miners currently employ to mine 2-3 miles deep or 2-3 miles high, has required increased technology and invention. Gold and silver do have uses for fighting disease. There is considerable research being done in gold's role in the human genome. If the S+P 500 disappears, or if all the gold mining companies on earth disappeared, gold would still retains it value as a monetary alternative....as it always has. It will become more important than ever as the paper currency and bond markets probably take a tumble due to failing corporations. Before the S+P 500 existed, gold played a major world role in commerce and finance. Why would that change if the world reverted back to that stage? Yes, gold would retain it's value as alternative and sound money. The fact that you could no longer easily get it out of the ground would only increase its desirability.
Ironically, many of these diseases we are trying to "cure" have spiraled to near-epidemic levels are due to the very growth of these corporations (chemicals, processed foods, etc.). Corporations have contributed to the disease, and then benefit again when they help "cure" them. Of course, the side effects of these new "cures" will produce additional rounds of diseases....which they will offer to cure as well.
These graphs suggest increasing world gold demand - despite what the World Gold Council is stating
Your stretching to say gold is innovative and we saw what happened to gold when it was feared the stock market was going to zero. I guess I would agree with you that if gold dropped 90% thst it still retained value.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>They have enough to make their cow sacred and build another great wall. >>
Or sculpt smoe cows out of gold
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects.
<< <i>link not working RR... thanks >>
Here you go. Nick Laird and other who suggest we are near record demand for physical gold
I hope it didn't ruin your break fast today when the link became disabled.
You're welcome 1 - China buying understated............www.bullionstar.com/blogs/koos-jansen/how-the-world-is-being-fooled-about-chinese-gold-demand
You're welcome 2 - Germany buying gold
It was noted 2 weeks ago that GS and HSBC took 7 tonnes of physical gold off the NY exchanges. This past week they added another 2 tonnes. They're now half way to the total that is owned by the UTexas investment fund.
You're welcome 4
<< <i>
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
This is good information. To say that processed foods are not directly linked to increase in disease is beyond dishonest. Like you said, they are finding diseases in children that are not supposed to be there until later in life. It all stems back to the diet.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
This is good information. To say that processed foods are not directly linked to increase in disease is beyond dishonest. Like you said, they are finding diseases in children that are not supposed to be there until later in life. It all stems back to the diet. >>
jenny mac says it stems from the vaccines, so there you have it..
<< <i>
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
I'm going to assume your info is right. Have you ever considered that kids might have high cholesterol because they are too damn ed fat? Its not from the food, but on behavior. Stop feeding your kids so much. Jimmy is looking for fixes, well, there you go. That's pretty easy.
Processed food does not make you fat. Eating too much does.
This is the same argument as gun control.
Personal responsibility and self control. Thsee cannot be taken away by string pullers or corrupt politicians. Only we ourselves can take away our self control.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>link not working RR... thanks >>
Here you go. Nick Laird and other who suggest we are near record demand for physical gold
I hope it didn't ruin your break fast today when the link became disabled.
You're welcome 1 - China buying understated............www.bullionstar.com/blogs/koos-jansen/how-the-world-is-being-fooled-about-chinese-gold-demand
You're welcome 2 - Germany buying gold
It was noted 2 weeks ago that GS and HSBC took 7 tonnes of physical gold off the NY exchanges. This past week they added another 2 tonnes. They're now half way to the total that is owned by the UTexas investment fund.
You're welcome 4 >>
Yup. Bottoms are usually made via record demand. Lol. I'm glad you have previously stated you don't know economics so I won't fault you for posting jibberish.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Increases in the incidents of disease is directly related to the increase in human lifespan, not processed foods. The longer we live the greater chance we have of getting sick. If we live long enough we will all get cancer.
The diseases are comming faster and earlier across all spectrums. Finding advanced hardening of the arteries in a high % of teenagers (similar to a 40 yr old), as well as diabetes is something we didn't see 50 yrs ago. Cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other auto-immune diseases are now common among adults in their 30's and 40's. Diets full of processed foods, dead grains, high fructose corn syrup, low fiber, sugar, soft drinks, lack of vegetables and fruits, etc. is a HUGE player in today's disease profile of your typical 35-55 year old adult. I'm not talking about those living to 75-95. If they got to be that old, odds are their diets and/or genes were good enough to combat the effects. >>
I'm going to assume your info is right. Have you ever considered that kids might have high cholesterol because they are too damn ed fat? Its not from the food, but on behavior. Stop feeding your kids so much. Jimmy is looking for fixes, well, there you go. That's pretty easy.
Processed food does not make you fat. Eating too much does.
This is the same argument as gun control.
Personal responsibility and self control. Thsee cannot be taken away by string pullers or corrupt politicians. Only we ourselves can take away our self control. >>
A while ago you said his information was wrong. Now you concede and say you assume it's right? Why don't you just tell us the truth that you are full of it and don't really have any idea?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Ok, it's confirmed. You are Stan. Welcome back. >>
yep stan has all the answers, to all the problems, but no one is buyin...
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING .... !!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING .... !!!! >>
ban trolls.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>Ok, it's confirmed. You are Stan. Welcome back. >>
I have already addressed this is another thread. I'm not going to waste anymore time on false allegations or conspiracy theories that are untrue.
Please let's get this thread back on track.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
<< <i>Yup. Bottoms are usually made via record demand. Lol. I'm glad you have previously stated you don't know economics so I won't fault you for posting jibberish. >>
Speaking of gibberish. What does record high demand in the East have to do with record low demand in the West? And we're also mixing up paper and actual metal demand here. But some self-professed economists seem to think you can mix the two and come up with a correct answer. For those that have read my posts before, I have stated that there is no such thing as a science of "economics"....and certainly not one with the bunk posted by government agencies as "truth" or "analysis." It's a junk science and I stand by that. Study psychology and sociology for better clues to Cohodk's "market dynamics"...or another way to put it...."jibberish."
If I "don't know" economics it's because there is no such thing. But I'm glad that you're glad. So I won't fault you for misreading my posts....for the umpteenth time. I'm just glad that you've finally been proven right about gold retesting $1200 (your prediction back in 2009).....even if it only took a 2 year raging bull market blow off top....followed by a 2 year correction to finally get there....lol. But, I guess "being" 4 years wrong/4 years late allows you to be the judge/jury in today's markets. Analyst Larry Edelson also predicted a $1200 gold crash....back in early 2011. He was proven "right" too....only 2 years later. Da Bearz.
Derryb, we can't ban the trolls. There wouldn't be any gold bears/fiat boogers left to debate around here.
I do get a kick out of some of the most ardent of gold bulls from 2001-2011 now have become the proverbial anti-bulls. I guess their make up only allows for full bore mania in either direction...nothing in between.
<< <i>So, we want to improve people's diets for them against their will, so they'll live longer?
That should be good for morale and at the same time, really help solve the unfunded entitlement problems, huh? >>
Who suggested that? Let them eat what they want. But, let's also adjust their health insurance premiums for their lousy habits. It works that way for good/bad drivers. Raise the premiums on those that are killing themselves early and lower premiums on those that are reducing their risks. Considering that genes and hereditary DO play a major role in health, I don't think those people should be hammered for having been born one way or another. But, if they aren't adopting a lifestyle to compensate for those bad genes (through diet, exercise, smoking, etc.) then by all means, hammer them too. Why should someone at 6' tall weighing 325 lbs. and eating fast food every day pay the same premiums as MJ who no doubt has one of the strictest and healthiest diets around? We have no problem taxing different levels of wealth....but won't dare do anything about "taxing" different levels of health brought on by ridiculous lifestyle choices. And Jared eating at Subway before or after his gig....is still a terrible choice imo.
Maybe an ounce of education could be worth a pound of cure. I'd suggest that 95% of the obese people out their are 95% uninformed about how their bodies actually work. You'd be surprised at the better choices you might make if this stuff was taught at any point in grades 1-12, or even grades 13-16. If you don't know...you can't even make a proper choice. It took me to age 55 to figure it all out....go figure. I wish I had known this stuff 30 years earlier. I'd have made different choices once I knew the science behind it (not the economics....lol). It isn't all common sense either. You probably have to spend a thousand hours of research and learning to get a handle on it.
NO MORE BIG GULPS!!!!! Ban soda, ban sugar, ban bad air, ban bad water, ban cigars, ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban processed food, ban ice cream, ban snow cones, heck come to think of it BAN EVERYTHING.
If that's the extent of your diet and lifestyle, you should be paying 5X the health insurance premium as everyone else. I had a young guy working for me in his late 20's to early 30's. He was a Wendy's Big Gulper 32 oz a couple times a day. He loved the sugar and fast food. No other vices. He died of Leukemia at age 33 leaving 2 kids. I had to figure his diet played an important factor in his disease. I don't have a problem with the bad water and bad air...sometimes you have no choice. A proper diet can offset those environmental risks. Sugar-soda-processed foods are about the worst things you could do to yourself. And lookie here...the govt is "forcing" companies to start cutting down on trans fats and other crap in their fast foods. Where's my liberty to kill myself? The same stuff that was in yoga mats used to be in Subway bread....not any more.
In 20-30 years I'd bet this crap is much more tightly regulated and the education of consumers will be 10X improved over what it is today. If you knew what sugar actually did to your blood vessels and tissues (the actual chemical and biological processes) you'd be a lot less likely to consume it in mass quantities. Look what we did to education on tobacco products over the past 40 years. If you know the facts and the science, you can make a truly informed decision as to your overall risks.
And you say I speak jbberish? I anoint you master of excuses.
All I know is that a few folk on this board mentioned gold/silver not being the promised land and have watched those that thought it was wallow in conspiracy/manipulation, denial, projectionism.
Roadrunner, you already admitted to a lack of understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. And you've demonstrated that quite well over the years.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Speaking of gibberish. What does record high demand in the East have to do with record low demand in the West? And we're also mixing up paper and actual metal demand here
And you say I speak jbberish? I anoint you master of excuses.
All I know is that a few folk on this board mentioned gold/silver not being the promised land and have watched those that thought it was wallow in conspiracy/manipulation, denial, projectionism.
Roadrunner, you already admitted to a lack of understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. And you've demonstrated that quite well over the years.
You can spout all the sour grapes you like Cohodk. But, at least I've never been 4 years off in my gold market predictions. My wine still tastes ok. And isn't this a PMs forum?
You criticize everyone and anyone....you call people trolls who certainly aren't....yet you aren't accountable for some of the most horrible PM calls of anyone around here.
.... understanding of economics, inter-market analysis and market dynamics. ......just jabberwocky, jibberish, and jive to confuse old Joe (J6P). Blame it on whatever you like, you're PM's predictions have been off base more often than not. Don't try to deflect getting the 12 year bull pretty much all wrong by pounding your chest during this so far 2 year gold bear. If your claim to fame is suggesting markets become overbought at some point....well I guess that makes you 100% right ....all the time.....even if it takes 4 years to finally get there. More than a few of us here understand that shtick. We were warned......
Im am a bit flattered at the attention you afford me.
My PM prediction was that they aint the salvation you were expecting. And with silver at the same price as 10 years ago and gold just a whisper above its trades in 2008 pretty much proves that. If your financial advisor bought you stocks that are the same price as 10 years ago I bet you'd be pretty upset, saying hes an idiot, fiat bug that doesnt know what hes talking about. Right? So how should we view a gold bug who has similar performance?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry