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For the Office - A large pic of my favorite coin (and a shoutout to Todd) UPDATE

CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,261 ✭✭✭✭✭
First a little context. A couple (?) of years ago, I asked Todd Pollock to send to me a higher pixel count photo file on this coin pic he shot so that I could have printed a large pic suitable for framing. My goal was to have my favorite coin in my collection displayed so it could be a conversation piece and to be a nice reminder of the hobby we all love. I delayed getting it printed/framed because I was not ready to display it at my office given some employment uncertainties. Now that I've relocated and settled into a new job, this was the first item to make my office wall (much to my wife's satisfaction since she did not want it posted at home - LOL). I thank Todd for his gracious generosity (I had not owned the coin or pics when he took the original photo) and for his undeniable skill!

Of course, the best representation of this coin would be the smaller version I've posted here before, but these iPhone camera shots of the larger print still captures the coin's natural beauty. What do you think? Would you do something similar with your favorite coin?



Seated Half Society member #38
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"


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