Too bad He didn't ask us (silver related)

How Much Is $160 Of Silver Worth To The Average American? (Hint: Less Than $10)
From ZeroHedge
Seemingly confirming the national new normal, dumbing-down-ness, the following clip shows Americans have absolutely no idea about the value of precious metals. When asked if they would like to purchase a 10oz silver bar (worth $160) for just ten bucks, every single one refused... one even refused to handover a half-drunk Starbucks coffee for the silver bar.
Exposing the staggering ignorance of the average American even more, the clip was filmed right in front of a coin shop.
We wonder what the same interviews would be like in China or India or Russia? Or Here
From ZeroHedge
Seemingly confirming the national new normal, dumbing-down-ness, the following clip shows Americans have absolutely no idea about the value of precious metals. When asked if they would like to purchase a 10oz silver bar (worth $160) for just ten bucks, every single one refused... one even refused to handover a half-drunk Starbucks coffee for the silver bar.
Exposing the staggering ignorance of the average American even more, the clip was filmed right in front of a coin shop.
We wonder what the same interviews would be like in China or India or Russia? Or Here
Collector/Numismatic Hobbyist
Try that same experiment with a PCGS slabbed silver dollar and I'd bet the results would be different
Coin Club Benefit auctions ..... View the Lots's silver. Yes, I'd pass.
Now GOLD on the other hand.
Stackin here, boss.
Silver sucks. AND I say that as one who hasn' t been reamed by the price ....yet.
First of all... anytime you are approached in public by someone offering to sell you something... what do you do?? Hey buddy... want to buy a rolex? 99% of the time it is a scam and you will be taken. Why would it be any different if a person was approached with a silver bar? I wouldn't blame anyone for refusing to even check further.
Also, perhaps in the individual's mind there may be a 'sting' operation taking place... who in their right mind wants to get involved with potential stolen goods, etc. Ain't worth it.
Finally... we only see what the person filming this wants you to see. We have NO idea if there were one... or 20... individuals that DID want to investigate further, or to purchase the item.
The name is LEE!