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Northwest coin club meeting (Minneapolis, MN) Thursday, my lawyer will be speaking on the HPA

My lawyer will be in Minneapolis, MN for the final settlement hearing in my HPA case on this Thursday, June 11th. As luck would have it, it is the same day as our monthly coin club meeting. My lawyer has agreed to be the speaker for this month's meeting. Anyone in Minneapolis on June 11th, is welcome to attend. I thought I would share this with the board, since there was such a lively discussion on my case, in a previous thread.

Here is our club website: http://northwestcoinclub.com/About.html


Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, this month June 11th.

6:30pm to 7:00pm Social / trading
7:00pm to 7:30pm Business meeting
7:30pm to 9:00pm Presentation
Closing Time for the Center is 9pm


Kenwood Park Center
2101 Franklin Avenue West
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Here is the description of the talk from our club's newsletter.

Our guest speaker will be Stephen P. DeNittis and his presentation is titled “The Hobby Protection Act: What Consumers and Collectors Should Know.” Mr. DeNittis, is an experienced class action and catastrophic personal injury litigator, Mr. DeNittis has recovered over $80 million dollars for victims of severe injury or corporate fraud in federal and state courts across the country. Mr. DeNittis is admitted to practice in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and before the United States Supreme Court and many other federal courts. Mr. DeNittis was the lead attorney for the first Hobby Protection Act case, Demarco v. National Collector’s mint. He reached a settlement valued at $9 million dollars on behalf of a class of 176,000 class members who were defrauded into purchasing a fake coin allegedly issued by the U.S. Mint to commemorate the 9/11 Terrorist Attack.

Mr. DeNittis is also lead council in the most recent Hobby Protection Act case, xxxxx vs Westminster Mint. The case was recently settled, and Mr. DeNittis will be speaking to us just hours after the final settlement hearing in that case. Come hear a fascinating presentation from the most experienced Hobby Protection Act attorney in the country.


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