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~ CoPpEr FoR tHe WeEkEnD™ ~

BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
Here's a first look at a token I was thrilled to acquire last year which has only been seen by a few collectors since issued... Enjoy! image

A Mule of Brown, Curtiss, & Vance, Louisville, KY, and C.W. Jackson, Coal Dealer, Philadelphia, PA, Merchant Store Cards, 28mm Diameter, Copper, Plain Edge, Miller-KY-3.

This KY/PA mule is the rarest of the Parrot Head eagle Brown, Curtiss, & Vance varieties which was unknown to Benjamin Wright however Donald Miller already valued it at nearly 2 ounces of gold in 1962. It is unique as the only known example which has never been plated in any reference guide. The normal Brown, Curtiss, & Vance store card is quite scarce in high grades as are most southern issues. Russell Rulau with all his exonumia connections was unable to locate a example to plate and used Wayte Raymond's 1940 line drawings for the basic non mule variety. This Miller-KY-3 U.S. Merchant Store Card is a mule of a 28mm Obverse Die 1845-50 Brown, Curtiss, & Vance, Dealer in Dry Goods, Louisville, KY token and 28mm Diameter Obverse Die 1851 C.W. Jackson Philadelphia, Coal Dealer, Miller PA-234 on the reverse. With both being over 700 miles apart from one another this token served no purpose as a store advertising card for either merchant. This mule is an intentionally commissioned fantasy strike which was made to order at the request of a token collector. This practice was quite common with the likes of Levick, Bushnell and others to own something unique and create rarities within the series.

To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!


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