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Cool News - Mick Chosen For Louisville Slugger Museum - Pics From Topps Exhibit & TV News Link

So through some great people, I was contacted by the Louisville Slugger Museum in Kentucky. They are having a special Topps Display in their Museum this month, entitled, "Topps Pop Culture: Homeruns To Hollywood."

Among many classic cards, there will also be:

+ Luke Skywalker's light saber
+ Indiana Jones' whip
+ Elvis' scarf
+ Adam West's Batman costume
+ Ringo Starr's drumsticks
+ Christopher Reeves' Superman costume
+ Jobu from Major League

And among all the cards they could have chosen when it came to the 1952 Mick, including 8s with the usual tilt and centering issues, they selected this guy below for the exhibit! (People will be viewing it in a display from a foot or so away.)

It's both an honor and thrill to help a company that has been so integral a part of our national pastime, and also to help any young people who visit the museum gain some exposure to vintage cards and legendary players.

If any fellow board members are in that neck of the woods, please feel free to check it out. The display runs from this Saturday through October. The card will be there thru June.



Instagram: mattyc_collection


  • JBrulesJBrules Posts: 2,127 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats Matt!!! A great looking card to represent the Mick! Confirms what we all have known (you have exquisite taste when choosing your cards).
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, playa. With the tear you have been on lately picking insanely centered cards that aren't easily found that way, I know if I had one collection to shop through yours would be high, high at the top.

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Been there once about 7 years ago, would like to get back some day.
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    on the dude scale this deserves caps and an exclamation point

  • baz518baz518 Posts: 1,262 ✭✭✭✭
    That is awesome! I've been in Louisville my whole life, will definitely try to get there to see it. Thanks.
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    Fantastic looking card

  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Congrats Matt. Hope you don't miss it too much. Just curious ... is there a definitive agreed upon amount that you would get paid should something happen to the card? It's obviously worth more than the average 4.5.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, there's an insurance policy in place. I've had a bunch of offers on it in the past year so between those and known sales data points, I arrived at a good insurance value. That said, I'd much rather have the card than the loot. Or to be quite honest and sound borderline crazy, even double the loot. The card is too loved. Only three times in life have I known I had to have something at all costs, at first sight: that Mick, my Ruth rookie, and the wife!

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • robert67robert67 Posts: 1,347 ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 4, 2017 4:06PM
  • KendallCatKendallCat Posts: 3,012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Matt - always loved that card and a classic case of buy the card and not the holder. I live a little more than an hour from Louisville, and will have to make a trip and check it out in the next month. I promise I will leave it and the lightsaber alone!
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    Very nice! Make sure to get some pictures of it in there and share when you can!
  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, Matt! Very cool honor. I'm sure you were thrilled when you heard the news or when they asked you. That's probably equivalent to a player getting the call to go to the HOF.
  • WOW!!!!!!
    Big Fan of: HOF Post War RC, Graded RCs
    WTB: PSA 1 - PSA 3 Centered, High Eye Appeal 1950's Mantle
  • mintonlyplsmintonlypls Posts: 2,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats! That is quite an honor. I always like to look at that card when you show it...it has such tremendous eye-appeal with perfect to near perfect centering...no tilt...sharp registration...and tremendous color. It has gem mint qualities except the corners. I am not far from Louisville...and plan to make the trip.

  • MrNearMintMrNearMint Posts: 1,209 ✭✭✭
    That's a great honor! I think that's probably the highest achievement a collector can get. Congratulations!
  • Wow that's an amazing 52 Mantle! image

    To get that kind of centering and color you're usually looking at a 6.5 or better. Where'd you find this beaut?
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was consigned to Goodwin Auctions last year by its original owning family, which was cool.

    The exhibit opens tomorrow so I should have some pics from them of it in the official Topps display. 

    Maybe the coolest thing is they are gonna send me some personalized bats! I know I shouldn't use them but am gonna have to hit a few bombs-- through a friend I will get to take BP with the Mets' farm team so I know what bats I'll be bringing!

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • esquiresportsesquiresports Posts: 1,360 ✭✭✭
    Just saw this. Very cool! Congrats. Gorgeous card. Been a little sidetracked and not on here much the last month or so.
    Always buying 1971 OPC Baseball packs.
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pumped. Here are some pics of the Topps Exhibit and the card. Forgive glare on Mick in the last one.




    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • MilehighHOFMilehighHOF Posts: 255 ✭✭✭
    Nice! Your card looks awesome in that display!
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Much thanks. Here's the latest from the museum-- this person took a really nice pic!


    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • KendallCatKendallCat Posts: 3,012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Matt - looks awesome and you should be very proud to have your card displayed for everyone to see. For anyone that has to have a card only in an "8" your card is a perfect example of buy the card and not the holder. Hoping to run by there one day to see it in person. Congratulations again.
  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is about as good as it gets, I'd say. I visited the LS Museum & Factory a few years ago, and now I'm jonesing to get back just so I can see your dead nuts beauty in the flesh. The display looks incredible, and the card itself goes without saying.

    This should serve as the perfect archetype for why one should buy the card and not the flip; I can't imagine another extant '52 Mick being more deserving of this type of honor.

    Congrats of the highest order!

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was just sent this link below, which is INSANE-- the card was just on the TV NEWS!

    52 Topps Mick On TV News

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • belzbelz Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭
    OK ok ok...That is so amazing to have your card displayed like that and on tv spotlight etc........but, I just can not believe for the life of me why that card is a 4.5...the eye appeal and centering is just sick. Are there surface creases or something tough to see? I'm sure you would review this card if you ever decided to sell it. Just wow. Gives me something to shoot for!!!
    "Wots Uh The Deal" by Pink Floyd
  • FirstBeardFirstBeard Posts: 473 ✭✭✭
    This is so dang cool.

    Gorgeous card, and being next to Princess Leia never hurts.
  • mikelowell25mikelowell25 Posts: 1,252 ✭✭✭
    I see it has a different cert # from when you won it in goodwin; did you crack and resubmit hoping for a 5 (or an 8image) or was it simply reholdered with a new flip and cert #???
  • mattyc_collectionmattyc_collection Posts: 2,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yup, the original holder got scratched, so I rolled the dice and had it redone with a friend's sub shortly after buying it.

    Instagram: mattyc_collection

  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, Matthew Ian! This is just awesome!
  • ...jealous...rage...growing...

    Nice card and nice honor, sir.
  • RookieHOFersRookieHOFers Posts: 733 ✭✭✭
    That's very cool Matt, Congrats
    I collect: 80’s Rookies and 86 Fleer Basketball
  • Wow. Having your card on television must be the greatest feeling a collector could have. This card has glorious color, incredible centering and blows away every example I could find from a 4 to a 7.

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