Sold my collection and took up working for a living , in the trades… and putting all my money in a few cars, and a few women One was a '57 Chevy and then a '68 Olds 442. LQQKing back
Finishing high school and getting a lot more interested in coins.
Back then the price guides were a complete mess when it came to truly better date 18th and 19th century silver and gold coinage. It was like getting money for nothing.
15 years old, only 5' 4" tall (topped out at 5' 10" at 18), totally intimidated by the opposite sex (most of whom were taller than me), mutton chops filling in nicely (had plenty of testosterone but it was apparently focused on facial hair and not height), tons of curly blonde hair, Raquel Welch in the bunny fur bikini hanging behind me door (my dad never found it), recently transferred my Lincoln cent and Buffalo nickel collections from the old blue Whitman folders to the ones with sliding plastic covers, working on EVERYTHING back thru Morgans in the old blue Whitmans.
Today it's mostly all gone - the hair exists only in photos, all the Whitmans have been sold or given to YNs, most of my testosterone is focused on promoting hair growth in my nose and ears, Raquel Welch is rolled up in a tube in my closet kept company by several one-sheets (1 Million Years BC, Fathom, Lady in Cement) and my collecting interest have evolved to larger, more easily seen coins!
I was single, living in Barbados, having a marvelous time. Lots of rum, women and beaches......oh yeah, I have some coins from there as well... Cheers, RickO
<< <i>I was single, living in Barbados, having a marvelous time. Lots of rum, women and beaches......oh yeah, I have some coins from there as well... Cheers, RickO >>
Best answer yet.
Dave Wnuck. Redbook contributor; long time PNG Member; listed on the PCGS Board of Experts. PM me with your email address to receive my e-newsletter, and visit Find me on eBay at davewcoins
My dad died in an industrial accident 2 weeks before I graduated from college in 1972. I had collected coins since age 6, but was just beginning to get interested in some foreign coins - U.S. coin prices were edging up, and I was getting bored with the 20th century designs that comprised most of my collection. I looked for the 1972-P DD, but never found one.
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<< <i>...aesthetics...
Why, you BULLY, you!!!
How to spell it is a matter for your own judgement. . . . .
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<< <i>I had my 37th birthday that year and spent a lot of time picking up 1972 type 2 Ikes at the local banks. >>
Becoming an octogenarian this year?
It would be interesting to know who the senior poster is on these boards.
Somebody with the initials RS.
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
Yep, only two more weeks. My wife is there already.
One was a '57 Chevy and then a '68 Olds 442. LQQKing back
Back then the price guides were a complete mess when it came to truly better date 18th and 19th century silver and gold coinage. It was like getting money for nothing.
I was 2 in sebenty TWO
Coin Club Benefit auctions ..... View the Lots
Today it's mostly all gone - the hair exists only in photos, all the Whitmans have been sold or given to YNs, most of my testosterone is focused on promoting hair growth in my nose and ears, Raquel Welch is rolled up in a tube in my closet kept company by several one-sheets (1 Million Years BC, Fathom, Lady in Cement) and my collecting interest have evolved to larger, more easily seen coins!
mbogoman Lutho
Liked them nickels even back then
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
1. Twinkle in my Father's eye
2. Sperm and ovum fusing
3. Embryo
4. Fetus
Born in '73
Edit to add: Definitely a twinkle! Born in October.
<< <i>I was single, living in Barbados, having a marvelous time. Lots of rum, women and beaches......oh yeah, I have some coins from there as well...
Best answer yet.