He's the guy who would not accept my 90% of list best offer the other day.
Should also add have had several good for the grade coins come from him in my collection. Have also been outbid on eBay many times trying to win his auctions he has a lot of followers .
He was also ripped off to the tune of about $5K with the 09sVDB in gem. PNG membership is not cheap as well as all the other business expenses. When you get ripped off with the low profit margins for ethical dealers, it is very hard to get back into the black.
DJF Coins is David J. Finkelstein, a long time member of the JRCS, an expert in Bust Halves, and a friend. I have known him for more than 20 years, and can confirm that he is a first rate and honest dealer. You should have no problems dealing with Dave.
They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
I've purchased from David also. A key date Seated dime. If you correspond or talk to him like an adult, he'll treat you in kind. If you jerk him around, you'll know it. His prices are not unfair for the quality that he demands of himself. As an example: Last week here there was a thread of adulation for a particular other dealer who was offering a scarce Capped Bust half dollar in PCGS XF-45. I discovered that David also has the same date in PCGS-45 / CAC, although his is priced $100 less and is demonstrably nicer. Guess who I chose to contact ?
I have bought coins from him on Ebay and have been pleased with the coins and service. He used to not accept returns, but the quality, honest grades, descriptions, and pictures of his coins were always good so I had no qualms about buying from him. Now he accepts returns. I have him on my favorite dealers list.
got a bitter taste in my mouth re: djf coins. found this old thread about him and decided to piggyback on it with today's series of events.
I made a fair offer on 5 of his unopened CC GSA boxes last nite on eBay ($375 each, for boxes containing 82CC, 83CC or 84CC) which he countered back @ $400 - which i simply declined without comment. I found another seller willing to accept quite a bit less and made a deal with them.
djf coins reconsidered his offer and replied back early this morning...scroll to the very bottom of this post to see the subsequent email exchange i had with him.
I havent been to a coin show or shop in decades (been buying/bidding on ebay, heritage or other sites)...is this how coin dealers negotiate these days? maybe he's just having a bad day?
New message from: djf-coins Top Rated Seller(27,623TurquoiseShooting Star)
You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your previous message
totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!
Just to be clear - the price I mentioned ($342) is the final price i paid for each incl tax (I used the 'make offer' button and worked with the seller to find an equitable price). ie i paid $1250 for four boxes - then tax was added to bring the total to $1368.75. 1368.75/4 = $342.19 final price (seller is paying shipping)
i sense a little bit of accusation in your reply ...Im telling you the God's honest truth here.
I have decades of good buyer feedback on eBay...I'd be happy to try to work something out with you to buy two more boxes. we could have a deal in a minute! thanks again
I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400.
Hi - I found another seller willing to sell me four boxes of the same for $342 each incl tax & ship late last nite (honest - link to the auction is below). I'd be happy to buy two from you for $350 each ($700 total) incl ship & tax. would that be ok? thanks so much for your consideration and communication.
If you want to pay $375 for each of my (5) Unopened Carson City CC GSA Hoard (Hard Pack) Morgan Dollars in Sealed White Box, Google my eBay id (djf-coins), then contact me.
@jrrgd , after the dealer simply passed on your offer, your follow up message was unnecessary and insulting. The dealer's response is not surprising or out of line, IMO.
@CoinJunkie said: @jrrgd , after the dealer simply passed on your offer, your follow up message was unnecessary and insulting. The dealer's response is not surprising or out of line, IMO.
the insult started here:
"I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
pretty aggressive and accusational reply. which i followed up with an explanation and an offer to reconcile
There is no need to reply to a simple wind down msg "Good luck. I pass." with "your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run."
Sometimes the seller or buyer is out of line. Other times it takes two.
This is why I feel for eBay sellers. And for what it's worth, I've dealt with Dave, and he is a good guy and an honest seller, but my experience is he doesn't negotiate too much on most of his material
You sharing messages here trying to disparage him is in EXTREMELY bad taste.
@jrrgd said:
got a bitter taste in my mouth re: djf coins. found this old thread about him and decided to piggyback on it with today's series of events.
I made a fair offer on 5 of his unopened CC GSA boxes last nite on eBay ($375 each, for boxes containing 82CC, 83CC or 84CC) which he countered back @ $400 - which i simply declined without comment. I found another seller willing to accept quite a bit less and made a deal with them.
djf coins reconsidered his offer and replied back early this morning...scroll to the very bottom of this post to see the subsequent email exchange i had with him.
I havent been to a coin show or shop in decades (been buying/bidding on ebay, heritage or other sites)...is this how coin dealers negotiate these days? maybe he's just having a bad day?
New message from: djf-coins Top Rated Seller(27,623TurquoiseShooting Star)
You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your previous message
totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!
Just to be clear - the price I mentioned ($342) is the final price i paid for each incl tax (I used the 'make offer' button and worked with the seller to find an equitable price). ie i paid $1250 for four boxes - then tax was added to bring the total to $1368.75. 1368.75/4 = $342.19 final price (seller is paying shipping)
i sense a little bit of accusation in your reply ...Im telling you the God's honest truth here.
I have decades of good buyer feedback on eBay...I'd be happy to try to work something out with you to buy two more boxes. we could have a deal in a minute! thanks again
I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400.
Hi - I found another seller willing to sell me four boxes of the same for $342 each incl tax & ship late last nite (honest - link to the auction is below). I'd be happy to buy two from you for $350 each ($700 total) incl ship & tax. would that be ok? thanks so much for your consideration and communication.
If you want to pay $375 for each of my (5) Unopened Carson City CC GSA Hoard (Hard Pack) Morgan Dollars in Sealed White Box, Google my eBay id (djf-coins), then contact me.
I see nothing wrong with the seller. You made an offer/inquiry. He responded with an option. You responded with having found a better deal and now lowballing your previous offer. Seller states that he is out of the deal/negotiation and wishes you good luck. You then confront the seller with loosing a potential customer and then attack his personal skills because you did not get what you wanted. Seller blocks you. I too would block you because nothing but problems are likely to come after this.
@CoinJunkie said: @jrrgd , after the dealer simply passed on your offer, your follow up message was unnecessary and insulting. The dealer's response is not surprising or out of line, IMO.
the insult started here:
"I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
pretty aggressive and accusational reply. which i followed up with an explanation and an offer to reconcile
who treats customers like that?
Well, from a dealer's perspective, your low-balling of your own previous (below asking price) offer could be considered an insult. He was probably a bit irritated at that when he wrote the reply quoted above, so I'll cut him a little slack for jumping to a (wrong) conclusion about who paid the tax (although your wording was ambiguous), and calling BS. That was the only aggressive aspect of his reply.
@CoinJunkie said: @jrrgd , after the dealer simply passed on your offer, your follow up message was unnecessary and insulting. The dealer's response is not surprising or out of line, IMO.
the insult started here:
"I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
pretty aggressive and accusational reply. which i followed up with an explanation and an offer to reconcile
who treats customers like that?
I think the insult started here:
“totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!“.
The above followed a perfectly nice reply from the seller: “Good luck. I pass.“
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Well, @jrrgd, I believe you made yourself look awfully petty and painted yourself in an extremely unflattering light. The communications to that point had been neutral and straightforward until you decided to extract a pound of flesh in the end.
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses. i get it
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
Following this thread: jrrgd, why would you want to leave any kind of review with a dealer you subsequently did not have business with? Fortunately eBay doesn't allow for feedback from non-buyers simply because communications went awry. Coupled with how both of you were slightly attempting to deal off of eBay using eBay messages- unethical.
@braddick said:
Following this thread: jrrgd, why would you want to leave any kind of review with a dealer you subsequently did not have business with? Fortunately eBay doesn't allow for feedback from non-buyers simply because communications went awry. Coupled with how both of you were slightly attempting to deal off of eBay using eBay messages- unethical.
well...we did do business...we just didnt complete a transaction.
as far as 'unethical' because 'attempting to deal off of eBay using messages': that does not compute
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@braddick said:
Following this thread: jrrgd, why would you want to leave any kind of review with a dealer you subsequently did not have business with? Fortunately eBay doesn't allow for feedback from non-buyers simply because communications went awry. Coupled with how both of you were slightly attempting to deal off of eBay using eBay messages- unethical.
well...we did do business...we just didnt complete a transaction.
Sounds more like you gave each other the business...
@braddick said:
Following this thread: jrrgd, why would you want to leave any kind of review with a dealer you subsequently did not have business with? Fortunately eBay doesn't allow for feedback from non-buyers simply because communications went awry. Coupled with how both of you were slightly attempting to deal off of eBay using eBay messages- unethical.
well...we did do business...we just didnt complete a transaction.
Sounds more like you gave each other the business...
Well then, I guess many people here are also doing business of a type with you in this thread. Might want to take a minute to reflect on the kinds of reviews they are giving you about whether they'd want to complete a future transaction with you. The comments here are constructive. In business, you can assume ill-intent and be defensive. That will result in a lot more interactions going sour, even if you think you are right. In your conversation with the dealer: your defensive attempts to convince do seem to grasp it's a bad look to come back a few hours later with a reduced offer. This is not a commentary on his responses to you. Decline and quick reconsideration is also the type of fraught move that calls for doubling down on assuming good intent from buyer.
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
“Final offer” and “I’ll pass” mean exactly that, when the person saying it really means it and sticks to it. Most don’t.
However, that had little to do with what I posted or the issue at hand. It appears that you’re either unwilling or unable to see what part you played.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
Actually, reading the thread. and knowing ebay a bit, you need to actually listen to what he said and how....
His best/final price ON ebay is $400ea. He offered you a way to contact him and purchase at $375.
For the ones you did buy cheaper, was it on ebay or was it in person or another (cheaper for the seller) venue? If on ebay, that person likely got them cheaper, isn't a dealer, or may be selling at a loss to cut bait. Nothing wrong with any of that, but nothing wrong with a dealer who has a price he is comfortable with NOT going lower (particularly depending on how long that person has had it in their inventory).
From the exchange you posted, "in your own words", it actually DOES make YOU look bad....not him.
From that exchange, I'd rather deal with him than with you.
Instead of trying to prove how "right" you were in your exchanges with him, or how big your "****" was, it would have been best to hear the offer and then decline. That's what I have done on ebay when counter offering and/or getting a reply later, after turning something down. Some people don't understand that, believe they ALWAYS have to get the last word in and that they are always right. Don't be like that.
Btw...I'm NOT a dealer...but I do try to be fair and look at both sides. In this case, definitely on the seller's side.
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
“Final offer” and “I’ll pass” mean exactly that, when the person saying it really means it and sticks to it. Most don’t.
However, that had little to do with what I posted or the issue at hand. It appears that you’re either unwilling or unable to see what part you played.
“Final offer”...mean(s) exactly that" - except it didnt. he kept negotiating
This must be what youre focused on...i said "your potential customer base just dropped by 1!" perhaps the exclamation point was unnecessary. Fine. mea culpa. you cant honestly say the underlying sentiment of that sentence isnt justified based on the exchange prior.
Now please provide a review on the reply - using full context (ie I am the customer, he is acting in his role as professional dealer/salesman):
"You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
the tone and the threat are clear...completely uncalled for in this exchange...is this your view of professionalism? is the response in proper proportion? I cant ever recall a salesman in any capacity address me this way. ever. let me guess: "he was justified". meh.
the parsing and dissecting has become tiresome...no hard feelings good sir. take care
@jrrgd said:
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case ...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
“Final offer” and “I’ll pass” mean exactly that, when the person saying it really means it and sticks to it. Most don’t.
However, that had little to do with what I posted or the issue at hand. It appears that you’re either unwilling or unable to see what part you played.
“Final offer”...mean(s) exactly that" - except it didnt. he kept negotiating
This must be what youre focused on...i said "your potential customer base just dropped by 1!" perhaps the exclamation point was unnecessary. Fine. mea culpa. you cant honestly say the underlying sentiment of that sentence isnt justified based on the exchange prior.
Now please provide a review on the reply - using full context (ie I am the customer, he is acting in his role as professional dealer/salesman):
"You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
the tone and the threat are clear...completely uncalled for in this exchange...is this your view of professionalism? is the response in proper proportion? I cant ever recall a salesman in any capacity address me this way. ever. let me guess: "he was justified". meh.
the parsing and dissecting has become tiresome...no hard feelings good sir. take care
As I posted earlier, I think the insult started here:
“totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!“.
His reply to the above left something to be desired, but in my view, wasn’t as uncalled for as yours was. And the “threat” to report you to EBay wasn’t much of a threat.
Regardless of our different views, hopefully you've benefited from the feedback here.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
Should also add have had several good for the grade coins come from him in my collection. Have also been outbid on eBay many times trying to win his auctions he has a lot of followers .
Everything went fine.
Other than that, I don't think he is a member here (never have known him being here) nor do I know him more than buying a coin from him off ebay.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
His eBay pics are way better than average.
He does have a limit to his tolerance for nonsense, and says what he feels. This puts off some folks.
161250621436 1859 PCGS PR62CAM Seated Half Dollar - Nice Early Date CAMEO 4/20/2014 $1,300.00 $- $1,300.00 djf-coins 4/28/2014
His prices are not unfair for the quality that he demands of himself. As an example: Last week here there was a thread of adulation for a particular other dealer who was offering a scarce Capped Bust half dollar in PCGS XF-45. I discovered that David also has the same date in PCGS-45 / CAC, although his is priced $100 less and is demonstrably nicer.
Guess who I chose to contact ?
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
Worked out a deal today on a coin I needed for a customer
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
got a bitter taste in my mouth re: djf coins. found this old thread about him and decided to piggyback on it with today's series of events.
I made a fair offer on 5 of his unopened CC GSA boxes last nite on eBay ($375 each, for boxes containing 82CC, 83CC or 84CC) which he countered back @ $400 - which i simply declined without comment. I found another seller willing to accept quite a bit less and made a deal with them.
djf coins reconsidered his offer and replied back early this morning...scroll to the very bottom of this post to see the subsequent email exchange i had with him.
I havent been to a coin show or shop in decades (been buying/bidding on ebay, heritage or other sites)...is this how coin dealers negotiate these days? maybe he's just having a bad day?
New message from: djf-coins Top Rated Seller(27,623TurquoiseShooting Star)
You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your previous message
totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!
Good luck. I pass.
Your previous message
Just to be clear - the price I mentioned ($342) is the final price i paid for each incl tax (I used the 'make offer' button and worked with the seller to find an equitable price). ie i paid $1250 for four boxes - then tax was added to bring the total to $1368.75. 1368.75/4 = $342.19 final price (seller is paying shipping)
i sense a little bit of accusation in your reply
...Im telling you the God's honest truth here.
I have decades of good buyer feedback on eBay...I'd be happy to try to work something out with you to buy two more boxes. we could have a deal in a minute! thanks again
I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400.
Hi - I found another seller willing to sell me four boxes of the same for $342 each incl tax & ship late last nite (honest - link to the auction is below). I'd be happy to buy two from you for $350 each ($700 total) incl ship & tax. would that be ok? thanks so much for your consideration and communication.
If you want to pay $375 for each of my (5) Unopened Carson City CC GSA Hoard (Hard Pack) Morgan Dollars in Sealed White Box, Google my eBay id (djf-coins), then contact me.
@jrrgd , after the dealer simply passed on your offer, your follow up message was unnecessary and insulting. The dealer's response is not surprising or out of line, IMO.
the insult started here:
"I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
pretty aggressive and accusational reply. which i followed up with an explanation and an offer to reconcile
who treats customers like that?
There is no need to reply to a simple wind down msg "Good luck. I pass." with "your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run."
Sometimes the seller or buyer is out of line. Other times it takes two.
This is why I feel for eBay sellers. And for what it's worth, I've dealt with Dave, and he is a good guy and an honest seller, but my experience is he doesn't negotiate too much on most of his material
You sharing messages here trying to disparage him is in EXTREMELY bad taste.
Pass or play @jrrgd
It's your money, and it's his inventory. No reason to get shi__y, and no reason to spread the sh__ around
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
I see nothing wrong with the seller. You made an offer/inquiry. He responded with an option. You responded with having found a better deal and now lowballing your previous offer. Seller states that he is out of the deal/negotiation and wishes you good luck. You then confront the seller with loosing a potential customer and then attack his personal skills because you did not get what you wanted. Seller blocks you. I too would block you because nothing but problems are likely to come after this.
Good Luck!
Well, from a dealer's perspective, your low-balling of your own previous (below asking price) offer could be considered an insult. He was probably a bit irritated at that when he wrote the reply quoted above, so I'll cut him a little slack for jumping to a (wrong) conclusion about who paid the tax (although your wording was ambiguous), and calling BS. That was the only aggressive aspect of his reply.
I think the insult started here:
“totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!“.
The above followed a perfectly nice reply from the seller: “Good luck. I pass.“
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Well, @jrrgd, I believe you made yourself look awfully petty and painted yourself in an extremely unflattering light. The communications to that point had been neutral and straightforward until you decided to extract a pound of flesh in the end.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I think you’ll find little sympathy here. You don’t get to decide if your offer is “fair”. Resist the urge to get petty and move on.
My takeaway is DJF's "My best price on ebay". I think you may have come to an agreement with a little creativity.
Please share your unopened boxes when you receive them
I have bought several very nice coins from him on eBay. Always fast smooth transactions. Nice to work with.
What’s your eBay ID jrrgd? I’d like to add you to one of my lists.
I leave for two hours and look what you guys did to my reply
I really enjoy lurking this forum...i've learned a lot about numismatics here. However I should know better than to seek sympathy at such a venue - knowing that this is a place where, among others, dealers and other business folks share thoughts. more power to you guys and thx for all the bits of knowledge you provide...
It's hard to justify $400 or even $375 for these items given that in order to recoup my cost I have to find an unusually high grade example in the bunch (unlikely). After djf rejected my fair offer I found another seller who made the risk a little more tolerable ($342)., so i bought from him. djf came by later and wanted to reconsider my original offer which i no longer thought reasonable. I dont get the vitriol here for what someone referred to 'insulting' and 'lowballing'...the market price had changed and I have my own interests to consider first and foremost.
take another look at his reply..."I pass. First, you offered me $375.00 on eBay a few hours ago. Now you are offering me $350.00. Second, there is NO option on eBay for the seller to pay the tax. The buyer ALWAYS pays the tax on eBay. Third, my best price on eBay is $400."
that's clearly the first foray into this dialog's rhetorically harsh territory. (notice the tone, use of CAPS and firm retraction of his offer). based on later communication - it's apparent my subsequent explanation (which left the door open to further negotiation btw) about the calculation of my price didnt seem to get traction. Im at a loss trying to imagine ever being faced with that type of reaction when working with a salesman in any type of transaction
I dont hold out much hope of changing any minds here (specially the guy who wants to know my ebay handle so he can punish me)...oh well. there was no ebay transaction with djf, so I wasnt able to give a neutral feedback based on my experience...i suppose i could go on Yelp! and see if i could leave a three-star review...this seemed like a good place to air a grievance - but apparently that's not the case
...professional courtesy is important and a big deal in all types of businesses. i get it
I picked a thread here that had a lot of positive vibe about djr - reader's can take it all into consideration...like i suggested at the outset, maybe he's just having a bad day(?). either way his business will survive my one-off criticism.
Following this thread: jrrgd, why would you want to leave any kind of review with a dealer you subsequently did not have business with? Fortunately eBay doesn't allow for feedback from non-buyers simply because communications went awry. Coupled with how both of you were slightly attempting to deal off of eBay using eBay messages- unethical.
well...we did do business...we just didnt complete a transaction.
as far as 'unethical' because 'attempting to deal off of eBay using messages': that does not compute
When there’s a transaction involving a collector and a dealer, many collectors tend to side with their fellow collector. And when someone posts here about a dispute or disagreement with someone else who’s not posting here, often forum members take the side of the poster. The fact that most of the responses sided with the EBay dealer, should tell you a lot regarding your role in what transpired.
The seller’s use of caps in the paragraph you quoted, merely stressed FACTS. I don’t think it was harsh. And while I might be mistaken, I didn’t necessarily take “Third, my best price on eBay is $400." as a retraction of his offer. But even if it was, you’d already retracted your original offer, so he was no more guilty of changing his mind than you were. After he wrote “Good luck. I pass”, instead of walking away or sending a polite reply, you escalated things.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Sounds more like you gave each other the business...
Well then, I guess many people here are also doing business of a type with you in this thread. Might want to take a minute to reflect on the kinds of reviews they are giving you about whether they'd want to complete a future transaction with you. The comments here are constructive. In business, you can assume ill-intent and be defensive. That will result in a lot more interactions going sour, even if you think you are right. In your conversation with the dealer: your defensive attempts to convince do seem to grasp it's a bad look to come back a few hours later with a reduced offer. This is not a commentary on his responses to you. Decline and quick reconsideration is also the type of fraught move that calls for doubling down on assuming good intent from buyer.
he said 'final offer' last night when he rejected my $375 offer and came back @ $400 each...however he subsequently circled back on $375 early this morning...when does 'final offer' and 'I'll pass' really mean 'final offer' and 'i'll pass'? if you can answer that definitively then you will be the greatest negotiator of all time
In the real coin world, The are only 2 offers at most.
The buyer sends in an offer. Dealer accepts, declines, or gives you a counteroffer as his best price.
Never counteroffer the counteroffer as it is in poor taste and wastes everybody's time.
“Final offer” and “I’ll pass” mean exactly that, when the person saying it really means it and sticks to it. Most don’t.
However, that had little to do with what I posted or the issue at hand. It appears that you’re either unwilling or unable to see what part you played.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Actually, reading the thread. and knowing ebay a bit, you need to actually listen to what he said and how....
His best/final price ON ebay is $400ea. He offered you a way to contact him and purchase at $375.
For the ones you did buy cheaper, was it on ebay or was it in person or another (cheaper for the seller) venue? If on ebay, that person likely got them cheaper, isn't a dealer, or may be selling at a loss to cut bait. Nothing wrong with any of that, but nothing wrong with a dealer who has a price he is comfortable with NOT going lower (particularly depending on how long that person has had it in their inventory).
From the exchange you posted, "in your own words", it actually DOES make YOU look bad....not him.
From that exchange, I'd rather deal with him than with you.
Instead of trying to prove how "right" you were in your exchanges with him, or how big your "****" was, it would have been best to hear the offer and then decline. That's what I have done on ebay when counter offering and/or getting a reply later, after turning something down. Some people don't understand that, believe they ALWAYS have to get the last word in and that they are always right. Don't be like that.
Btw...I'm NOT a dealer...but I do try to be fair and look at both sides. In this case, definitely on the seller's side.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
“Final offer”...mean(s) exactly that" - except it didnt. he kept negotiating
This must be what youre focused on...i said "your potential customer base just dropped by 1!" perhaps the exclamation point was unnecessary. Fine. mea culpa. you cant honestly say the underlying sentiment of that sentence isnt justified based on the exchange prior.
Now please provide a review on the reply - using full context (ie I am the customer, he is acting in his role as professional dealer/salesman):
"You are now blocked. Never contact me again. If you do, I will report you to eBay for harassment.
I SELL MY COINS AT MY PRICES. NOT YOURS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CEASE AND DESIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
the tone and the threat are clear...completely uncalled for in this exchange...is this your view of professionalism? is the response in proper proportion? I cant ever recall a salesman in any capacity address me this way. ever. let me guess: "he was justified". meh.
the parsing and dissecting has become tiresome...no hard feelings good sir. take care
As I posted earlier, I think the insult started here:
“totally up to you sir...your potential customer base just dropped by 1! hope your customer service skills dont cause you irreparable damage in the long run. Be well!“.
His reply to the above left something to be desired, but in my view, wasn’t as uncalled for as yours was. And the “threat” to report you to EBay wasn’t much of a threat.
Regardless of our different views, hopefully you've benefited from the feedback here.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.