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If you've attended the Baltimore Whitman show... You've walked on the first bloodshed grounds of the

BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
1861 General Winfield Scott / Baltimore Pratt Street Riot Medal, 64mm Diameter, 6.5mm Thick, White Metal.

I am extremely thrilled to have had a chance to acquire this Winfield Scott medal for my collection of Civil War Union Army Commanders as it's one of the finest surviving specimens extent.

Dealer member Pistareen wrote such an amazing description for a example he once offered that once read anything I try to write would just be influenced by his.





Pratt Street Riot: A first-hand account from the memoir of Mayor George W. Brown who recalls the first bloodshed of the Civil War.

The battle at Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, launched the Civil War. But the divided nation didn’t suffer its first causalities until a week later, hundreds of miles to the north in Baltimore, Md.

The 6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry and Pennsylvania troops had arrived at Baltimore’s President Street Station on April 19th, unaware that their mission – to head to Washington, D.C., to defend the capital at the request of President Lincoln – would be marred by the first bloodshed of the Civil War.

As the 1,700 troops made their way down Pratt Street to board a southbound train at Camden Yards, they were attacked by several thousand Confederate sympathizers, resulting in the death of 21 soldiers and citizens and injuring more than 100 people.

On the morning of the 19th of April I was at my law office in Saint Paul street after ten o’clock, when three members of the city council came to me with a message from Marshal Kane, informing me that he had just received intelligence that troops were about to arrive – I did not learn how many – and that he apprehended a disturbance, and requested me to go to the Camden-street station. I immediately hastened to the office of the board of police, and found that they had received a similar notice. The Counsellor of the City, Mr. George M. Gill, and myself then drove rapidly in a carriage to the Camden-street station. The police commissioners followed, and, on reaching the station, we found Marshal Kane on the ground and the police coming in in squads. A large and angry crowd had assembled, but were restrained by the police from committing any serious breach of the peace.

After considerable delay seven of the eleven companies of the Massachusetts regiment arrived at the station, as already mentioned, and I saw that the windows of the last car were badly broken. No one to whom I applied could inform me whether more troops were expected or not. At this time an alarm was given that the mob was about to tear up the rails in advance of the train on the Washington road, and Marshal Kane ordered some of his men to go out the road as far as necessary to protect the track. Soon afterward, and when I was about to leave the Camden-street station, supposing all danger to be over, news was brought to Police Commissioner Davis and myself, who were standing together, that some troops had been left behind, and that the mob was tearing up the track on Pratt street, so as to obstruct the progress of the cars, which were coming to the Camden-street station. Mr. Davis immediately ran to summon the marshal, who was at the station with a body of police, to be sent to the point of danger, while I hastened alone in the same direction. On arriving at about Smith’s Wharf, foot of Gay street, I found that anchors had been placed on the track, and that Sergeant McComas and four policemen who were with him were not allowed by a group of rioters to remove the obstruction. I at once ordered the anchors to be removed, and my authority was not resisted. I hurried on, and, approaching Pratt-street bridge, I saw a battalion, which proved to be four companies of the Massachusetts regiment which had cross the bridge, coming towards me in double-quick time.

They were firing wildly, sometimes backward, over their shoulders. So rapid was the march that they could not stop to take aim. The mob, which was not very large, as it seemed to me, was pursuing with shouts and stones, and, I think, an occasional pistol-shot. The uproar was furious. I ran at once to the head of the column, some persons in the crowd shouting, “Here comes the mayor.” I shook hands with the officer in command, Captain Follansbee, saying as I did so, “I am the mayor of Baltimore.” The captain greeted me cordially. I at once objected to the double-quick, which was immediately stopped. I placed myself by his side, and marched with him. He said, “We have been attacked without provocation,” or words to that effect. I replied, “You must defend yourselves.” I expected that he would face his men to the rear, and, after giving warning, would fire if necessary. But I said no more, for immediately felt that, as mayor of the city, it was not my province to volunteer such advice. Once before in my life I had taken part in opposing a formidable riot, and had learned by experience that the safety and most humane manner of quelling a mob is to meet it at the beginning with armed resistance.

The column continued to march. There was neither concert of action nor organization among the rioters. They were armed only with such stones or missiles as they could pick up, and a few pistols. My presence for the short time had some effect, but very soon the attack was renewed with great violence.

The mob grew bolder. Stones flew thick and fast. Rioters rushed at the soldiers and attempted to snatch their muskets, and at least on two occasions succeeded. With one of these muskets a solider was killed. Men fell on both sides. A young lawyer, then and now known as a quiet citizen, seized a flag of one of the companies and nearly tore it from its staff. He was shot through the thigh and was carried home apparently a dying man, but he survived to enter the army of the Confederacy, where he rose to the rank of captain, and he afterward returned to Baltimore where he still lives. The soldiers fired at will. There was no firing by platoons, and I heard no order given to fire. I remember that at the corner of South street several citizens standing in a group fell, either killed or wounded. It was impossible for the troops to discriminate between rioters and by-standers, but the latter seemed to suffer most, because, as the main attack from the mob pursuing the solders from the rear, they, in their march, could not easily face backward to fire, but could shoot at those whom they passed on the street. Near the corner of Light street a soldier was severely wounded, who afterward died, and a boy on a vessel lying in the dock was killed, and about the same place three soldiers at the head of the column leveled their muskets and fired into a group standing on the sidewalk, who, as far as I could see, were taking no active part. The shots took effect, but I cannot say how many fell. I cried out, waving my umbrella to emphasize my words, “For God’s sake don’t shoot!” but it was too late. The statement that I begged Captain Follansbee not to let the men fire is incorrect, although on this occasion I did say, “Don’t shoot.” It then seemed to me that I was in the wrong place, for my presence did not avail to protect either the soldiers or the citizens, and I stepped out from the column… At the moment when I returned to the street, Marshal Kane, with about fifty policemen (as I then supposed, but I have since ascertained that in fact there were not so many), came at a run from the direction of the Camden-street station, and throwing themselves in the rear of the troops, they formed a line in front of the mob, and with drawn revolvers kept it back. This was between Light and Charles streets. Marshal Kane’s voice shouted, “Keep back, men, or I shoot!” This movement, which I saw myself, was gallantly executed, and was perfectly successful. The mob recoiled like water from a rock.

Four of the Massachusetts regiment were killed and thirty-six wounded. Twelve citizens were killed, including Mr. Davis. The number of wounded among the latter has never been ascertained. As the fighting was at close quarters, the small number of casualties shows that it was not so severe as has generally been supposed.
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!


  • blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,925 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Excellent medal and read!
    http://www.bluccphotos.com" target="new">BluCC Photos Shows for onsite imaging: Nov Baltimore, FUN, Long Beach http://www.facebook.com/bluccphotos" target="new">BluCC on Facebook
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,486 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amazing medal(Underappreciated 1861 Baltimore Riots Medal) and amazing Baltimore history......................

    Way to go Broadstruck

  • scubafuelscubafuel Posts: 1,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congratulations on the acquisition. that is some awesome history.

  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks guys as I'm really excited since it showed up better then expected with perfect rims, no spots, or trace oxidation.

    Beyond the history its just something to behold as size wise it's the largest chunk of metal I've owned since the mid 1990's.
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • WalkerfanWalkerfan Posts: 9,380 ✭✭✭✭✭
    cool medal with accompanying history.

    Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍

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  • segojasegoja Posts: 6,136 ✭✭✭✭
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  • ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,469 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very very cool!! And thank you for such an informative read, I really appreciate your taking the time to do the research and enlighten us all. You always have such amazing tokens and medals Broadstruck!!
    Charmy Harker
    The Penny Lady®
  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,631 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>
    Dealer member Pistareen wrote such an amazing description for a example he once offered that once read anything I try to write would just be influenced by his.

    I concur. You have to love the way Pistareen writes. In the same sentence he uses a fancy word like "anepigraphic" and then immediately contrasts with a bald accusation of plagiarism.
  • 3keepSECRETif2rDEAD3keepSECRETif2rDEAD Posts: 4,285 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A+ all the way around image

  • Shrub68Shrub68 Posts: 201 ✭✭✭
    I usually attend all three Baltimore shows. Thanks for the history lesson. It will make my trips even more meaningful!
  • To be fair there have been way more deadly periods in Pratt street's history being Baltimore and all.
  • lasvegasteddylasvegasteddy Posts: 10,408 ✭✭✭
    what an amazing write up and piece here to snuggle in surely a world class collection you've assembled here broadstruck
    huge congrats on a new piece that thrills you image

    <<< back to lookin for scraps i can be thrilled about
    everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see

  • Very cool read.

    And as you all know, Baltimore has a long and important numismatic history. I live in Baltimore and posted this little bit ATS for the last Whitman show about two overlooked pieces of coin history here in Charm City:


    If anyone is going to the Baltimore show this weekend from out of town, here are two small pieces of numismatic history that you can check out which are located right up the street from the Baltimore Convention Center:

    Waldo Newcomer's House
    105 West Monument Street
    This brownstone mansion was built in 1859. But in 1867 it was converted into one of the leading hotels of the day. Actor Edwin Booth (brother of John Wilkes Booth) stayed here when performing in Baltimore. The hotel closed in 1902 and the building was sold to note-worthy numismatist Waldo Newcomer. He paid $100,000 for the mansion and immediately began extensive renovations. Major additions included Tiffany stained glass windows and walnut paneling.

    The brownstone is only a 5 minute drive north of the Convention Center. You could walk there in about 15 minutes. And even though it's Baltimore, the walk is safe as long as you stay on Charles Street. Living in Baltimore my entire life, I wouldn't recommend going too far west of Charles. Also, I'd recommend to anyone that has any difficultly walking to just drive there anyway, because this part of the city isn't flat, and there are some significant hills to climb.

    Today the building is owned by a financial publishing company that I sometimes do freelance work for. It's not open to the public, but I've been inside many times and can assure you that it is nothing less than spectacular.

    Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument
    co-created and designed by Adolph Weinman
    Dedicated in 1909, this Monument was co-created and designed by Adolph Weinman, which commemorates the Union military personnel of the American Civil War. The face of Victory on this monument has been noted as having a strong resemblance to Liberty's features on the Mercury Dime.
    This monument is located in Wyman Park Dell, which is right near the Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus and about a 10-15 minute drive north of the Convention Center. There's no street address, but the Wyman Park Dell is on the corner of W. 29th Street and N. Charles Street.
    "Man will never be perfect until he learns to create and destroy; he does know how to destroy, and that is half the battle.”
    - Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

  • keyman64keyman64 Posts: 15,511 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice one!
    "If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64
    Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners. :smile:
  • For history buffs ever visiting Baltimore, I'd also recommend checking out Fort Howard. Everyone visits Fort McHenry, which successfully defended Baltimore Harbor from an attack by the British navy in Chesapeake Bay during the War of 1812 and was the place of inspiration for Francis Scott Key's Star-Spangled Banner poem.

    However, Fort Howard played a significant role in the War of 1812 as the site of the Battle of North Point on Sept. 12, 1814. The Battle of North Point was a tactical loss for the Americans, but is generally considered as a strategic victory because it significantly slowed the British and allowed time to complete preparations for defending the city in the Battle of Baltimore.

    If the Americans were not able to successful slow the British, the Battle of Baltimore could have ended differently...and Key may have not seen old glory flying over Fort McHenry "by the dawn's early light". Perhaps the entire war could have ended differently.

    Battery at Fort Howard

    The batteries at Fort Howard do not actually date to the Battle of North Point. I believe that most of them were built around the turn of the 20th century. But as you can see, you can climb around on them and even get into the old prison cells. Of course, this means that a lot of it them are graffitied up and damaged by vandals. But I think the old graffiti, damage, and over-grown nature actually adds to the Fort's mystic. During Halloween, the entire park is turned into a haunted attraction. But even not during Halloween, Fort Howard feels haunted.

    Fort Howard is not in the city and kind of out of the way...probably 45 minutes southeast of the Inner Harbor. But if you ever get a chance to check it out, you'll get to see a pretty cool piece of American history that most people don't.

    Battle of North Point Wiki
    Fort Howard Wiki
    Long Video of Some Guy Walking Through the Batteries at Fort Howard
    "Man will never be perfect until he learns to create and destroy; he does know how to destroy, and that is half the battle.”
    - Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very neat!
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very nice medal and interesting history...thanks Broadstruck...Cheers, RickO
  • DDRDDR Posts: 1,588 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great background info on your medal. Thanks for posting!
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    History is proving April doesn't seem like the month to venture to Baltimore image

    Baltimore riot of 1968 April 6 to April 14.
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • bidaskbidask Posts: 14,017 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting and timely post........lets hope it does not get that bad.
    I manage money. I earn money. I save money .
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  • ashelandasheland Posts: 23,257 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very interesting thread! image

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