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My first SLQ -26D in a rattler

dogwooddogwood Posts: 1,935 ✭✭✭✭
I've never given much thought to the series per se, but always have admired the coin's design.
I've heard the 26D is very soft so when I saw this I figured at under $300 it would be a nice example to own.
I was surprised that a Jillion of these have been made at PCGS in 64 and 65, and figured that because of the massive jump in price to a FH, every coin was just willy nilly submitted. Maybe this date was hoarded? Something.
I know this isn't a full head.
But perhaps it's in the higher level of strike for the date? I'm really an R4-R5 guy, so I'd like there to be some merit to any R1 coin that might find its way into my collection
That and the cool dinosaur holder!
In all, it's really nice to finally have one as a type example of what I can imagine is a very rewarding series.

We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.


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