Very cool.... a lot of fossils in the shale banks in this area. Used to collect them as a kid. A lot of trilobite fossils here... some shells... Cheers, RickO
they are some fancy rocks. the other side of each look like plain rocks. would love to find trilobites. I have bought some of those and some megaladon teeth. these are the first big fossil finds for me. these finds were quite by accident. was detecting creek in a very old park and happened to see the fully intact one first. im thinking about going back tomorrow. county records show this area to be a known deposit of fossils.
Lafayette Grading Set
would love to find trilobites. I have bought some of those and some megaladon teeth. these are the first big fossil finds for me.
these finds were quite by accident. was detecting creek in a very old park and happened to see the fully intact one first. im thinking about going back tomorrow. county records show this area to be a known deposit of fossils.