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What was "your year"?

Let me define "your year" with an example...

I was born in 71. I don't really remember ripping 78s, but I'm pretty sure I did since I had what I would consider a couple packs each of BB, FB, and even BK in my childhood collection, along with some 79BB.

But I vividly remember both 79 FB and 80BB. Especially 80BB. If my mom took me to ToysRUs I would spend 30 minutes going thru all the racks looking for Dodgers or AllStars on top. Didn't even know Rickey at the time.

Those are my years. First vivid recollection of rips.

FB = 79
BB = 80
BK = 88
HK = 89

What are yours?
52-90 All Sports, Mostly Topps, Mostly HOF, and some assorted wax.


  • 1981 and Donruss. That was the first year I bought packs, and that's what the store near my house carried.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    83 BB
    88 BK
    85 FB
    89 HK
  • bobsbbcardsbobsbbcards Posts: 3,254 ✭✭✭
    BB - 1969
    FB - 1968
    BK - 1969-70
    HK - Eh?
    WP (Wacky Packages) - 1973
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was born in a different era and wasn't that into collecting cards.

    I bought them - looked for Dodgers and pretty much dumped them in the drawer each year and wasn't interested in sets, knew nothing of series, and didn't have friends who collected like some do today.

    I don't remember the first pack or the last.

    Wish I had the fond memories that others have here.
  • First Packs
    BB 1970
    HK 1969-70
    FB 1969
    BK 1969-70

    Favorite sets
    BB FB 1972
    HK BK 1971-72

    I used to buy them on Sunday when I would walk to the store to get the newspaper for my dad
    I also remember buying Topps greatest moments in 1971
    1 pack only 3 cards...liked 1972 Topps President cards
  • 53BKid53BKid Posts: 2,174 ✭✭✭
    First Pack: 1969 at the end of the season.

    Began collecting in 1970. Joe Rudi on the front of the 1st rack pack I bought.

    I remember going home and looking at the cards, organizing the teams, and being mesmerized.

    I didn't even know all the teams names.

    I still recall trading with a girl for her cards, and I kept my cards at first in my grandfather's cigar box.

    Favorite set?: 1953 Bowmans

    The first time I saw them in 1976 I was awestruck. My then girlfriend's older brother had them and showed them to me. Nothing I could do would convince him to sell any to me.

    It's been a lifelong passion ever since.
  • 1981 Topps Football
    1982 Topps Baseball
    1989 Topps/OPC Hockey
    1989 Hoops Basketball
  • 1974 for baseball, hockey and football. Don't remember year for basketball but it must have been mid-late 70's.
    Collecting Topps Baseball: 1966-present base sets
    Topps/OPC Hockey 1966-Present base sets
  • jmaciujmaciu Posts: 1,289 ✭✭✭
    Great thread, Jim!

    BB 1979
    BK 1981
    FB 1981
    No Hockey

    One of my fondest memories was trading a spare bike tire for a grocery bag full of mid 70's baseball cards.
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    1976 football that my Uncle Bill bought for me at Bernie's Liquors.

    1978 baseball that I bought from JJ Newberry's in Astoria OR with money scrounged from collecting glass bottles and beer cans on the side of the roads.
  • dberk12dberk12 Posts: 399 ✭✭
    I was born in '75 and can remember getting packs of everything in 1983 baseball. Everyone collected '83 Topps because the local shops didn't sell much Fleer or Donruss so it was always special when we founds those packs. My enthusiasm continued into the fall and can recall ripping '83 Topps football. Cards from these sets will always be nostalgic for me.

    Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona.

    -George F. Will
  • 70ToppsFanatic70ToppsFanatic Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭✭
    As if my user name doesn't answer that question completely image

  • lightningboylightningboy Posts: 1,483 ✭✭✭
    1970 BB even bought the 1970 Fleer Cartoon World Series
    1971 FB
    1973/74 Hockey
    1973 Wacky Packages and Kung Fu cards
  • KendallCatKendallCat Posts: 3,012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can always guess people's ages when they tell me what year they first started collecting. If they started in 1980 they were born 1972, collected in 1966 they were born in 1958. Almost 90% of kids start collecting around age 7-8 since that is when they start playing little league. They collect for about 5-6 years until girls come around and some give it up - collecting not girls image

    That is why I think that the cards from the 70's will start to see a huge increase because guys are now in their mid to late 40's and early 50's with more disposable income, and cards they either never had or could not afford they now can get. Cards like 1971's, Schmidt rookies, 75 rookies like Brett and Yount...
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    77 football


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭
    Although it was an amazing time in my life.. it all comes back to 87 Topps Baseball (cringe). But opening the Donruss and Fleer was fun.
  • ssollarsssollars Posts: 933 ✭✭✭✭
    '81 Football, collected the entire set from packs!
  • addicted2ebayaddicted2ebay Posts: 2,096 ✭✭✭✭
  • TheDudeAbidesTheDudeAbides Posts: 400 ✭✭✭
    First pack I remember opening was in 68, pulled an Aaron, still have it ... 1970 has been, and always will be ... "The year".
    Collecting 64, 66, 67, 70 & 71 Baseball. Cubs, wax, cello & rack baseball.
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    First pack of cards was 88 donruss at ann & hope in seekonk, mass. I can still name most of the cards in that pack. My dad brought home some fleer team action football cards not long after and I traded for my cousin's 87 topps Herschel walker. Been collecting both sports ever since.
  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭
    In order of what I bought first:

    HK = Topps 1981-82
    FB = Topps 1981
    BB = Topps 1982
    BK = N/A

    Weird that I started with hockey given I had never played, followed, or had any interest in the sport at that point... but I bought enough of them to piece together the set out of packs.

  • Born 1965
    Baseball 1974
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    '89 Topps Hockey
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭
  • 1980 topps baseball. I was 9 yrs old and I remember buying packs every Sunday after mass. It took a long time to complete the whole set after trading with three close friends. 81' football was my second obsession.
  • flcardtraderflcardtrader Posts: 798 ✭✭✭
    FB = 78
    BB = 78
    BK = 76-77 - loved the Tallboys!
    HK = 77

    I was 10-11 years old at this point and would ride my bike all over town in search of the next haul.....Fun times......
    Ebay Store
  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭
    Born 1971. Ripping 1985 Topps is my first introduction to collecting BB cards. Sure do remember when I pulled my first Gooden from a cello pack from OurX Drugs. I was sitting in the family station wagon waiting for my mom to finish shopping at the next door grocery store.

    I also remember getting late 70's and early 80's football packs in my Halloween trick or treating.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=61611&_sargn=-1&saslc=1&_salic=1&_fss=1&_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&_saslop=1&_sasl=mygirlsthree3&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
  • 81 Topps Baseball - Finished set from buying packs at the corner convenience store and trading with friends. The "Expos Future Stars" with Tim Raines and Lee Mazzilli stand out as toughest cards in my memory. It was also kind of cool that it gave us something to do during the strike and that Raines did have a pretty nice year stealing around 70 in around 80 games.
  • First pack I remember buying and opening (probably opened some others, but don't remember):
    BB: 1984 Topps
    BK: 1986-87 Fleer
    HK: 1990 Upper Deck
    FB: 1985 Topps

    Favorite stuff now is pretty much basketball and all over the board, but junk wax still catches my eye for all sports
  • 1986 Topps Baseball
    1991-92 Upper Deck Basketball
  • hyperchipper09hyperchipper09 Posts: 1,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Born: 1970
    Baseball: 1978 Topps
    Football: 1978 Topps
    Basketball: 1978 Topps
    Hockey: 1979 Topps
    Comic Books rivaled cards up until late 1987. First comic ever bought for me was in 1974. It's how I learned to read actually, comics.
  • 1980 for me. I was 6 and pretty much baseball crazy begging my dad to lie about my age so I could play real baseball instead of tee ball. I can't remember what year I started football althogh I know I stopped cold when the colts left town. When people say it was like a death in the family there not kidding. I still haven't opened a pack off football since although the Ravens rekindled my love for football.
  • KendallCatKendallCat Posts: 3,012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Had some packs and cards from 1973 and 1974, stepped it up in 1975, and first year of little league was 1976 and game was on. Had 2 brothers and all of us were within 3 years in ago, so parents had to buy in triplicate for us. Needless to say we had a lot of cards in the house. Growing up a Reds fan it was an awesome time since they won back to back in 1975-76, and I can remember every Saturday afternoon it was This Week In Baseball with Mel Allen followed by the NBC game of the week at 1:30 with Joe Garagiola and Curt Gowdy. Reds were on almost every Saturday against either the Phillies, Pirates, or Dodgers. Greatest year ever as a kid.
  • SumoMenkoManSumoMenkoMan Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭
    1986 Topps Football
    1987 Topps, Fleer Donruss Baseball

    I'm a product of the overproduced generation, but I still love the designs of all the 1987 baseball product.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭

    .....oops...I mean...
    BB 1978
    FB 1978
    Hockey 1978
    Basketball never really got into it nor do I remember seeing packs otherwise I probably would have

    I have deep admiration for my 78 Baseball! Love it love it love it!

    Thank you for letting me contribute image
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭

    << <i>yup

    .....oops...I mean...
    BB 1978
    FB 1978
    Hockey 1978
    Basketball never really got into it nor do I remember seeing packs otherwise I probably would have

    I have deep admiration for my 78 Baseball! Love it love it love it!

    Thank you for letting me contribute image >>

  • Baez578Baez578 Posts: 967 ✭✭✭
    90 Donruss and Topps....oddly enough I remember the very first card I laid eyes on....Charlie Hough.
  • GDM67GDM67 Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭✭
    I had bought packs here and there (a '72 Baseball rack pack late in the season, for starters) but the first sets I really went out and bought multiple packs over a stretch of time were:

    1976 Football

    1976-77 Basketball

    1977 Baseball

    1980 Hockey
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First packs for me were:

    Baseball: 1976 aside from a few 1975 packs for my birthday. 1976 is the first year I really collected
    Football: 1976
    Basketball: 1977-78
    Hockey: Never bought a hockey pack in my life
  • BB - 1975 & 1976 - the liquor store I went to as a kid had unsold 1975 packs at the start of 1976
    BK - 75/76
    FB - 76
    HK - 77
    Also collected many of the non-sport releases back then - Happy Days, Superman 1, Star Wars, Welcome Back Kotter, Cars of 1977, Wacky Packages
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    My first year of buying packs was 74, bought mainly baseball, but some football and a little hockey. But 75 was it for me, those colored boarders was such a change from 74. Collected a ton of 75s and living in Michigan we had the minis too!! Bought a ton of 77 also to get a Fidrych rookie card!!
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    69 BB packs at K-mart with my paper route money and on the way out I always got two of the large grape gum balls. I can still smell that gum like it was yesterday!!👻
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭

    << <i>the liquor store I went to as a kid >>

    This made me chuckle.
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