Out metal detecting in some new fields today. Found two musket balls, a button and a William III silver shilling (too worn to tell the date but around 1690's)
Tempted to say something like, "Fancy meeting you here." Of course, if I accessed this topic on a regular basis, I probably would not be surprised. I just troll now and then.
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The other side is worn flat. No I'm in Scotland. I've hot a William III sixpence I found last year. I'll take a picture of that and post it up as its in better condition.
Thanks Lord M. I have a new job which is office based so I really enjoy going out detecting when I can. It nice to he in the countryside getting some fresh air. If you're ever back to the UK or near Scotland give me a shout. You're more than welcome to come out with me in my fields.
Thanks pcgs69. My detecting collection is growing, mostly buttons, musket balls and old Vicky pennies but I've only been at it for just over a year. Plenty more to come hopefully.