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POLL: Is it time for me to sell my Dansco 7070 set?

BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
Was actively collecting in the last decade. Sorta lost interest and sold everything except my Dansco 7070 around 2007-2008.

I kept it as a reminder of my active collecting years and also to show the grandkids one day (they don't exist yet). I last looked at it about a year ago, and after this post will probably pull it out for another look. It's a relatively high-end set for an album collection. Most of the better coins were slabbed at one time and cracked out for the album.

Here's a LINK to the set, if you're interewsted in seeing it. It's been posted on the forum before.


  • Nice, very nice type set dansco. I like!

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • SonorandesertratSonorandesertrat Posts: 5,695 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be better to wait for better market conditions to sell pieces like these. If you don't need the money, that is. Most of the classic coins would also need to be slabbed first, unless you don't mind leaving money on the table.
    Member: EAC, NBS, C4, CWTS, ANA

    RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'

    CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
  • AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭
    I disassembled most of my Dansco 7070 when I started a PCGS Type set registry. So while my the album was disassembled, I did keep most of the coins but now in slabs rather than raw. Some were sold. Here is my set if anyone would like to see it:

    nullDansco 7070

    Barry, my suggestion to you is to keep the set. Since they are high end, they will retain their value whether raw or slabbed. Share them with your future generations, and when the time comes to sell, have them slabbed again. You worked hard on your set and you should be proud of it. So unless you are having financial difficulties, I would keep it as is.

    All coins kept in bank vaults.
    PCGS Registries
    Box of 20
    SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
  • I voted not to sell it. If you got the collecting bug once you will get it again. Just put it up and forget about it for a while, unless of course you need the money.
  • Walkerguy21DWalkerguy21D Posts: 11,548 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As much as I would love to have a shot at buying some of these for my own 7070 via the BST or whatever,
    I chose not to vote. The decision is ultimately yours. If you do not need the funds toward a new hobby or home renovation
    project, etc., then keep them for yourself. Keeping them for future grandkids to look at isn't a strong reason. The only
    people now who want to see my coins are other collectors. Everyone else is done looking at them after a few minutes and ready
    to move on to something else. 10-12 or so years from now (in your case)? The kids will be live streaming something on
    their watch via voice command before you hit the silver dollar page.

    Successful BST transactions with 171 members. Ebeneezer, Tonedeaf, Shane6596, Piano1, Ikenefic, RG, PCGSPhoto, stman, Don'tTelltheWife, Boosibri, Ron1968, snowequities, VTchaser, jrt103, SurfinxHI, 78saen, bp777, FHC, RYK, JTHawaii, Opportunity, Kliao, bigtime36, skanderbeg, split37, thebigeng, acloco, Toninginthblood, OKCC, braddick, Coinflip, robcool, fastfreddie, tightbudget, DBSTrader2, nickelsciolist, relaxn, Eagle eye, soldi, silverman68, ElKevvo, sawyerjosh, Schmitz7, talkingwalnut2, konsole, sharkman987, sniocsu, comma, jesbroken, David1234, biosolar, Sullykerry, Moldnut, erwindoc, MichaelDixon, GotTheBug
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I disassembled most of my Dansco 7070 when I started a PCGS Type set registry. So while my the album was disassembled, I did keep most of the coins but now in slabs rather than raw. Some were sold. Here is my set if anyone would like to see it:

    nullDansco 7070

    Barry, my suggestion to you is to keep the set. Since they are high end, they will retain their value whether raw or slabbed. Share them with your future generations, and when the time comes to sell, have them slabbed again. You worked hard on your set and you should be proud of it. So unless you are having financial difficulties, I would keep it as is.

    Ankur >>

    Thanks for the comments, so far, Ankur and others. One thing I would not do is turn it into a slab collection. I would certainly slab the coins that merit it, for sale price reasons, prior to any sale. I don't really need the funds now, but was just thinking about the possibility of selling, as it has sat idle for quite a while now.

    P.S. Very nice set, Ankur.
  • SwampboySwampboy Posts: 13,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I voted No just because I've always enjoyed viewing your set Barry. I think it's wonderful and optimizes what, to me, coin collecting is all about.

    "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso

  • DeepCoinDeepCoin Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭
    I would keep it. Someday you may have grandchildren and it could perform a double duty of introducing them to one of your hobbies and you could dedicate future proceeds towards their education when the time comes for that. And it might click you back into the hobby once you begin sharing the history and stories of the various coins with a potential Y/N.
    Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hang on to it....you may start collecting again... Cheers, RickO
  • CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,364 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I voted no. What a wonderful way to introduce our coins/history to new generations! It can also be something to stimulate conversation and further your connection to your grandchildren.
    Seated Half Society member #38
    "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    It's too nice to sell unless you have to.
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • LindeDadLindeDad Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Start to put them in plastic now and sell in the Winter, Summer is a slow time for selling quality items.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would recommend setting a price and selling it if you get your price. If not, keep it.

    You can always reassemble one.
  • SamByrdSamByrd Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭✭
    Very well done set. The coins are all nice examples for there type. I myself would suggest you hold for now unless you need the dollars.

    One consideration if you decide to get back into the hobby latter you will find some of those coins tough to buy like the classic head large cent that is a great coin.

    Should you make the call to sell though I suggest RYK is spot on with his advice, sell it a strong price or keep it should be the mind set.
  • Mission16Mission16 Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭
    Very nice set. Keep it. I am in a very similar situation as you. Really have lost the interest for collecting series so a 7070 is just going to be a conversation piece for me. Mine is a bit lower class than yours, I am using a lot of "genuine" slabs to get the tougher stuff but it will likely not be sold in my lifetime.
  • AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭
    The board has decided, the answer is NO! image
    All coins kept in bank vaults.
    PCGS Registries
    Box of 20
    SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
  • RedTigerRedTiger Posts: 5,608
    I don't see any reason to sell. Money pressure is not mentioned at all. A single album takes up very little space. The modest amount (modest for someone with the means to assemble that kind of set) is likely to be either frittered away, or added to a substantial pile in investment accounts. So my vote is to keep it.

    I am in a similar boat, though my collection takes up much more space. Selling mine would require much more effort to sell, because there are so very many low value coins in the collection. I haven't sold much at all, even though I have pretty much stopped buying. Again, the modest amount I would get from selling would likely just be added to investment accounts. Sure any heirs would like that a lot more than a coin collection, but there is some modest value in having something tangible as well as cash. At the is point the original poster is down to a single album of tangible.

  • EastonCollectionEastonCollection Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Barry - You got a very nice looking set and the coins look great together. I would hold on to them for as long as possible as I believe that the coins of these quality will increase in value. Of course, if you want to convert them into cash and spend it on a world cruise or some fancy thing that you and your family always desired then sell it. Obviously, take your time and sell it right to ensure that you get the proper price.
    Easton Collection
  • Keep 'em. Terrific set.
    Let's try not to get upset.
  • TiborTibor Posts: 3,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Barry, I really like your 7070. Some really choice pieces. Whether you choose
    to keep or sell the set I would recommend slabbing most of the collection.
    Protecting your set is very important, especially from young inquisitive but
    well meaning hands. Hopefully you will rejoin us one day.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,465 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I recall your set from some years back. I enjoyed it then and enjoy seeing it again.

    So, do you need the money if you sell it?
    Do you want to 100% divest of coins and related bits?
    Do you have children it would go to and would they enjoy it or even know what to do with it (what will happen to it "post-Barry")?

    I would LOVE some of those coins in our 7070. I, personally, wouldn't sell it right now. I can, however, understand if you do.

    Would you think of "mothballing" it, again, for awhile? You mentioned it's been a year since you looked at it.....what about another year, or two, or 5?

    Again, and as you have stated, it is a very nice set for an album collection and you obviously put some time into it....shame to sell just because you got bored for awhile....but also understandable.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭

    Wait until you are in your late 60's...............then sell.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • PurfrockPurfrock Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
    That is a beautiful type set. I would keep it in a safe spot and wait. I don't see any of those coins
    losing value, and more than likely, will increase as time goes by.
    EAC, ANA Member
  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You have a Buffalo dollar for the commem type set. Great choice! You've obviously put a lot of time, effort and money into this.
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • SAM5969SAM5969 Posts: 1,216 ✭✭✭
    Barry - Impossible for anyone other than you to make that call
    I will opine that there is nothing like viewing a set of coins in an old album as so many others have said here and in the past .. It is just so much more eye appealing to see them all in the book side by side without the plastic .. The presentation is amazing and the quality of the coins (based on the images obviously) appears superlative .. Looks like a lot of hard work and a lifetime labor of love ... As others have suggested, unless you need to free up the cash or you have grown bored with the hobby.. ..

    Do whatever your inner voice is telling you .. the fact you posted this question in public seems to me you are hoping to be talked out of a decision you already made
  • PTVETTERPTVETTER Posts: 5,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why not upgrade some of them?
    You will find upgrades when you are NOT looking for them.
    That way you can still in a small way stay in touch with friends you have in the hobby.
    Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211

  • TomBTomB Posts: 21,610 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you're thinking about it then it may very well be time to seriously address the question. I voted "yes".
    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

  • crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,998 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Honestly, I think you should keep it. It's just to nice to sell and you might have a little sellers remorse if ya do sell it. It's your call for sure but I wouldn't . It is over the top beautiful from what I can see.
    The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    Bochiman asked:

    << <i>So, do you need the money if you sell it?
    Do you want to 100% divest of coins and related bits?
    Do you have children it would go to and would they enjoy it or even know what to do with it (what will happen to it "post-Barry")?
    Would you think of "mothballing" it, again, for awhile? You mentioned it's been a year since you looked at it.....what about another year, or two, or 5? >>

    Barry answers:
    Not really
    I could divest of coins 100% and don't think I'd regret it now
    Kids (in their 20s) couldn't care less about it. I put a sheet with approx values and instructions how to sell. I may have put RYK's phone number on the sheet for questions image
    It is mothballed (currently locked away in SDB). Another few years is certainly doable.

    PVetter asked:
    Why not upgrade some of them?

    I upgraded most of those coins several times before ending up where it is now. No interest in any changes. You must be a dealer image

    Again, thanks for the comments. I'll follow the majority and hold for now.

  • tcmitssrtcmitssr Posts: 1,570 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Bochiman asked:

    << <i>So, do you need the money if you sell it?
    Do you want to 100% divest of coins and related bits?
    Do you have children it would go to and would they enjoy it or even know what to do with it (what will happen to it "post-Barry")?
    Would you think of "mothballing" it, again, for awhile? You mentioned it's been a year since you looked at it.....what about another year, or two, or 5? >>

    Barry answers:
    Not really
    I could divest of coins 100% and don't think I'd regret it now
    Kids (in their 20s) couldn't care less about it. I put a sheet with approx values and instructions how to sell. I may have put RYK's phone number on the sheet for questions image
    It is mothballed (currently locked away in SDB). Another few years is certainly doable.

    PVetter asked:
    Why not upgrade some of them?

    I upgraded most of those coins several times before ending up where it is now. No interest in any changes. You must be a dealer image

    Again, thanks for the comments. I'll follow the majority and hold for now. >>

    LOL! I'm sure you don't need the money, Barry.

    If you decide to sell it someday though I'd like first dibs.

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,465 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Bochiman asked:

    << <i>So, do you need the money if you sell it?
    Do you want to 100% divest of coins and related bits?
    Do you have children it would go to and would they enjoy it or even know what to do with it (what will happen to it "post-Barry")?
    Would you think of "mothballing" it, again, for awhile? You mentioned it's been a year since you looked at it.....what about another year, or two, or 5? >>

    Barry answers:
    Not really
    I could divest of coins 100% and don't think I'd regret it now
    Kids (in their 20s) couldn't care less about it. I put a sheet with approx values and instructions how to sell. I may have put RYK's phone number on the sheet for questions image
    It is mothballed (currently locked away in SDB). Another few years is certainly doable.

    PVetter asked:
    Why not upgrade some of them?

    I upgraded most of those coins several times before ending up where it is now. No interest in any changes. You must be a dealer image

    Again, thanks for the comments. I'll follow the majority and hold for now. >>

    Thanks for answering...some of it (like the money question) wasn't to get personal but rather kind of rhetorical as something just to toss out.
    For most folks here, with coins like that, it isn't a money issue.
    However, selling if one really doesn't want something at least gets the funds to put elsewhere, if warranted and wanted.
    I find myself asking myself the same questions I asked you, whenever I go to evaluate the SDB coins. Matter of fact, I went there the other day and looked at a bunch of (common) morgans, franklins, etc, and was trying to figure out if it is worth the effort to sell or not. I really want to give them to my son (or grandkids...way down the line) someday, but they aren't giving me much pleasure right now. Same for the toned SAEs that I still have. Only a couple give me pleasure to view/own. The others are "just nice".

    Selling them just isn't something I feel like putting any amount of time into right now.

    Again, really nice 7070 and I hope, since it sounds like you will keep it for awhile, that it will once again give you some pleasure from owning it and looking at it.
    Thank you again for reminding us of it with the thread and link.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,015 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you don't sell it, it would be a neat time capsule for any eventual grandkids, as you first suggested. One of the best threads here was Darth50's thread about his gramps's collection. Your collection does have its appeal - and congrats on that!!

    If you think the money can be put to better use, you can always opt to sell.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • telephoto1telephoto1 Posts: 4,939 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If they aren't eating anything and you neither want nor need to sell, then this poll and thread are moot.

    RIP Mom- 1932-2012
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,444 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I voted sell, but not all at once. Take it to shows and find a bunch of coins that match a few of those seated coins or the Barber dime and keep having fun image
    So then, you sell, but not really. You play "show and tell" as you make it better , if you have the time , money, and passion for that. If not, enjoy it and find another project. (my personal opinion)
  • pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭
    I voted "yes". Where you divested in the last few years, but kept the 7070, you hedged, still thinking you might have the "bug". You looked at it again and still had no real feelings of restarting collecting because you asked us for our opinions. Obviously you know how to collect and if anyone (grandkids) shows interest, you could really help and have a blast with them, and your 7070 would be too advanced for a YN to handle. Use the money to have a spectacular vacation and bring those memories to the grave. (I hope I can listen to my own advise.)
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,670 ✭✭✭✭✭
    thats a real nice set. if you want something better or theres an really expensive coin or other thing then go for it
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭
    Don't sell unless you need the money now. It certainly doesn't take up much room and you can always sell it later.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭

    Hi gang - Resurrecting an old thread with an update, for those long-time members who still remember me. After talking with my kids (now in their early 30s), I decided the prudent thing would be to sell. I no longer collect, and have no interest in starting up again, so might as well keep them from getting ripped off when settling my estate some time in the future.

  • TreashuntTreashunt Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, good luck.


    BHNC #203

  • CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,364 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for the update and certainly respect your decision. Best wishes!!!

    Seated Half Society member #38
    "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
  • 1630Boston1630Boston Posts: 13,982 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update, good decision I think :)

    Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb

    Bad transactions with : nobody to date

  • ThreeCentSilverFLThreeCentSilverFL Posts: 1,694 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Did you sell back in 2014, or just recently?

  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭

    @ThreeCentSilverFL said:
    Did you sell back in 2014, or just recently?

    Just this week, and did quite well. The appreciation was mostly in the gold coins.

  • ChrisH821ChrisH821 Posts: 6,575 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That 7070 gold page by itself is worth quite a bit right now. I think they are selling in the $75-100 range.

    Collector, occasional seller

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to hear that you did well on the sale. Sorry to hear you will not be returning to the hobby. I am retired, and prior to retiring, I wondered if I would have enough to do and avoid boredom. Well... let me say this about that.... I have never had a boring day or hour. I have so many things I am involved in, I wonder how I had time to work a full time job. So, have fun in whatever endeavors you may now be pursuing..... and Good luck. Cheers, RickO

  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭

    Apologies to anyone who clicked on the link in the first post. Comcast eliminated their web hosting a number of years ago, so the link no longer works.

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