Interesting news report on Brett Bogus

Many of you may recall - or know from personal experience - Mr. Brett Bogus. He's been mentioned on these boards numerous times. I think one of the times might have even been in a favorable context.
(To jog your memory, he appeared on Pawn Stars not too long ago with some Republic of Texas currency. No transaction was consummated, as his $650,000 asking price was about $640,000 too high.)
Anyway, it seems our friend Mr. Bogus has gotten himself in hot water again. This time he's been charged with a felony - gold fraud.
Of course, good ol' Brett is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Just putting this out there as an FYI.
For those unfamiliar with Mr. Bogus, here's a bit on his background. He's been mentioned on the CU boards plenty over the years. A couple of threads that are self-explanatory ...
Just sayin'.
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
<< <i>... maybe someone could link us to something current about the issue... >>
Didn't mean to post outdated info.
Bogus criminal case summary at Harris County District Clerk's Office
Your comment He should change his name to Brett Convict. made me
rougher than the country clubs in California....Cheers, RickO
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
it took awhile, and a good local Texas lawyer, but I got
back all my money, and a few thousand dollars in
lawyer's fees.
Many years ago, when I didn't know the rules for
posting bad things about people, I actually got a
warning from the moderator at the time, and my
post was removed, I believe.
I had, and still have, NOTHING good to say about
Check out my current listings:
im not "piling on" anyone, im merely commenting on the topic. how many people wouldn't exchange several years of their life for millions of dollars that you get to keep ? how many people work their entire life, and don't see a million dollars ? "being mean" LOL not everyone will share your sym pathetic viewpoint for a criminal sorry but that's how it is
Well, when the grammar police throw you into grammar prison I'll continue to preach compassion and empathy.
Sorry for the preaching but I helped my wife in finding information for a paper she had to do while getting he masters and it really opened my eyes to some well bad issues that most do not see.
having bad grammar isn't illegal, stealing from people is. perhaps you should go visit bogus, bake him a cake with a file inside. I don't have sympathy empathy or compassion for criminals. perhaps for the victims of the criminals, but the criminals themselves, nope.
I love the way you make that gigantic leap from my sentiment of supporting the stringent sentence he is facing yet at the same time not condoning the insults, ...all the way to insinuating loving the bad guy at the expense of his victims.
You are not only a curious little fellow but cute as a button when you present your strawman argument.
Based on three previous convictions, and many
numerous other problems he's caused,
he would love to be out and able to do
the same.
And, I am fairly certain he would not be 'clean'
on parole - and I'd bet bucks that he would
con/rip off someone else, or numerous people.
He's pathological, imo - and parole would not
cause him to cease and desist his ways - he'd
just be more careful.
As a dealer, I've had contact with him at numerous
coin shows, social situations, and intense interaction
with him as I tried (and succeeded) in getting my
funds back from a bounced check he gave me.
Jail costs money, I understand - but he is the PERFECT
person to spend incarceration time for white collar crime.
I just can't think of, or are aware of, a more suitable crook
to be placed behind bars for along time.
im not "piling on" anyone, im merely commenting on the topic. how many people wouldn't exchange several years of their life for millions of dollars that you get to keep ? how many people work their entire life, and don't see a million dollars ? "being mean" LOL not everyone will share your sym pathetic viewpoint for a criminal sorry but that's how it is
The thought is appealing but I would pass.
on second thought I would do 90 days for a million, but only if I got a 3 for 1. was made trustee and got to sleep in a 1 room cell.
There was a movie where a guy offered 5 million for sex one night with some mans wife ( the figure may be wrong) and was turned down. I don't have that high of standards I guess
NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
Bogus lives in Humble, Texas???? NO WAY! yes way.
Not to take away from the irony, but it's actually pronounced 'umble' by the locals... my wife has family there.
well, according to some, we shouldn't "pile on" him, perhaps we should tell him to write "im sorry" on the chalk board 100 times and that should be sufficient punishment. personally I believe if you do the crime, you should do the time.
There you go, half-cocked again. NO one suggested he shouldn't "do the time."
That is so obvious now, makes me think you're being obtuse just to troll this thread a little longer.
Yes jail here in Texas wb really bad for him unless he is teaching a class on fraud. As I understand its not exactly club med jail.
The Meltdown with Brett Bogus (Jan. 23, 2014)
Bogus also stole coins from Ed Lee. Ed was kind enough to give this guy a job after he lost his job at Blanchard after getting arrested for something I don't know what. Ed paid for him to move up north and then he cheated Ed out of thousands plus stole his mailing list.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
In my opinion, parole would be a disaster.
Based on three previous convictions, and many
numerous other problems he's caused,
he would love to be out and able to do
the same.
And, I am fairly certain he would not be 'clean'
on parole - and I'd bet bucks that he would
con/rip off someone else, or numerous people.
He's pathological, imo - and parole would not
cause him to cease and desist his ways - he'd
just be more careful.
As a dealer, I've had contact with him at numerous
coin shows, social situations, and intense interaction
with him as I tried (and succeeded) in getting my
funds back from a bounced check he gave me.
Jail costs money, I understand - but he is the PERFECT
person to spend incarceration time for white collar crime.
I just can't think of, or are aware of, a more suitable crook
to be placed behind bars for a long time.
Fred I understand these feelings but if he was on probation he could get proper mental treatment. Also being on probation can and is much more like being on house arrest as they can put a GPS bracelet on him he can not take off, P&P can control all his money only giving him enough to survive on. He could then be made to work to pay those back he wronged along with doing community service. I can tell you that sometimes it is worse being on probation than it is being in jail. I had an employee that was on probation and could not do anything without permission from P&P. He had to give a schedule to his agent a week ahead of time for approval. His GPS thing would tell if he even stepped out side his door 10ft, he would get auto called up to 5 times a day and had to answer the phone and answer questions, could not use a computer (computer fraud), could not have a smart phone only one of the emergency phones that make outgoing calls with no other features. Finally if he violated his rules he would be put in jail for 90 days as punishment. Most people do not know these things if they have not dealt with it. He had 8 years of probation and after about 10 months he revoked himself as he said prison was better any day than being on probation. When in prison you have no responsibilities, I would prefer to have people actually pay for their crime instead of going to prison where they do not have to pay any serious amount of monetary compensation. At 2 cents an hour it will take a long time for the victims to recoup their funds that were stolen as the State will collect its' money first. Just my opinion from my experience.
March 2019 UPDATE:
His sentence runs through 2035, but he currently has a projected release date of September, 2023, unless he is paroled before that time.
Texas Dept of Criminal Justice Offender Information - Brett David Bogus
I was a parole officer until retired and I can tell you I had many parolees on my caseload over the years on interstate compact transfers from Texas because it is one tough state to be a criminal and they wanted to get as far from there as possible. I use to say if I was going to rob a bank it would not be in Texas.
I recall about twenty-five years ago Bogus was hyping Liberty double eagles. He had a complete date/m/m set the finest known at that time. Idk if it belonged to him or someone else perhaps Blanchard. maybe? Really sad to see so many good people in this hobby get betrayed. I had heard of others being thrown under the bus dealing with an outfit named Goldenwest numismatics years ago, but nothing for a long time. Perhaps the perp has moved onto final Judgement.
Glad to hear he is still incarcerated....Nothing but a nasty crook and would likely do the same if released. I hate thieves, and when I was in business, I caught several...(Company employees stealing)...All were terminated/prosecuted. Cheers, RickO
They can't lock him up for life. He will be back.
What a shameful way. I am sad for the entire hobby, due to this kind of ______ .( existence and behavior )
Sounds as if he is the type who needs asylum for the deranged. Build that wall. Put him on the other side. It disgraces , to act in such a manner.
These guys are cockroaches. One leaves another pops up.
I was just told about a grandmom who lost $1.2 million to a telemarketer. Very sad story. Fortunately, she has bit bull help and may see some of her money back. But its made her ill.