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Major error eye candy #6: Reeding struck through coin

jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
There is a type of error known as "struck through reeding", where the reeding comes off one coin and gets struck into another. It's not super common, but it's not particularly noteworthy either. This is what it looks like:


This is the opposite error. Just the reeding. No coin. It's amazing that this survived. Just as importantly, this is die struck. It's reeding from a dime, and you can see the O from ONE near the top right, along with various bits of leaves and stuff next to it.


Major error eye candy #1: Edge strike, double struck
Major error eye candy #2: 125% struck through cloth
Major error eye candy #3: Struck through feeder finger
Major error eye candy #4: 1955 Double Date Lincoln Cent
Major error eye candy #5: Nonface strikes


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