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Talers Professionally Re-Imaged

I posted these after the NYC Show binge yet felt that my pocket camera shots coupled with some scratches on the holders did not do the coins any justice. I sent these ATS for reholdering yet they also did me the courtesy of imaging the coins outside their holders. I really appreciate their efforts to accomodate.

I find these to be representative of how the coins seem in hand. The high resolution clearly exposes much more detail than the naked eye can see.

1569. Salzburg. Johann Jakob Khuen von Belasi (1560–1586) Guldentaler. DAV-123. NGC MS-65. This is one hell of a scarce piece and probably one of the better specimens preserved, if not the best.


1695. Salzburg. Johann Ernst von Thun und Hohenstein (1687-1709) Half Taler. KM-253. NGC MS-66. I saw this in hand prior to bidding. Full luster and reflection as if this coin was minted today. Paid lots for it, yet its the nicest of the type.


1761. Austria. Johann Joseph Fürst von Khevenhüller-Metsch (1706-1776) Taler. Vienna Mint. DAV-1188. NGC MS-62 PL. Beautiful and scarce coin, especially the reverse.


1724. Austria. Charles VI (1711-1740) Taler. Hall Mint. DAV-1054. NGC MS-64.


1729. Austria. Charles VI (1711-1740) Taler. DAV-1054. Hall Mint. Beautiful color to this one. NGC MS-63


1733. Austria. Charles VI (1711-1740) Taler. DAV-1055. Hall Mint. NGC MS-64


1733. Austria. Charles VI (1711-1740) Half Taler. Herinek 486. Hall Mint. NGC MS-64



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