1983 Topps Baseball Cello box going down - Silent Movie style
So I don't start saying whacky stuff later will refrain from commentary through this rip unless asked a question. Note that this movie may include a small grill appearing in the last couple scenes.
- Time constraints may cause a delay though in completing the filming of this event today.
<<< >>> designates a slient movie 'caption'
<<< >>> designates a slient movie 'caption'
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
Scene Pack 1:
<<< The director yells from the back 'ORDER MORE TOP LOADERS ! CORNERS FINE' >>>
<<< Scare upcoming flash. The viewers GASP >>>
<<< The young little starlet screams and yells 'Nooooo Off Center Tommy Noooo - You know what's going to happen - I love YUUUUUUUUUU !!'
<<< Director yells 'WADE ! I know you want to still hang with your Beetches from your past - But YOU ARE a PROFESSIONAL NOW - expecting better results - Will save you... for now >>>
<<<The gum continues to fall freely - results here to date while filming are excellent >>>
<<<Jeopardy music playing while being presented with the random mind numbing pictures rotating on the screen over and over again like a psychedelic mind freak - Must scroll up and down for 5 minutes for full visual sedation effect. This includes the small stack of cards considered : 'uhhh - which way do they go ? can't toss can't keep' >>>>.'
Looking forward to the sequels!