Home Metal Detecting

Question for you detecting dudes (and dudettes)....

StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
My kiddo was talking to a neighbor who was talking about metal detecting (plus we have had fun watching the Diggers show a few times) and now my husband and youngest want to go detecting around the house, around the neighbors' houses--with permission of course, and I imagine they might like to use one on the beach someday (though we haven't gone to a beach in ages).

Anyway, what kind of detectors would people recommend for newbies, but that are of enough quality that the machine will last awhile/do good detection around an old house/might work on a beach? Or, could someone point me to a good place to read up on these?

They are excited and my coin/precious metal loving' heart would likely have fun too image.



  • Bayard1908Bayard1908 Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭
    I think the Garrett Ace 250 or 350 is a great starter machine for about $200. I put a sniper coin on mine and found hundreds of coins. After I was sure that I wanted to metal detect for a hobby, I graduated to a better detector and sold my Ace 250 for about what I paid.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with Bayard.... the Ace 250/300 make great starter machines....not good for the beach though (in the wet sand), and since you don't go (or haven't in a long time), that should not be a problem...Cheers, RickO
  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like a good one to start with. A beach function would have been a bonus, but I hate going to the beach so we rarely do image. Thanks!


  • spy88spy88 Posts: 764 ✭✭
    Keep in mind that even "beginner" MD's should have after-market waterproof coils available
    specifically designed for beaches/rivers/lakes.
    Everything starts and everything stops at precisely the right time for precisely the right reason.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The coil being waterproof is not the issue.... the wet salt/sand causes intolerable feedback on machines not designed for salt water detecting.... Cheers, RickO
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