Jim Willie's latest - Inflation/Deflation

American Numismatic Association Governor 2023 to 2025 - My posts reflect my own thoughts and are not those of the ANA.My Numismatics with Kenny Twitter Page
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ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative
2019 ANA Young Numismatist of the Year
Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>Just more "he said-she said" BS and guessing ala Sinclair >>
No one can claim they know when things will hit the fan but I believe within the next couple of years, the Willies and Sinclairs will be proven right.
Instagram - numismatistkenny
My Numismatics with Kenny Blog Page Best viewed on a laptop or monitor.
ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative
2019 ANA Young Numismatist of the Year
Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.
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<< <i>Just more "he said-she said" BS and guessing ala Sinclair >>
No one can claim they know when things will hit the fan but I believe within the next couple of years, the Willies and Sinclairs will be proven right. >>
folks been sayin that the past couple of years and for many years before that.
Of course, everyone defines "things" and "hitting the fan" differently. But by the commonly accepted definitions, not going to happen IMHO
We'll have our bubbles and crashes, our bull and bear markets, and local disasters like specific companies going bankrupt or hurricanes destroying cities... like we have for the past 200+ years. Some participants will win the games, some will lose, some will tie, and some will sit on the sidelines either cheering or booing.
your mileage may vary
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>Thanks for the link. I enjoy reading all opinions (including Baley's) before I form my own. I continue to agree with JW. Don't let the bashing of an opinion prevent you from adding it to your mental data base. Knowledge is the basis of valid opinion. >>
Oppositional behavior typically amuses and entertains me, Derry! The predictability is reinforcing.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Opinion should never be confused with knowledge. >>
Then don't. What I said was "knowledge is the basis of valid opinion." Ya really, really, really gotta start reading things the way they were written.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
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<< <i>Just more "he said-she said" BS and guessing ala Sinclair >>
No one can claim they know when things will hit the fan but I believe within the next couple of years, the Willies and Sinclairs will be proven right. >>
I think so as well. There won't be any real warning when the financial SHTF occurs again, making 2008 look like the warmup act. Those that have been pooh poohing the warnings of guys like Willie, Sinclair, Fekete
and others to get out of the system or at least reduce one's exposure will wake up one day and realize these guys were right all along. While it won't happen exactly like they say, it think it will happen.
<< <i>No one can claim they know when things will hit the fan but I believe within the next couple of years, the Willies and Sinclairs will be proven right. >>
<< <i>I think so as well. There won't be any real warning when the financial SHTF occurs again, making 2008 look like the warmup act. Those that have been pooh poohing the warnings of guys like Willie, Sinclair, Fekete and others to get out of the system or at least reduce one's exposure will wake up one day and realize these guys were right all along. While it won't happen exactly like they say, it think it will happen. >>
I agree. Warnings of pending economic crisis are always met with skepticism. And, the skeptics never seem to learn. Some very experienced and knowledgable individuals, who correctly warned of the previous crisis, continue to be ridiculed. As in 2008 they will get the last laugh. Seems like every time I watch a Peter Schiff interview he is already laughing at them.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Box of 20
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>"Buy low, sell high." Probably a good time for the stock market bugs to become gold bugs. Many of us here did this a bit too early, but better to be early than late to the party. >>
Relative value between the two assets classes has made PMs a more compelling investment than 2-3 years ago.3
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
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<< <i>Just more "he said-she said" BS and guessing ala Sinclair >>
No one can claim they know when things will hit the fan but I believe within the next couple of years, the Willies and Sinclairs will be proven right. >>
I think so as well. There won't be any real warning when the financial SHTF occurs again, making 2008 look like the warmup act. Those that have been pooh poohing the warnings of guys like Willie, Sinclair, Fekete
and others to get out of the system or at least reduce one's exposure will wake up one day and realize these guys were right all along. While it won't happen exactly like they say, it think it will happen. >>
Yes, fortunately time is the great equalizer. Someday they may be right, but for the last few years they have been terrible wrong.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Only if you gotta jump into the stock market thinking that there's no risk involved with QE. But there is.
Just more "he said-she said" BS and guessing ala Sinclair
Nope, he and Sinclair never reference each other, and their paths haven't really crossed, nor are their backgrounds similar. I consider their perspectives to be arrived at independently.
I would point out that Willie got some wrong information though. Some of his speculation based on Prince Bandar having been assassinated was based on that wrong supposition. That doesn't mean he's necessarily on the wrong track.
I do agree with him about inflation and deflation occurring on different fronts. It's been confusing at times to read that these would occur sequentially, rather than simultaneously. But his analysis makes sense.
I knew it would happen.