Nov 6, 2013: Before LordM posts his finds! 10 buttons and 1851 LC
Posts: 4,332 ✭✭✭✭
Had to sneak this in before LordM posts his finds and blows away these finds!
Got out today to a place that's yielded some good stuff in the past. Was slow going at first but managed 10 buttons, an 1851 large cent, and bowl portion of a spoon. Some of the buttons are pretty big! Couple of the tombacs have a nice design.
HH all!
Got out today to a place that's yielded some good stuff in the past. Was slow going at first but managed 10 buttons, an 1851 large cent, and bowl portion of a spoon. Some of the buttons are pretty big! Couple of the tombacs have a nice design.
HH all!
Most of my finds over here have been buttons like yours, actually, though all smaller ones. Your big 'uns are definitely 1700's!
Nice job on that sweet large cent. To find those and so many large flat buttons, you must have a pristine, nearly untouched site!
What is the legend on that apparent British military button's inscriptions? That one bears further research!
Speaking of things British, I hope to get at least one more full day in the fields here, though it appears it will be with a borrowed machine, and no pinpointer, as the death of my detector rendered my inline probe similarly useless.
Nice work- keep 'em beepin'!
BTW, if someone of YOUR skills got over here, you would no doubt give 'em some competition!