Hunted a couple of playground tear-outs today

At one of my local parks, they recently ripped out the equipment from the two playground areas. I noticed this a couple of days ago so I just went over there and hunted for about 45 minutes. The first spot only produced 3 Lincoln Memorials and one or two trash targets. The second had steeper ruts and piles of dirt and rock, and I did not stay there as long. Found just one trash target in the second location.
Anyone ever have luck with playground tear-outs?
Anyone ever have luck with playground tear-outs?
They don't particularly impress me as appealing places to hunt, however, unless they happen to be in older parks where silver is a possibility.
They're OK to plink around on and kill some time if there's nothing better to do, but I generally prefer more rewarding sites where I can pursue older quarry.