American Plantation Token Newman 4-E has Arrived----Come, take a look at this interesting Coin!
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It's a VERY Beautiful coin, even in a 'circulated' condition. I think it's loaded with eye appeal and certainly something New and completely different. I really don't think that anyone has ever posted one of these before. We are Wayyyy out there Friends walking along the tiniest little footpath of numismatics. ----- This is a curious coin, with the full weight of 144 grains and no tin pest. Recent analysis by Dennis Wierzba suggests that a portion of the approx. 50 known examples of this variety are 1688 era strikes, rather than 1828 impressions. He has identified two reverse die rotation positions, distinctly different. It appears that this coin carries rotation 1 which is identified with original strikes. The Tin coinage wears incredibly quick. I'd grade this as Fine+ and problem free. A very strange grade for one of these! .
Can you expand a bit on it? Where was it struck? Where did it circulate?
By 'plantation token', I presume you mean it was used as a 'company store' type of token? (i.e. for use only on the plantation of issue?)
Edit: Just read this info on these tokens. Cool pieces!
The plantation tokens were made of tin, and tin suffers from something called tin pest. According to the old time collectors tin pest is progressive and irreversible. According them it just keeps going and going, and there is nothing you can do.
I have some presidential campaign tokens that are like this. I have kept them dry and stored as well as I could, and they have not gotten worse. I say to you as a warning. Do not look at the condition of this coin as a stable thing. Keep an eye on it for deterioration.