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Law Enforcement Seminar at F.U.N. Show in January

Law Enforcement Seminar at F.U.N. Show in January

Numismatic Crime Information Center to Conduct Law Enforcement Seminar During F.U.N Show - January 2014

The Numismatic Crime Information Center will offer a one-day training class on "Numismatic Crime Investigations" for local, state and federal law enforcement officers. The class will be held in conjunction with the F.U.N. 59th Annual Convention January 9-12, 2014.

The class is designed to provide law-enforcement personnel, including patrol officers, detectives, investigators and prosecutors, with the fundamental investigative techniques, knowledge and understanding to respond effectively to the complex challenges encountered during a numismatic crime. The class will be held at the Orlando County Convention Center on January 10, 2014 from 8am-4:30pm and is free for law-enforcement personnel.

"We are excited to partner with the members of F.U.N. and present an educational program that will provide investigative tools and resources to the law enforcement community during the investigation of a numismatic crime", said Doug Davis Founder and President of the Numismatic Crime Information Center.

Topics to be covered in the one-day course include: types of coins, medals, tokens and paper money; factors effecting numismatic crime, coin shop robberies, burglaries, counterfeiting; precious metals, including new laws governing the purchase of such metals; jurisdictional issues; organized crime groups and a look at the victims of numismatic crimes.

Dealers and collectors are urged to provide local law enforcement officers a copy of the seminar brochure attached.


The education of law enforcement in the area of numismatic crime investigations is only one of several strategic initiatives of the Numismatic Crime Information Center. Additional information on the course can be obtained from Doug Davis at 817-723-7231 or Doug@numismaticcrimes.org.

Numismatic Crime Information Center


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    rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is a great idea....I wish they would give one to the dealers and stress the importance of not leaving their inventory in the car while going to eat. Cheers, RickO

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