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***CONGRATS to the 5 WINNERS*** of the Glendale Coin Club Gold & Silver Coin Raffle 10/27/2013!!


Just got back from the show today and it was a great overall show for the club. The show seemed pretty well attended and many of the attendees had fun participating in our gold and silver coin raffle too. At 4:00pm we had our drawing and I'm happy to announce that we had 4 winners from the forum, including the top two prizes!!!!

Forum members won the following (I'll only post the user names of the winners after they consent):

2008 Austria Silver Philharmonic - won by Wingsrule
2005 Canada Silver Maple Leaf - won by CCC2010
1915 Austria Ducat Gold - won by BruceS
1897 France 20 Francs Gold - won by hchcoin

And of course another forum member won the CU only prize of the 1945 Mexico Dos Pesos Gold... the winner was SurfinxHI!

I have already sent the winners a notice by PM, so if you didn't get a message, I'm sorry that you did not win.

Thanks again to all who participated in our drawing as it really does help out our club for the year and hopefully everyone has fun with it... especially the lucky winners!!!!


It is that time of year again! I have posted similar threads in connection with our coin club's annual fundraiser in the past couple of years and forum members have won prizes each time, including one winning the big prize in 2011! You can see my previous years' threads here:

2012 thread
2011 thread

This year I've been elected as the President of the Glendale, CA Coin Club and our annual coin show in Van Nuys, CA will be held Sunday, October 27, 2013 at the Van Nuys Masonic Hall. At the show, a Gold & Silver Coin Drawing will be held at 4:00 p.m. The club purchases the gold and silver coins during the year and raffles them off at our show to bring people in to our show and to raise funds for the club. Of course, the gold and silver coins are a significant expense so we must sell a bunch of tickets just to break even, let alone get into the black. Thanks to the help of many forum members who purchased tickets in the last couple of years.

We have some really nice coins for our 2013 Raffle as follows:

1897 France 20 Francs Gold
1915 Austria Ducat Gold
1955 Mexico 5 Pesos Gold
2002 China 1/20th oz. Panda Gold
1945 Mexico Dos Pesos Gold
1945 Mexico Dos Pesos Gold
2013 U.S. Silver Eagle
2013 China Silver Panda
2005 Canada Silver Maple Leaf
2008 Austria Silver Philharmonic
1983 Mexico Silver Onza

In order to have a chance to win one or more of the above coins, you must buy tickets!! I'm posting them for sale here because you do NOT need to be in attendance to win the coins!!! Tickets are only $2 each or six (6) tickets for $10. Just think of how cool it will be to tell your friends you bought a gold or silver coin for only $2!!! image Payment by cash, check, money order or PayPal works, whatever works best for you.

Let me know if you'd like some tickets and I'll fill them out and make sure they get into the drawing. I'll also mail you the ticket stubs upon request (at no charge) if you would like them for your records. I'm making nothing in selling these, just trying to help out one of my local coin clubs and allow the forum members a chance to have fun and to win it big!

Jay Robinson (forum member bigjpst), Vice-President of the Glendale Coin Club, and I will also have tickets for sale at our table at the Long Beach Coin Expo September 26-28, 2013 Table #448.

Here is a copy of one of the tickets:


Additionally, to show my personal appreciation to the forum and to support our club, and because I want to make sure at least one forum member wins something this year too, I will hold my own independent drawing for a 1945 Mexico Dos Pesos Gold coin. So at least one forum member will win gold this year regardless of how many buy tickets!

The 1945 Mexico Dos Pesos Gold coin will be awarded to a lucky forum member who purchased raffle tickets through me. Again, this is completely separate from the coin club raffle and I will select the winner of this special forum member only prize by a separate random draw. You'll get one chance in my draw for each coin club raffle ticket purchased. Good luck!

Here is a photo of the prizes, including the CU Forum Only prize image


Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to participate!

Thanks again for all of your support! image



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