1985 Topps Football Wax Case Break-Boxes for Sale

I decided to break this case and sell the boxes individually.
Here are some pictures:
The boxes are for the most part very clean. There are a couple that are little more worn, but with no affect on the packs. I will choose the nicest as I go, so first come first serve but please rest assured that every box is clean and you will like
I am going to price these at $175 including shipping. This is as low as there is out there including eBay. I believe BBCE is at $200. I am going to feel out how I do here before putting them on eBay.
As of today, I have all 20 available
Please PM me with any questions or to pick some up. I have very little room but if anyone is interested in multiple boxes PM me.
Here are some pictures:




The boxes are for the most part very clean. There are a couple that are little more worn, but with no affect on the packs. I will choose the nicest as I go, so first come first serve but please rest assured that every box is clean and you will like
I am going to price these at $175 including shipping. This is as low as there is out there including eBay. I believe BBCE is at $200. I am going to feel out how I do here before putting them on eBay.
As of today, I have all 20 available
Please PM me with any questions or to pick some up. I have very little room but if anyone is interested in multiple boxes PM me.
The Clockwork Angel Collection...brought to you by Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase
2 have been claimed...18 left
Two more claimed!
Great price, OP!
Only an idiot would have a message board signature.
<< <i>For anyone who is purchasing these to crack and grade, I'd be glad to purchase non-gradeable commons from you for set building.
Great price, OP! >>
EA Sports, I may have a box to send you of commons
10 sold, 10 left guys....
Successful transactions with: yankeeno7, raiderguy10, Beck6, CDsNuts, DaveP01, Dboneesq, Elemenopeo, gameusedhoop, georgebailey2, Goldlabels, gstarling, justmichael, etc
Working on.........
Tony Dorsett Master Set
1977 Topps Mexican FB (raw)
1957 Topps FB Set (raw or graded)
Put in second line to EA for commons. I want to build a sweet raw set.
Also, I need a box with James Lofton on the bottom for my registry set. Mine is authentic and I want to grade one.
<< <i>I believe BBCE is at $200. >>
They WERE $200.
Out of stock now and will probably raise their price next time they have them in... and no 10% discount... and add in shipping.
$175 delivered is a terrific price!
I have 14 sold and 6 left at this point
Successful transactions with: yankeeno7, raiderguy10, Beck6, CDsNuts, DaveP01, Dboneesq, Elemenopeo, gameusedhoop, georgebailey2, Goldlabels, gstarling, justmichael, etc
Working on.........
Tony Dorsett Master Set
1977 Topps Mexican FB (raw)
1957 Topps FB Set (raw or graded)
<< <i>Shouldn't you be down to 3 left? >>
Yes that's exactly what I have left, assuming the boxes I have set aside for people are sold and the buyers follow through
3 left
For those that have purchased these, I am hoping to make one trip to the UPS Store at once. With only 4 left, I anticipate selling out by tomorrow and shipping them all out by the end of the week. If anyone needs or wants them sooner, please PM me and I'll be sure to get yours out. Thanks
I have 13 boxes sold and paid for. I will ship these tomorrow regardless. Not fair to make those that have paid wait for everyone to pay.
I have 5 boxes set aside from people who committed and am awaiting payment
That leaves 2 boxes, assuming all 5 of the commitments come through
Thanks for offering this to the board at such a good price.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
<< <i>This will be my first attempt at keeping something sealed. Have picked up a few loose packs before but never been able to resist. I'm hoping that since it's a full box maybe I will have better restraint. >>
Good Luck with that.....a sealed Box just calls out to me in a louder voice............Open Me....Open Me....here I am just sitting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>This will be my first attempt at keeping something sealed. Have picked up a few loose packs before but never been able to resist. I'm hoping that since it's a full box maybe I will have better restraint. >>
Good Luck with that.....a sealed Box just calls out to me in a louder voice............Open Me....Open Me....here I am just sitting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, and it probably doesn't help that I'm about 2/3 done and actively building a graded 85 set right now. I suppose if I'm being honest the box probably doesn't stand a chance.
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Thanks again
Out of curiosity...did everyone get a box with packs in gray wrappers instead of the normal red/yellow? Anyone have any insight into this difference?
thanks - jim
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
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no grey rappers.. what is that?
Glad to hear everyone is getting their boxes. As I said, some were cleaner than others but all of them were decent. Centering is always tough with this set as are other issues
Grey Wrapper
Regular wrapper
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
My Ebay Auctions
<< <i>yes, there were stickers. 4 each of payton, elway and montana too. >>
Then I'm going with a sell out of helmet hats!
Got my boxes, well packaged, all good, thanks Todd.
I consider myself somewhat of a 1985 Topps Football expert, among many other things with this set, I have opened hundreds of boxes of packs, yes hundreds!
First the Grey/White pack configuration is a Wrapper printing error quite common for that year, I don't know why it is so common (I would guess at least 2-3% of all boxes I have opened were this variation as well as there being other wrapper configurations with different errors as far as coloring of the wrappers). All of both boxes I recieved are of this variety which leads me to believe they are all from the same manufacturing run, so all will be the same end product.
If you are looking for Gradeble cards from this set...DO NOT OPEN these Boxes.......I opened 10 packs from one box and the Consistency of the Off Center is the Worst I have ever seen for this set........Ever! The Topps QC department was on a 3 hour lunch that day!!!!! I then randomly opened 6 packs from the second box and they were exactly the same! I will be opening no more from these and I purchased them strictly to get gradeable cards.
Just thought I would save some of you the money...................................Take it or leave it!
ebay id Duffs_Dugout
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ebay id Duffs_Dugout
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tracking finally went through, seems they are some where in des moins IA?
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Good luck everyone!