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A dealer reneged on a sale of a coin to me today......



  • telephoto1telephoto1 Posts: 4,855 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>If I'm the dealer in this scenario, I take my lumps and honor the deal...and kick myself for not being more diligent in my research or updating prices.
    I'm no great fan of cherrypickers but if I'm the one quoting the price then I'm obligated to honor it. Period.

    To those who say they wouldn't feel right ripping a dealer, thanks. There are apparently very few of you out there.

    For many, numismatic ethics is a one way street; all dealers should be ethical to a fault, but if THEY see a rip..."Ethics? What ethics? He's an evil dealer who should know everything about every variety extant if he's selling coins for a living... and if he doesn't, tough. He probably ripped this from an old lady so I'm justified in ripping him." Same logic that shoplifters use..."evil greedy store makes money on this stuff, so I deserve to take this on behalf of the "little guys" they hose every day." >>

    I am not sure I am following your logic on this one. For example, if a dealer buys an 1829 bust dime for $30 from someone who brings it into their shop and then marks if for $50 at a show and then I come along and notice it is a curl based 2 worth $10,000, am I supposed to tell the dealer what it is and not buy the coin for $50 ??????? In addition, not many dealers would track down the original seller and pay them thousands of dollars after they were told what it was at the show.

    The shoplifting analogy is comparing something that is illegal with something that you feel is unethical. Apples and oranges in my opinion. >>

    OK...take the analogy out of my remarks then (even though it's the same mindset imo, if not the same activity)... however the rest still stands.

    And as to your hypothetical...since you feel you are justified in not telling the dealer and buying the piece...by your same reasoning the dealer shouldn't tell the previous owner if he's the one who discovers the variety... right?

    Nah, didn't think so.

    Like I said...one way street.

    And let me be clear; I'm not attempting to justify dealers ripping off the unknowing; I'm just pointing out the apparent hypocrisy of those who don't live by the same ethical standard to which they hold others.

    Edit for typo.

    RIP Mom- 1932-2012

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