Home Metal Detecting

June 1, 2013: Possible Connecticut Copper! 4 Silvers and 2 Buffs

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Got out today for several hours. It was 65 degrees by 7:30, so it was obvious it was going to be a scorcher. By the time I left it was around 93, exceptionally hot.

Went back to the place that yielded the draped bust large cent, gold ring, etc last week. After 15 minutes a sterling peace sign earring popped out. A little while later a very shallow signal revealed a higher grade 1920 Merc. Unfortunately I never expected it to be a silver coin, so I rubbed it coming out, and then noticed it was a merc, DOH!

It was pretty quiet for a while after, but managed two buffalo nickels as well (not pictured as they're still mixed in with everything else).

Later in the hunt and dealing with 90+ temperatures I decided to start heading towards the car... but not directly. Told myself I'd get going if nothing good popped out. A few minutes later a deeper signal came up... could it be a wheat cent? NOPE, turns out to be a copper! After looking it might be a Connecticut copper, looks like 1780s. Looks like "ONNE" can be seen on the obverse. What a surprise! If it is, it'll be my second state copper (got a Mass cent a couple years ago).

So, needless to say I hung around a while longer! Not much for a while, and once again I said, "if nothing comes up, time to ship out". A few minutes later... quarter signal turned into a silver ring! DOH, have to stay longer. A few more minutes pass and a 1944-P war nickel comes up! Finally said, "if nothing else..." and fortunately...nothing else came up. It was way too hot to be out there much longer.

HH all!

Fresh out of the hole after hiding for 150-200+ years!


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