...NICE! I just rolled out of bed, JK. I will fix the PM thing right now and Thanks Again for the Excitement and I can't wait to watch your next movie! Thanks for including me at #6
P.S. I am so happy to be a part of this that whatever you find in hole#6, I will buy from you just for keepsake (as long as you autograph it for me).
<< <i>I believe there are two slots left? I'm ready to claim one if/when it's available. >>
LochNESS was the first to post after 3:00 PM, so that slot goes to LochNESS.
LochNESS: pick your number: #2, or #10. >>
<< <i>I am so happy to be a part of this that whatever you find in hole#6, I will buy from you just for keepsake (as long as you autograph it for me). >>
It's kind of hard to autograph pulltabs.
Actually, I don't remember what Target #6 was, now, offhand, since I'm at work (and it's been a brutal night). It wasn't a pulltab. I didn't find any pulltabs the other day, because I was running coin mode discrimination.
I shall try to work a bit more on the movie Saturday afternoon, after I sleep off this hellish (busy!) graveyard shift. It is coming along pretty well, and if Saturday night's graveyard shift is not also hellish, I hope to put the wraps on it Sunday and have it up on YouTube.
Stay tuned for the final target allotment. I will announce that sometime before the movie is up, obviously. Just don't know when, yet.
OK, I have now survived a grueling weekend of busy graveyard shifts. Ugh.
And I have a movie! A 22-minute-long (!) movie, at that!
That's before I add the scene transitions, the opening and closing titles and credits, and the music.
Quite the production. I hope it doesn't bomb.
Now that I'm off for a day before going back into the grind, I'm gonna do my best to put the finishing touches on the dig flick today.
Then I'll have to try and upload it. Which will be challenging, on this connection. We'll see. I hope I don't have to break it into two parts.
In the future, I think my day-to-day videos will be much shorter, single-target clips with quite a bit less chatty discussion. I can't sustain the effort of making these 22+ minute mini-epics more than once or twice a year, probably. But I'm learning the software, so future movies will be easier.
Anyway, before I blather on any more, I'll go ahead and open our final target allotment up.
LochNESS still hasn't picked his number, so we'll let the next person pick #2 or #10 and LochNESS will get whatever slot is left.
I'll make you work a little bit for this last slot in the game, though.
You must answer a (ridiculously easy) trivia question to get your place.
What is a traditional symbol used to represent a homecoming?
(I'm off to work with Windows Movie Maker instead of accounting spreadsheets, now...)
I completely botched the second-to-last target assignment, I think. Who knows what I was thinking.
LochNESS was not the first to post after 3:00 PM Eastern on the 31st.
It appears valente151 was, and chose Target #2. My bad. I will let valente151 have Target #2 as requested, and so Gil/Swampboy, you shall have Target #10 by default, OK? I'll send valente151 a PM.
Maybe next time you can run the event the same way but instead, produce 10 individual mini videos. This way as you go through them each item will be identified and we can talk about the goods and bads as they are released over say maybe a 10 hour period (One per hour).
The videos would be a lot smaller and we would have a lot more to talk about
Thanks for doing this and producing excitement on the MD forums.
<< <i>Maybe next time you can run the event the same way but instead, produce 10 individual mini videos. This way as you go through them each item will be identified and we can talk about the goods and bads as they are released over say maybe a 10 hour period (One per hour).
The videos would be a lot smaller and we would have a lot more to talk about
Thanks for doing this and producing excitement on the MD forums.
Ray >>
That was exactly the line of thinking I've come around to.
So this movie might be my one and only mini-epic. I believe it is almost 24 minutes long.
Yes, ladies and gentleman, there is now a completed movie saved on my hard drive.
I don't know if it will upload to YouTube on my present connection. I'll try.
If that doesn't happen, I'll bring it to work on my flash drive tomorrow afternoon and try uploading it on their T-1 connection.
<< <i>This is too confusing. I thought when I posted that I was interested in a spot, that was it. I didn't realize I had to post after Simon Says.
Next time I will pay more attention >>
Well, gee, sorr-eeee. I had to dribble the game slots out at different times, to buy myself time to edit the movie. But yeah, you're right. I even confused myself, when I initially gave you that slot. Sorry 'bout that. As mentioned, IOU a cheap-but-fun freebie if you like.
The movie is done, and even uploaded to YouTube now.
I think. My satellite connection has crapped out again and I'm back down to dialup speeds.
Excellent Video!!!!Really enjoyed!! Found the volume to be weak though. Could hear but hardly and my volume was all the way up? You did quite well being this is your 1st video. Congrats! Thanks again for your entertainment on this forum and the excitement of the hunt. Well done!! Rich
<< <i>Excellent Video!!!!Really enjoyed!! Found the volume to be weak though. Could hear but hardly and my volume was all the way up? You did quite well being this is your 1st video. Congrats! Thanks again for your entertainment on this forum and the excitement of the hunt. Well done!! Rich >>
Thanks. Actually, it's my second video, but the first was almost more of a slideshow. I am certainly still learning. Comment about volume noted and appreciated. I didn't want the background music to be overpowering, nor the audio in general, so I didn't crank it up. I don't have speakers at home so I listen on headphones. That might account for the discrepancy.
<< <i>I was going to ask about the probe but you listed it in the closing credits. Do you like it? >>
I like the Sun-Ray probe just fine. As you saw, it mounts on the shaft of my machine and uses the Garrett's power supply and discriminator settings. For the money, though, I would recommend going with a pocket probe.
<< <i>How long was your outing during this event? >>
I don't remember, but something like three hours, I think. Maybe only two. I dug only the ten targets you see here, but of course I was running "Coins" mode discrimination and being selective about which targets I dug. Which is not a good formula for finding gold or relics, but it does make one's coins-to-crap ratio better. (7 out of 10, in this case.) I'm out shape to the point where even a four- or five-hour hunt does me in for days. My knees hurt a little after this one, but it was just the right length to get out and get a little exercise without getting totally knackered, as the Brits say.
<< <i>I imagine the costs were low (since you own the equipment) but was wondering what it costs for a day of digging (for you). >>
Gas money was the biggest expense, as I live out in the boonies.
<< <i>Do you have any regular digging buddies? >>
Yes and no. I have two or three local dig buddies, but seldom get together with them. One is the famous Billy Ridenour, whose exploits I've posted many times before. The other is Steve Smith (aka "Millennium" here or "MillenniumDawg" on other sites). Steve is also a truly amazing treasure hunter, and was my first detecting mentor back in the early 1980s.
VERY VERY COOL LM!!!! I just watched the movie in its entirety and very much enjoyed it. I love how you chose such a historic spot and explained the story of the yellow ribbon around the tree and such! I very much would like to purchase my prize (1982 Lincoln) please let me know how I should pay for postage. I already promised myself before watching the movie that if you dug up any coin that I would have it slabbed by our host... So in the memory of your Fifth Movie, I will be getting that baby slabbed in a PCGS Genuine holder. I will then send it back to you for your autograph on the slab (as promised since it wasn't a pull-tab!) and then it will be forever preserved as one of the coolest keepsakes in my collection. Money isn't everything, but history sure is
Erik- just PM your snailmail address and I'll send you that cent. Don't worry about the postage- I'll pop that puppy in a regular envelope with a stamp.
(Might even slip another small find in there, who knows.)
Too funny that the crusty 1962 cent will get slabbed. I wonder what the graders will say.
P.S. I am so happy to be a part of this that whatever you find in hole#6, I will buy from you just for keepsake (as long as you autograph it for me).
<< <i>
<< <i>I believe there are two slots left? I'm ready to claim one if/when it's available.
LochNESS was the first to post after 3:00 PM, so that slot goes to LochNESS.
LochNESS: pick your number: #2, or #10. >>
<< <i>I am so happy to be a part of this that whatever you find in hole#6, I will buy from you just for keepsake (as long as you autograph it for me). >>
Actually, I don't remember what Target #6 was, now, offhand, since I'm at work (and it's been a brutal night). It wasn't a pulltab. I didn't find any pulltabs the other day, because I was running coin mode discrimination.
I shall try to work a bit more on the movie Saturday afternoon, after I sleep off this hellish (busy!) graveyard shift. It is coming along pretty well, and if Saturday night's graveyard shift is not also hellish, I hope to put the wraps on it Sunday and have it up on YouTube.
Stay tuned for the final target allotment. I will announce that sometime before the movie is up, obviously. Just don't know when, yet.
Anyway, I shall do my utmost to finish that dang movie and get it uploaded by (Monday, I hope.)
And I have a movie! A 22-minute-long (!) movie, at that!
That's before I add the scene transitions, the opening and closing titles and credits, and the music.
Quite the production. I hope it doesn't bomb.
Now that I'm off for a day before going back into the grind, I'm gonna do my best to put the finishing touches on the dig flick today.
Then I'll have to try and upload it. Which will be challenging, on this connection. We'll see. I hope I don't have to break it into two parts.
In the future, I think my day-to-day videos will be much shorter, single-target clips with quite a bit less chatty discussion. I can't sustain the effort of making these 22+ minute mini-epics more than once or twice a year, probably. But I'm learning the software, so future movies will be easier.
Anyway, before I blather on any more, I'll go ahead and open our final target allotment up.
LochNESS still hasn't picked his number, so we'll let the next person pick #2 or #10 and LochNESS will get whatever slot is left.
I'll make you work a little bit for this last slot in the game, though.
You must answer a (ridiculously easy) trivia question to get your place.
What is a traditional symbol used to represent a homecoming?
(I'm off to work with Windows Movie Maker instead of accounting spreadsheets, now...)
Symbols for #2 LM.
What is a yellow ribbon?
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Swampboy gets slot #2, and so LochNESS gets Target #10 by default.
I'm gonna have to sleep off graveyard shift at some point soon, but I'll get to work and put a wrap on this overblown production ASAP.
I completely botched the second-to-last target assignment, I think. Who knows what I was thinking.
LochNESS was not the first to post after 3:00 PM Eastern on the 31st.
It appears valente151 was, and chose Target #2. My bad. I will let valente151 have Target #2 as requested, and so Gil/Swampboy, you shall have Target #10 by default, OK? I'll send valente151 a PM.
The videos would be a lot smaller and we would have a lot more to talk about
Thanks for doing this and producing excitement on the MD forums.
<< <i>Maybe next time you can run the event the same way but instead, produce 10 individual mini videos. This way as you go through them each item will be identified and we can talk about the goods and bads as they are released over say maybe a 10 hour period (One per hour).
The videos would be a lot smaller and we would have a lot more to talk about
Thanks for doing this and producing excitement on the MD forums.
Ray >>
That was exactly the line of thinking I've come around to.
So this movie might be my one and only mini-epic. I believe it is almost 24 minutes long.
Yes, ladies and gentleman, there is now a completed movie saved on my hard drive.
I don't know if it will upload to YouTube on my present connection. I'll try.
If that doesn't happen, I'll bring it to work on my flash drive tomorrow afternoon and try uploading it on their T-1 connection.
Next time I will pay more attention
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
<< <i>This is too confusing. I thought when I posted that I was interested in a spot, that was it. I didn't realize I had to post after Simon Says.
Next time I will pay more attention >>
Well, gee, sorr-eeee. I had to dribble the game slots out at different times, to buy myself time to edit the movie. But yeah, you're right. I even confused myself, when I initially gave you that slot. Sorry 'bout that. As mentioned, IOU a cheap-but-fun freebie if you like.
The movie is done, and even uploaded to YouTube now.
I think. My satellite connection has crapped out again and I'm back down to dialup speeds.
Gotta go to work so Ill pick up with #5 when I get home.
Love that sound track.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
<< <i>Love that sound track. >>
Thank you! My stepfather will be delighted to know that. It's his creation.
Yes, folks, the movie is finally live. LMK what you think.
(I'll be adding the link to the OP, despite my currently boogered satellite connection. Meantime, it's got it's own thread, now.)
I concur on the soundtrack, gives it that "adventure movie" feel. Thanks for putting this together, it's really neat.
Thanks for taking the time to put the video together.
How long was your outing during this event?
I imagine the costs were low (since you own the equipment) but was wondering what it costs for a day of digging (for you).
Do you have any regular digging buddies?
<< <i>Excellent Video!!!!Really enjoyed!! Found the volume to be weak though. Could hear but hardly and my volume was all the way up? You did quite well being this is your 1st video. Congrats! Thanks again for your entertainment on this forum and the excitement of the hunt. Well done!! Rich >>
Thanks. Actually, it's my second video, but the first was almost more of a slideshow. I am certainly still learning. Comment about volume noted and appreciated. I didn't want the background music to be overpowering, nor the audio in general, so I didn't crank it up. I don't have speakers at home so I listen on headphones. That might account for the discrepancy.
<< <i>I was going to ask about the probe but you listed it in the closing credits. Do you like it? >>
I like the Sun-Ray probe just fine. As you saw, it mounts on the shaft of my machine and uses the Garrett's power supply and discriminator settings. For the money, though, I would recommend going with a pocket probe.
<< <i>How long was your outing during this event? >>
I don't remember, but something like three hours, I think. Maybe only two. I dug only the ten targets you see here, but of course I was running "Coins" mode discrimination and being selective about which targets I dug. Which is not a good formula for finding gold or relics, but it does make one's coins-to-crap ratio better. (7 out of 10, in this case.) I'm out shape to the point where even a four- or five-hour hunt does me in for days. My knees hurt a little after this one, but it was just the right length to get out and get a little exercise without getting totally knackered, as the Brits say.
<< <i>I imagine the costs were low (since you own the equipment) but was wondering what it costs for a day of digging (for you). >>
Gas money was the biggest expense, as I live out in the boonies.
<< <i>Do you have any regular digging buddies? >>
Yes and no. I have two or three local dig buddies, but seldom get together with them. One is the famous Billy Ridenour, whose exploits I've posted many times before. The other is Steve Smith (aka "Millennium" here or "MillenniumDawg" on other sites). Steve is also a truly amazing treasure hunter, and was my first detecting mentor back in the early 1980s.
What a hoot!
Edit to say: Thanks for my prize for target #10 LM.
Got it today.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Thanks again for the entertainment!
(Might even slip another small find in there, who knows.)
Too funny that the crusty 1962 cent will get slabbed. I wonder what the graders will say.
Thanks for the comments.
Congrats on the old silver!