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1802 Half Cent w/ 1800 Reverse. Rare. NO MONEY UPFRONT. NO GAMES

So of those of you who do not know -I have earned a terrible reputation on here. It is mainly my fault. Quite frankly it was silly to try and sell rolls of silver over a forum to begin with.
I am new to this forum but I am also new to coins.
I have an 1802 Half Cent. It is in rough shape. I am about to send to PCGS but I am putting this up here. It is for sale but also love to hear people's opinions. Grade? I do not know. I can look up PCGS and so few have ever been graded the different between a 4 and a 5 are fairly substantial. I am aware of fake pcgs slabs so I figured after so many have already deemed me a 'scam' on here as soon as I post a PCGS graded coin worth 15k+ I would have no shot or ever doing anything on here or other forums again.
So-if you are in or near Indianapolis-we can meet in person. I understand that is a long shot. If have reference and are a 'seasoned' collector I would consider sending it to you. I say consider because I'm not going to just FedEx the first person who says "Yeah me". I would also be open if you said "Here is a coin dealer I know-send it to him so he can look at it". That is fine. It would have to be real dealer-somebody who at least has a website. I don't want to hear send it to your Uncle Bob the Dealer at PO Box 149.
I know I am sort of going from 0 to 60 but I feel like this is a special coin that only a true collector would even be aware of-let alone appreciate it. The coin is in a holder. You can weigh it, put it under a loupe, etc. As long as you don't steal the coin or damage it then we are ok.

Message me.


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