Home Metal Detecting

May 12, 2013: 8 IHCs - 6 were in one hole! Two silver dimes too

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
Managed to sneak away from my mom's house for a couple hours of detecting. Went back to a park that's yielded some good stuff previously, and been pounding it pretty hard. Things are slowing down, but she still has a few things hidden.

About 10 minutes in a 1941-S merc shows up. A little bit later got a deeper signal, either a pull tab or something else. Pulled out an IHC! Then got another signal in the hole, another IHC! Then the pinpointer signaled more.... more IHCs! Turns out there were 6 in one hole. Was hoping a seated dime would pop out too, but still a neat find. First coin I checked was an 1...8...7...6. So close! The dates in the spill are: 1888, 1889, dateless, 1881, 1889, 1876. Got two additional in other areas - 1864 (not a fatty), and 1909.

Also squeaked out a dateless buffalo. Towards the end of the hunt, a nice 1904 Barber dime pops out. Seems like every hole had some nails in it. Probably why this hasn't been found before. Also got a gold-tone "knot" ring. Also finally found a quarter too (clad)!

5 Wheats too.

HH and Happy Mother's Day all!



  • demodiggerdemodigger Posts: 1,012
    Too bad its not an 04 S. Amazing how you always get so much over there. Are you the only one detecting in your area?
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Incredible...six IHC's in one hole.... must be an OLD park.... is that a button in the last picture?? Cheers, RickO
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,678 ✭✭✭✭✭
    holy cow, thts a great score for the most part, wtg
  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Too bad its not an 04 S. Amazing how you always get so much over there. Are you the only one detecting in your area? >>

    Hey Demo, I know people have hit these areas, but I think they've tended to cherry pick the signals. A lot of these signals are pull-tab-ish or nickel-ish, which many people tend to pass over. IHCs and WTNs tend to sound like pull tabs. Sometimes gold does too... just wish pull tabs didn't sound like pull tabs, haha. Also I've slowed down, way down, to detect these places, and got most of the shallow stuff out of the way last year. Now it's hitting the deeper, harder to find signals.

    << <i>Incredible...six IHC's in one hole.... must be an OLD park.... is that a button in the last picture?? Cheers, RickO >>

    Thanks RickO! The best I can tell this area (not sure when it was officially a "park) dates to the first part of the 1800s, maybe mid. Littered with nails though, so you have to go slow. That is a button in the last pic. Those flowers are one piece, which are secured to the back by two small metal prongs. The loop is still attached. Not sure on age though. Looks relatively modern, maybe 1930s through 60s? If you'd like I can snag a pic of the back.

    << <i>holy cow, thts a great score for the most part, wtg >>

    Thanks Johnny! It was pretty neat seeing them keep coming out. Just wish the soil was more kind to them.
  • hchcoinhchcoin Posts: 4,829 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You are a metal detecting GOD
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,805 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You seem to do pretty dang good in trashy areas. Would you mind sharing your list of equipment you use?


    PS: the reason I ask is that I liked to search old campsites along the Santa Fe, Mormon, trail but the trash is
    always the problem. Tons of iron nails, bolts, barb wire pieces, etc.
    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
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