I hear NRA leaders and top law enforcement experts on NPR explaining their reasoning behind the gun bill, in favor, and it makes total sense. I post those arguments on this forum and get called all kinds of names.
After the first time you wise up For those that don't know you put the clip in the piece by holding it against the palm of your hand and using your thumb to push it down, if you don't get the thumb out quickly the bolt will slam on it. M1 thumb. I only used it in infantry training regiment, about 6 weeks as I remember it, The M-16 of course replaced the M-14 which was still around until '68 or '69. A good friend was a sniper and carried one in 67-68.
<< <i>I hear NRA leaders and top law enforcement experts on NPR explaining their reasoning behind the gun bill, in favor, and it makes total sense. I post those arguments on this forum and get called all kinds of names. >>
Plenty of name calling from both sides, it's a very emotional issue for many.
I haven't fired a weapon in years but live in an area where most deer hunting is most prevalent. The deer are weighed in at the store in the village so you get to see people with their kill and hear their stories. Deer need to be hunted, or they overpopulate and starve or become road kill. I do love to bust chop's, I'll tell someone with a small doe that she looks like "a mean one, give you much trouble?"
I don't see any large magazines, but don't look for them either and rifles are using hanging in the back of a truck with the magazine removed. I do see a lot of older type hunting pieces, I think families that hunt pass down their weapons. I bought a cap and ball pistol a few years ago with thoughts of taking it to a range and trying it out, but some one told me they are a pain to keep clean, mine is in a closet somewhere.
I don't want to take peoples weapons away, I just think we need to bring some sanity to the issue, and that's enough said from me.
" My question on the background check bill is then thus: If it was so 'pointless' and won't change anything, why was there such a massive resistance against it? Why did anyone care at all? The gov't passes truly pointless bills all the time with no duds."
People are just plain tired of being told what to do by the govt. simple.
<< <i>" My question on the background check bill is then thus: If it was so 'pointless' and won't change anything, why was there such a massive resistance against it? >>
Actually I had no problem with the Bill as written and being a law-bidding citizen, it would have had no effect on me. However, Biden, BO's spokesman and the witch from California came right out and said, when they thought it was going to pass, they were going to attached all kinds of other amendments to it, including mag size limits, gun type limits and even registration. I could even see an annual tax being place on them even though there is already a federal tax on them when you buy them.
How goes that saying go? Give them an inch and they take a mile.
The Garands are around $1800 and the carbines were around 800 when I was looking online
I was going to look for a carbine last week at a show but I couldn't go I wound up working .
Thats a neat little weapon
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
<< <i>I hear NRA leaders and top law enforcement experts on NPR explaining their reasoning behind the gun bill, in favor, and it makes total sense. I post those arguments on this forum and get called all kinds of names.
Plenty of name calling from both sides, it's a very emotional issue for many.
I haven't fired a weapon in years but live in an area where most deer hunting is most prevalent. The deer are weighed in at the store in the village so you get to see people with their kill and hear their stories. Deer need to be hunted, or they overpopulate and starve or become road kill. I do love to bust chop's, I'll tell someone with a small doe that she looks like "a mean one, give you much trouble?"
I don't see any large magazines, but don't look for them either and rifles are using hanging in the back of a truck with the magazine removed. I do see a lot of older type hunting pieces, I think families that hunt pass down their weapons.
I bought a cap and ball pistol a few years ago with thoughts of taking it to a range and trying it out, but some one told me they are a pain to keep clean, mine is in a closet somewhere.
I don't want to take peoples weapons away, I just think we need to bring some sanity to the issue, and that's enough said from me.
Trust in the consensus
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>The Garands are around $1800 and the carbines were around 800 when I was looking online
I was going to look for a carbine last week at a show but I couldn't go I wound up working .
Thats a neat little weapon
That is why I like the Ruger 10/22. It is modeled after the M-1 Carbine
Hey Yellowboy, here a link that shows both of the guns together:
M-1 Garand & Carbine
Boy I wish Dad would have kept both of them and handed them down to me!!!!!!
i saw one of these at a gun show last Saturday but it wasn't for sale - well he didn't have a price on it!!
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>I just picked up my first AR-15 yesterday and 200 rounds. >>
Enjoy! Fun gun to poke holes in paper and great for taking care of Yotes!
People are just plain tired of being told what to do by the govt. simple.
<< <i>" My question on the background check bill is then thus: If it was so 'pointless' and won't change anything, why was there such a massive resistance against it? >>
Actually I had no problem with the Bill as written and being a law-bidding citizen, it would have had no effect on me. However, Biden, BO's spokesman and the witch from California came right out and said, when they thought it was going to pass, they were going to attached all kinds of other amendments to it, including mag size limits, gun type limits and even registration. I could even see an annual tax being place on them even though there is already a federal tax on them when you buy them.
How goes that saying go? Give them an inch and they take a mile.