morning muggings for gold and silver

I would like to think this isn't being coordinated from on high...
The artificial swan (with apologies to Dr. Taleb)
The artificial swan (with apologies to Dr. Taleb)
Markets (governments) can remain irrational longer than an investor can remain solvent.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>I think someone predicted that the conspiracy and manipulation theories were about to shift into high gear.
My apologies but i am not well versed in these things/events. What does this mean in lay man's language in terms of its effect on pm prices?
<< <i>
<< <i>I think someone predicted that the conspiracy and manipulation theories were about to shift into high gear.
My apologies but i am not well versed in these things/events. What does this mean in lay man's language in terms of its effect on pm prices? >>
Usually as the price of PMs fall, the cries of conspiracy and manipulation grow louder, as everyone knows PMs are preordained to go higher. And anything that prevents PMs from going up must be the coordinated efforts of the evil Banksters, Central banks, CU forum members, Bilderbergs, or any other nefarious organization.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I knew it would happen.
(Leave all the rest of the threads (conspiracy) alone...)
<< <i>We need a separate conspiracy thread. >>
<< <i>We need a separate conspiracy thread. >>
Better yet.....a conspiracy forum.
<< <i>
<< <i>We need a separate conspiracy thread. >>
Better yet.....a conspiracy forum.
There is one of those , they are just not telling anyone about it.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Nah better to believe the evil banksters want to take all your money.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Please show me evidence that JPM is taking a short position on it's one behalf. Is it not possible that CDE Is hedging its production in using JPM as agent?
Nah better to believe the evil banksters want to take all your money. >>
Oh, but it's not possible that JPM is the FOMC's agent? Sure producers hedge, but nowhere near the volume JPM is shorting.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Explaining the effect on PMs is well beyond my expertise, and the scope of these forum threads. It is, however, closely related to deep-pocket-entities (JP Morgan in particular) using the futures market to force the price in one direction or the other. The reasons for doing so may be at the request of central backs and fed in order to stabilize markets/currency (not necessarily a nefarious or profit-seeking motive). None-the-less, it violates both the implied trust and the stated trust of a supply/demand driven free market.
Yes, it might screw the farmers and those that truly need to hedge production etc, but it might save everything else. Fun part is, how would they unravel all those hedged positions.
JPM shorting 10-12 years of world production in silver, totally justifiable
BST Transactions (as the seller): Collectall, GRANDAM, epcjimi1, wondercoin, jmski52, wheathoarder, jay1187, jdsueu, grote15, airplanenut, bigole
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I believe we are in new, uncharted territory with repeal of Glass-Steagall, computer nanosecond trading in the 'market', >1 quad derivatives, 'new' accounting principles by banks keeping devalued investments on the books at former levels, Black letter law being ignored in GM bondholders getting shafted, etc etc etc that jmski52 can eloquently rattle off without a teleprompter.
Dow:Gold ratio?
Kondratiev season?
The currency race to the bottom worldwide?
The American 40 year + borrowing habit and the junkies still need more and lenders haven't cut us off yet, so we lend to ourselves, and pay GS a fee to pass these T's through...
If only I could run my private economic life and finances like my gov't does!! (ya know, run a little short, go upstairs, print some off to cover the shortfall, all is good)
Where is your 'buy' and 'back up the truck' price in terms of our local fiat?
Got cash?