Home Metal Detecting

Sept 17, 2012: Found a 1722-1724 Hibernia Halfpenny!

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
One of the old faithful fields has opened up. I hit this field a few days ago but only found a button. Decided to hit it again today. It's SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW going at this place. Like... SLOOOOOOOOW. Was about an hour and a half into the hunt with little more than a couple of various copper scraps and pieces of aluminum cans/foil. Finally hit a solid wheat cent-ish tone - those are very nice tones at this place.

Dug down a few inches and saw a smaller, thin copper disc come out. Couldn't immediately see anything, but before putting it away, it looked like a face with an up-turned or prominent nose. "Hmmm... alright, only a few coins have that profile??"

Got it home and unfortunately the reverse is toast, but based on the obverse, and what looks like harp lines on the reverse, she looks to be a 1722 to 1724 Hibernia Halfpenny. Based on the price guide, I'd bet be she's a 1723 as that's the least valuable - of course in this shape, value isn't a concern - just trying to get a better guess on the date.

Took a video but it's nothing exciting - just a green disc coming out of the dirt. Can post if anyone really cares.

My oldest coin to date!!!!!!!!!!!!! HH all!!



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