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New to the forum, and some observations about it

Good morning all. After much lurking I finally took the plunge and created an account. I want to post a little bit about me and my collection and then some general observations about this board that I have made.

I am a 31 year old male, Accountant, (prior to that an Infantryman), and a Libertarian. I have been collecting off and on since about 2005; my interest in coins originated from a coffee can of various silver coins that my parents kept in the closet. When I was very young I would periodically go get this jar out and dump it out on the table and "play" with the coins. The large (gigantic for a kid) silver dollars always fascinated me. I guess you could say I loved money even as a kid! During my teenage years I sold the coins to a coin dealer for about $80 and ran off to the beach with the money. Regretting this ever since, I began collecting again 7 years ago with the intent of rebuilding the collection I had foolishly squandered. Currently my collection consists of two segments, defined by my knowledge of collecting and the budgets available at the times I was most active. The early segment consists of many raw Morgan dollars and common date unc. Morgans (all raw) and a bunch of silver eagles, I made many mistakes in this early phase but luckily the rise in silver prices has paid my tuition! I remember "arguing over an 8th" with the coin dealer and not wanting to pay premiums over spot, which at the time was about 10-12 bucks, lol. How I wish I had gone in with a wheelbarrow! Anyway, the second phase of my collection consists of only slabbed coins purchased from Heritage and my focus is key date silver dollars. Recently I have been buying 1928 Peace dollars although I am starting to realize that they are not as scarce as I first thought. My current collecting goal is to simply collect key date coins from each silver dollar series and have a collection solely based on these. I also like large cents and commemorative half dollars, the 1927 Vermont in particular. I am excited to "work down" to early dollars and also to buy my first gold coin. To date I have never sold any coins or traded up. One of my primary goals (not ashamed to admit it) is to simply own a hoard of coins... but of better coins!

Now my observations about this forum: I have done a great deal of stock trading and one of the primary ways I would check to see if I was "right" in a trade was to scan message boards and articles to ensure that I was on the opposite side of the trade as the public. After doing this for some time and constantly scanning such message boards I began to become very bearish on people in general. What a delightful experience it is to have found this forum! Besides being very knowledgeable about coins, I get a sense that the average intelligence on this forum is many times higher than par. Many of you are older and carry a lifetime of wisdom which is evident in your postings. When disagreements arise arguments are often supported with facts. The pictures are great as well. I am really glad to be here and hope to learn a great deal!


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