Is Silver actually going up?

OF COURSE IT IS! Because I sold a few things 
Let the "never sell your Metals" comments begin! lol

Let the "never sell your Metals" comments begin! lol
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
I knew it would happen.
Is there anything else coming to check it and keep it down? Anymore quarterly reports or something else on the schedule? I was hoping also for some time at $26.
Still seems to be enough time during the summer months to stay somewhat lower or even have more low dips, as hope. I'm still buying, and on bigger chunks, but more choice consious now. If lower dips happen, I can be more casual on what I buy.
The 'when to sell' picture is different depending upon when you got in. Those that got in at $10 were wise and lucky and can ride the tides a bit better. Those of us coming in over the last purposely-hyped year have a slightly different squew on the risk. I intend to hold most of the stack, but when it goes Bull, and hits outrages high peaks during longer upswings and hoopla, I'll sell some quick during the spike. All I have to do is sell as "$spot" and they'll beat down the door to buy, even if spot is $38 or more on a spike.
people should seriously reconsider investing in something that is red today
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>Those extra 60 ASE that I purchased when silver was at $27.40 are looking pretty good today. >>
Nice, I'm also feeling good about the tube of Libertads I purchased as well as a couple of loose 2 oz Libs. Got the 1 oz Libs for $30 each after all the premiums and S&H. I'll take BU Libertads any day at that price.
<< <i>
Let the "never sell your Metals" comments begin! lol >>
i would but then i might get banned
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