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Qualifications for a UHR PL?

I have a 2009 Ultra High Relief MS70 FS that I had graded well before the PL designation was recognized. As it is now, value without the PL is about $5000. I'd love to resubmit it for a shot at the PL designation, but really have no idea if i'm close to getting it, or way off. Because of this, i'd hate to have to pay all this money for shippping, grading and $5000 of insurance, which will come to welll over $100 if it's obvious it wont qualify. What are some of the qualifications of the PL designation?


  • ianrussellianrussell Posts: 2,492 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Will you be attending any major coin show in the near future? I would be pleased to give you my opinion whether it's worth the effort.

    - Ian
    Ian Russell
    Owner/Founder GreatCollections
    GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values
  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,566 ✭✭✭
    Here is a thread from ATS where PL UHR's are discussed.

    Obviously, NGC and PCGS may have different standards, so I'm just sharing this as an FYI.

    Edit: Also, if it helps, here is the original PCGS announcement that the PL designation would be used. They state that "Many of these business strike coins were minted from highly polished dies and warrant special recognition." The key is to examine your coin (both sides) and determine whether the finish is satin or reflective.
  • If you have more than one put them side by side and you should be able to see the difference. I've had 3 UHRs graded prior to PL designation and one was clearly more "prooflike" than the others when compared side by side. After resubmission it came back as MS69PL (it was originally MS69). Or as Ian suggested bring to the show or B&M and compare it to the other PLs
  • BillJonesBillJones Posts: 34,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m jealous. I got the die polish marks, but not the Proof-Like. image

    Oh well I usually don’t win the “mint lottery” when I order from them directly, and my UHR was no exception. I never got one those Proof dimes with "S" missing or even a small date cent from 1960 or 1970. I did get a mint set with a string among the coins one time, a Proof dime with a big thumb print on it and the dullest Draped Bust First Lady gold coin ever issued. So I guess have gotten my share of "mint errors. They just have been ones that were worth anything. image
    Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is totally subjective.

    Next time you're at a major show, if you have the chance to compare a PL and an non-PL with the labels covered up see if you can tell the difference. I've tried this many time and can't.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • I'm in the same situation here.I just had 2 friends that are avid collectors that I was showing my collection & when they saw my UHR MS69 First strike they both looked at me & asked,why haven't I submitted them for PL?.I said it wasn't offered at 1st & that I haven't looked at the coins in over 3 years..They stated that I should resubmit them immediately for PL using the Express service & also ask for regrades.It will wind up costing me $150.00 for both coins yet the upside is well worth it..Mailing out tomorrow so wish me luck!!image
  • Sort of in the same boat here. My First Strike MS70 Looks PL on the obverse , but the reverse has a satin look, I,m not sure what they would do with this one, but I guess it would come back unchanged.
  • A few collectors who viewed my coins said that I shouldn't have a problem with the PL but my onl concern is do they still remain "First Strike?.IF I can bump up 2 of my coins $3,625 to $5,250 that a $3,200 increase alone.If I get a 70 I'm taking everyone to dinner!!
  • johnny50johnny50 Posts: 101 ✭✭
    Yea, well mine would go from $5100 to $21500!
  • It's a no brainer for you.Spend the $75.00
  • I sent 2 into get regraded because they are most definitely PL image.I mailed them out Monday July 2nd overnight via Express Service level.They arrived at PCGS on Saturday the 7th(they're closed) & were entered early Monday morning in their system.I called Tuesday & was told that they would be graded by the end of the week & here it is Saturday & the grades are not available on their site which is up & working.I paid for 5 day EXPRESS service but now sitting here Saturday morning with the thumb you know where that 3 weeks ago I mailed in my 4 coin voucher & received my coins back in a total of 20 day's!Do you think that it's the coin(UHR) which is holding a high value that I can't explain that's causing this cause WTF is gonna happen when they have to grade 100,000 SF Eagles in a month from now???Should I complain?Any input appreciated,,Thanks

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