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New purchase: "brown" Indian cent proof [grade received]

rheddenrhedden Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭✭✭
Bought this proof Indian raw from eBay, which is always a gamble, but I received it yesterday and it's all there. Coin is absolutely original and looks free of troublesome hairlines after a quick inspection. It will grade "BN," but maybe a more appropriate color designation would be "RGBYOBN." Viewed face on, it's totally brown, but it's got some really nice iridescence when tilted under a lamp.

I have always thought that pretty toned BN and RB Indians can be preferable to full RD coins in many cases. They certainly have a lot of individuality and personality, which RD copper lacks! I am glad the market disagrees with me and allows me to purchase coins like this one for a fraction of the cost. Anyone with me on this?



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