CRO - when I went to lot viewing, the coin was elsewhere so I didn't see it. Yes, I saw the auction photograph - as we all know you can't grade a proof coin from an image.
<< <i>Why would it ever be necessary to buy a coin sight unseen? >>
Some sellers just won't jump through those hoops. You either want it or you don't. >>
You need someone to approve your overgraded problem coins with a sticker, some are going to MELT in years to come but as long as the sticker is still intact all is well.
<< <i>
<< <i>Why would it ever be necessary to buy a coin sight unseen? >>
Some sellers just won't jump through those hoops. You either want it or you don't. >>
You need someone to approve your overgraded problem coins with a sticker, some are going to MELT in years to come but as long as the sticker is still intact all is well.