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Bag of Coins.

Hey Guys,

Im going through the last little bit of stuff that my uncle gave to my grandma and will be listing off the baggy of coins she was given. Im just looking for an estimate of value I guess.

Mardi Gras "Celebrate" Michelob token 1984 Quanity: 2
"Knights of Momus" Mardi Gras "The Tremont House, Galveston Texas" Token quanity: 2
Great Carnivals of the world - Mardi Gras Galveston Texas "Knights of momus" 1871 quantity: 4
United States Of America One Dollar Coin 1776 - 1976 quanity: 2
"Wooden Nickel" Park and Fly Charleston, S.C. $1.00 parking credit quantity: 2
Wurstfest 25th year One Dollar Token quanity: 3
Nederlands 1 Krone quanity: 2
USA 1971 Half Dollar quanity: 3
Great Carnivals of the world - Mardi Gras Galveston 1969 - The SanLuis On Galvestone Isle Token
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti 50 Lira
Frederik IX Konge AF Danmark 1 krone
1 belgique 1952
Deutsche Demokratische Republik 5 pennings 1988
Elizabeth II Penny quanity: 3

1970 Belgique
Jamaica 1 dollar The RT. Ecellent Sir Alexander Bustamante
20 Koneek 1982
Uncirculated Philadelphia. Treasury United States Mint.
5 Ptas
Uncirculated Denver. Treasury United States Mint.
Rzeczpospolita Ludowa Polska 10 Zlotych
Beatrix Koninginder Nederlanden 1g 1982
Confederatio Helvetic 1980 20
Macyan Nepkoztarsasac 1 Forint
3 Konenkn 1983 cccp
Juliana Koningin Der Nederladen 5 cent 1980
Republique Francaise Fraternite 20 centimes 1968
Republique Francaise Fraternite Liberte Egalite 10 centimes 1985
Berlin Hauptstadt der DDR Sowjetisches ehrenmal
Elizabeth II 5 pence quanity: 4
Magyar Nepkoztarsasac 20 forint quanity: 2
Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa 2 zkv quanity: 2
5 beliqe
Repvbblica Italiana L 100 1976
Israel New sheqel quanity: 2
Juan Carlos 1 Rey De Espana 1975 Una Peseta quanity: 2
Elizabeth II one pound
Deutsche Demokratische Republic 10 Pfennig 1971
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti 100 Lira 1987 quanity: 2
NCO Om 25 cents Danang
1 belgie quanity: 2
Magyar Nepkoztarsasag 2 forint
Rzeczpospolita lundowa 10
India coin
Deutsche DemoKratische Republik 50 Pfennig
Juliania Koningin Nederlanden 10 cent
Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa 20 zlotych quanity: 2
Estados Unidos Mexicanos 20 cent
Juliana Koningin Der Nederlanden 1978 1g
Ceskolovenska SocialisticARepublika 10H
Rzeczpospolita ludowa 1985 1 zt
Beatrix Koninginder Nederlanden 5g
5 koheek 1986 quanity: 2
Elizabeth II D-G-REG-F-D-1992 10 pence quanity: 2
1 fr 1979 and 1989 quanity: 2
Ceskoslovenska socialisticka Republika 20 h quanity: 2
Repvbblica Italiana L500
Deutsche DemoKratische Republika 10 Pfennig
Polska Rzecszospolita Ludowa 10 zt
Carlos I Rey De espana 1975 5 PTAS
Margrethe II Danmark Dronning 1 Krone
1 peso
10 agorot Israel


  • StaircoinsStaircoins Posts: 2,567 ✭✭✭

    Cool bag of coins from all over the world! Looks like someone was quite the traveller.

    Most of the time, assortments like this tend to have more sentimental value than cash value though.

    Some folks do collect things like the Mardi Gras or other tokens, and some of other items here and there may be worth a couple of bucks - but largely the mixed world coins bring anywhere from 4/$1 to 10/$1 in most coin shops. Some even sell them by the pound.

    If you decide to sell them, including good pictures of everything will help you maximize the value on the lot.

  • Why not try the World Coin Forum? image
  • yosclimberyosclimber Posts: 4,802 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like most accumulations of foreign coins from travels, they are common coins; it would be hard to get $5 for the whole bag.
    So the value is mostly in the face value of the US coins:

    $2 United States Of America One Dollar Coin 1776 - 1976 quanity: 2
    $1.50 USA 1971 Half Dollar quanity: 3
    $1.91 Uncirculated Philadelphia. Treasury United States Mint. [assuming this is a mint set with a dollar coin]
    $1.91 Uncirculated Denver. Treasury United States Mint. [assuming this is a mint set with a dollar coin]
    $7.32 total

    Probably best is to divide the foreign coins into piles and give them out to kids in the family for Xmas....
  • Yes, like others have said world coins seem rare because they are unusual, but for the most part they are fairly common. I don't know squat about foreign coins, so I can't say you have absolutely nothing of value there. Your best bet is to post over in the World Coins forum and ask for some help there.
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,416 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Why not try the World Coin Forum? image >>

    good idea
  • Thank you for all the replies and suggestions guys! I'll make a post over in the other category and see what I can come up with.
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many of us who have traveled extensively, have such a bag of coins.... while not of significant cash value, they do represent memories.... Cheers, RickO
  • Hey everybody,

    Sorry I havent posted in awhile. Things got pretty hectic and I have been extremely busy lately. I greatly appreciate all the information you guys have given me.

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