Home Metal Detecting

May 7, 2012: What's with all the buckles?

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
A few days ago I got out to "the field" one last time before planting. Grass had actually grown in there limiting the areas to cover. But, I managed to find 3 buckles, none of them old. Fast forward to today. I got out to a recreation area and within a few minutes out pops another buckle, then 10 minutes later another buckle, and then a third buckle. What's going on??? None of them is old though.

Also today got 2 beat up IHCs - 1896 and 1900 and a really cool skeleton key - that's the neat find of the day!



  • Nice finds! Been a long time since I have dug a skeleton key.
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  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice skeleton key... a long time ago, I collected old keys...still have some. Even an old folding skeleton key. Surprising amount of buckles... never encountered that myself. Cheers, RickO
  • OldEastsideOldEastside Posts: 4,602 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like the kids were tired of spankings and hid pops beltsimage

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  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,270 ✭✭✭

    I bet there were alot of men with their pants around their ankles in that part of town back in the day.
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