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1878 Morgan, 7/8TF, yes?

Hey all. I went to a few pawn shops today, I don't have any coin dealers within an hour from me. I was searching through all of their Morgans for varieties. I went to one pawn shop, and as I was looking at the coins through my loupe, the owner comes up and says "that's not a CC buddy." I said "I know, I'm looking for varieties." He then said that I won't find anything.

When I got started collecting I really didn't like Morgans because I thought they were too bland, well, so much for not collecting them image

I had this in hand and handed this and my loupe to him, put them right in front of him, and he wouldn't take it, but assured me I wouldn't find anything worthwhile.

Well, what do you guys think, what would it grade if I sent it in? I paid $40 for it. I got about a hundred different coins while I was there for not to much money. Just in silver value I scored hard core. He sold me some foreign coins that he didn't look up but had priced at a very low dollar amount.



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