Home Metal Detecting

April 13, 2012 - 3 Silvers including Seated Dime!

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
WE FINALLY HAD SUNSHINE!!! After being in the 30s and 40s for the past three weeks, the weather finally decided to cooperate. Today was nice and sunny and just touched 60 - perfect detecting weather!

Headed out to a local park-ish area that I've hit before. Tried going very slow in one area but got nothing. Moved to another section and within 5 minutes a 1936 Merc pops out. Alright, now we're talking! A few minutes after that my first V nickel of the year shows - 1897. About 15 minutes later I get a shallow zincoln signal. Man, I tell you, I have to force myself to dig zincolns. Figured might as well just dig this one as signals are scarce...but also sometimes silver can sound like a zincoln. Wouldn't you know it a small charm comes to light. It has "FF" stamped on the back, but tests sterling (the heart looks to be brass). Maybe part of a charm bracelet?

As it's getting dark I get a deeper 12-42 signal on the e-trac, which is generally a wheat cent. After digging about 6 or so inches it was out. Still thinking wheat, I'm surprised to see a silver disc show itself. "What??? Looks like it might be a Barber...wait a second it's seated!" This wasn't expected at all - it's an 1853 with arrows Seated Dime with full Liberty!

Picked up a few wheats as well. You just never know what will come out. HH all

You can thank a beer can for that bandage... reached in the hole and next thing you know there's blood all over the place... it was a nice clean cut.


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